Growing Avacados from Seed?

Emmaus, PA(Zone 6a)

I did this many yrs ago.. they did well as houseplants, then the leaves just dried out and before i knew it, they died.. but not before growing quite tall.. over 6 ft.

Can growing them from seed still be done? I wonder, if the fruit has been altered so the seed wont grow.

How can i make growing them, this time, a success?

Any ideas?
thanks in advance!!

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

You can still grow them from seeds you get from the fruit at the groc stores.I've done it several might start with the fresh organic grown type.
Once it gets big enpough to plant then either add a light or check it for spider mites...that's the 2 most common thing I had trouble with.


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