My biggest garden problem is too much or too little ...what?

There are a total of 581 votes:

Too much sun
(64 votes, 11%)
Red dot

Too much shade
(44 votes, 7%)
Red dot

Too few trees
(12 votes, 2%)
Red dot

Too many trees
(10 votes, 1%)
Red dot

Too much rain/snow
(11 votes, 1%)
Red dot

Not enough precipitation
(116 votes, 19%)
Red dot

Soil has too much clay
(125 votes, 21%)
Red dot

Soil has too much sand
(29 votes, 4%)
Red dot

Too little room to garden
(113 votes, 19%)
Red dot

Too much area to maintain
(57 votes, 9%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Wimberley, TX(Zone 8a)

Not enough rain. You can walk across the Blanco River right now and keep your feet dry! Last time that happened, we got hit by a 'hunert year flood. Always seems to be feast or famine here! I predict some floodin' down in Texas..... soon......I only hope the hill country is counted in!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Soferdig - I totally relate to the growing things not meant for your zone... (BTW, from a CA native and GA transplant, gardening in zone 6 is - uhm, quite challenging enough for ME at the moment!)

PhlowrsInPhilly - maybe you need some shade cloth?

bksmall - there have been only 4 things challenging & varied enough to amuse me for more than a few moments at a time - gardening, computers, books and my (currently-not-active-duty) Marine (DH) - not always in the same order or to the same degree, but they are definitely perennial challenges!

Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 9a)

I chose not enough precipitation...because at this point that is way too true. But, my biggest problem is not having enough time to garden, especially now that school is starting back.


Tucson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I chose not enough shade. Even though there were lots of options I could have gone with, like...not enough rain, I can water to help with that. But shade is hard to come by unless you start building. Sadly, I admit I should have planted trees so many years ago, but didn't. And yes, there should have been a "not enough time" button. I'm with starts next week and there goes most all of my play time in the garden :(

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I voted for too much clay soil, but the biggest problem is acutally bugs. It seems there are an abundance of them for every plant imaginable. Trying to deal with pests in an environmentally friendly way is my biggest problem.

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

If too much clay = pour drainage... then I voted right

Bolivar, TN(Zone 7a)

Too much clay, the "Bolivar Triangle" (not enough rain), deer, getting too old to do what I want to. I don't mind getting old, everything does, but I hate falling apart and not being able to work in my yard. Ticks me off no end and not a thing I can do about it.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

I am my worst enemy with having too much space for my energy level (and age) to maintain it in the manner which I invision and crave. It is slightly less than three acres in Nantucket and another acre plus garden in Vermont. But I do love it all save for the deer, ticks and the rabbits. Patti

This message was edited Aug 5, 2006 10:29 PM

Cape Town, South Africa

All we have is sand. Walking in the garden soil is like walking on the beach! And, it is "oily". When I water, it pools on top of the sand for a while and takes a while for it to drain in. We've been here a year and just moved into our own place. I'm starting a compost pile, which should help. We're from Hawaii and I got very excited this morning when I saw a plumeria tree in the trash down the street at a remodeling construction site. I broke off 7 of the stems and hope to have plumeria blossoms as soon as fragrant. I am so excited to find plumeria here, and hope they do grow in our little yard. I discovered this website while looking for advice on how to propagate the plumeria. Wish me luck!

Lisbon, Portugal(Zone 10a)

Hello there Crystalspin! ;-) Thanks for the welcome!
The things we do for love!! :-) It is love, every day when I get home I give my little boy a big hug, I kiss my husband, and then head straight to the varanda wondering how my babies are doing.. there's a large family for you! LOL

Hope your back gets better!



Oakland, CA(Zone 10b)

too much dry shade - California, with three trees in the back garden a redwood, an incense cedar, and a Douglas fir. Rooty and shady underneath, and nothing but vinca and English ivy (UGGH on both accounts) has been successful so far.

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