Rain today

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

greenjay, I checked at 7 a.m. and it was 37. I almost dropped dead, I was NOT expecting cold morning temps this early. If we have a frost I hope we get a warning so I can take my coleus in.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

I hope we don't have frost yet. I haven't planted my last two lilacs yet. They have buds, and I'm waiting for them to leaf out before I put them in the ground.

And I just planted my irises and peonies today. They need to get settled in first.

I'm not going to get my crocuses until October. I hope it's not too late to put them in then.

I spent all of Sunday weeding, hacking, clearing. Probably picked at least a couple hundred weeds. I was clearing out an area where I want to put some raised beds. When I went to bed and closed my eyes, I kept seeing green. Green weeds that I had to pull. Every time I closed my eyes.

I hate Buffalo Bur.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Don't worry about your lilacs. As long as you give them some moisture they will be fine. If I were them, I wouldn't leaf out this late. I would wait until next year( Not that they have asked me.)

As for crocuses, as long as you get them in before the soil freezes, they will probably be fine. They have their food supplies with them and won't need more rations until spring when they will put out leaves and, hopefully, flowers.

Shepherd, MT

Finally the rain has come & it's a down pour, been pouring rain for 2 days now, it's a blessing since are last little rain fall was in Mid May, every thing is gone from the frost & growing season is over but the land is so dry & things were dying from lack of water, & the fires are burning up what is left , I hope Montana & the surrounding states to us are getting this much needed rain as the smoke is thick down here again from the fires coming out of Montana . I am on basement watch with this much rain all of a sudden.

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Is your rain just running off? Or is it soaking in. I'm sure glad to hear you got rain.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

It's great that you grow irises which wil tolderate drought. I, am also glad, the rain has come and is starting to put out the fires. Hopefully the smoke will die out soon. I know what it's like to live through forest fires. Horrible, that's what.

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

We are suposed to head up to Sheridan this week... I saw the "S" word in the forecast. I couldnt believe the temps I saw. Im so glad yall are getting some much needed rain. I hope you get none of that in your basement! I will be thinking of ya.

Denver, CO

Judith, it penetrated ths soil brilliantly here, because it was intermittant and had time to steep. Everything looks very happy.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

I am really please that I have a solid foundation in this new house. During the July 4th holiday, it rained fairly constantly, but when I went down into the basement, there were no leaks, no puddles, and no moisture.

I was a little unclear when talking about my lilacs. The lilacs that I have in the pots, that I have yet to plant, have plenty of leaves, but they've got some little buds at the top, and I wanted them to leaf out before I transplant them. I'm afraid that if I transplant them now, the buds will stop growing and die.

I have more bulbs and rhizomes to plant this weekend, and I don't even have the beds ready!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Story of my life, WH. Order the bulbs, rhizomes, then when they arrive run around like crazy trying to get them planted before it is too late.
By the way, did you ever figure out what was digging up the pots on your porch?

Shepherd, MT

The ground just sucked in the water like a sponge, more rain today & high winds & cold out. Yesterday the rain was turning to snow, the foothills are still socked in with clouds & fog but I bet they have snow, THe paper said the rain helped the Livingston Mt. fire, glad to hear that.
I just returned from Denver Monday & Wyoming is getting some nasty storms down by Wheatland, I had to pull off & let it pass the water was so deep running across the highway, there was no traction & visibility was so poor, the wipers would not go fast enough to clear the water from the windshield, I am hoping you don't hit any bad weather if you come up it's a long lonely drive from Denver be careful Shelly221.
The forecast is still saying a high chance of rain turning to snow.
We only have 2 seasons here Winter to Summer & Summer to Winter. I keep hoping every year will be the year with the 3rd season.

The basement is dry for now & hope it stays that way, but the sump is ready to go if need be.

Denver, CO

Mainecoon, you have another season- "mud," right, in leiu of spring?
I hope your basement stays dry.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Glad to hear that many of you are receiving rain. We had a little 2 hour shower Thur. afternoon, was most welcome but far too short. Did clear the air and I can breath better again.

This morning there was frost on the ground, didn't hurt anything but a definite warning to get the tender plants moved back inside.


Shepherd, MT

Spring what spring, we had very little sprinkles. I didn't have any mud untill now. It went from Cold to Hot.
Maybe next year we will have spring & rain, and no more frosts up untill June.

Shepherd, MT

Spring what spring, we had very little sprinkles. I didn't have any mud untill now. It went from Cold to Hot.
Maybe next year we will have spring & rain, and no more frosts up untill June.

Shepherd, MT

Spring what spring, we had very little sprinkles. I didn't have any mud untill now. It went from Cold to Hot.
Maybe next year we will have spring & rain, and no more frosts up untill June.

Denver, CO

DG on the fritz...

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I think it's the internet. I've been having problems all day with slow sites.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

The Dave's Garden forum says they were doing maintenance today and their upstream provider said they had a problem and used the word "attack". Anyhow, it seems to be improved now, but I can't upload pictures to my diary yet.

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

How about if we start a new thread, and just call it Rocky Mountain Weather. This one is getting too long. Next time you read this please go to Rocky Mountain Weather instead.

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