Midwest Lilies Continued

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Maxine, check out the photos here and see if any sound like yours. The photos enlarge if you click them.


What ever yours is, I love them. Great clump.

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Maxine, Is this one of those trick photos where you try and figure out what's different between the two? Both pics look the same to me.

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

That Rosepoint Lace is beautiful. You guys have me drooling! I sure hope someone does a BIG Lily Co-Op this fall!

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Wanda, mine are just starting to open. I have mostly Asiatics and Orientals and I'm just now getting it the LA, Orienpets, etc. I really need to win the lotto so I can stay home and garden till all the money would be gone. :) LOL What I really need to do is to hire someone to help me in the gardens. Maybe some day..


(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I need to win the lotto, Diann, so that I can have more than just a 20 ft. balcony to garden in! I need acres and acres, and of course, somebody to help with the weeding - lol.


Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Ya know, I actually enjoy weeding, it's very relaxing for me. But when I'm faced with a couple thousand square feet of weeding, it tends to make me a bit anxious. This weekend I will make it to the hosta beds!!!


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Lets try again. My daughter who is much smarter than me at these computers helped me with my pictures this morning.
Yes, it was the same picture posted once before.
Don't know if its no brains or OLD AGE??

Thumbnail by Maxine
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I love that bit of yellow in the bloom ~ it makes it a rich color.

Here is a new OT for me this year, Zagora. It's the softest butter yellow with a rose blush.

Thumbnail by Moby
Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Yummy! It's very nice. :) I was out on Lily Nook drooling over lilies... I need to get planted what I have...


Fox River Valley Are, WI(Zone 5a)

Ok this is my second lily to bloom but I dont know what it is, any suggestions?

Thank you,

Thumbnail by intercessor
Fox River Valley Are, WI(Zone 5a)

Different view...

Thumbnail by intercessor
Granite City, IL

I finally have time to post this year.

Here is black out

Thumbnail by puddleofmudd
Granite City, IL

Monte Negro

Thumbnail by puddleofmudd
Granite City, IL


Thumbnail by puddleofmudd
Granite City, IL

Yellow Tiger

Thumbnail by puddleofmudd
Granite City, IL


Thumbnail by puddleofmudd
Granite City, IL

Pink Tiger

Doesn't look very pink though

Thumbnail by puddleofmudd
Granite City, IL

Here is a row after the rain knocked themdown

The red are the Monte Negro the white are White Tigers

Thumbnail by puddleofmudd
Granite City, IL

the last for now is Ginza, I really like this one

Thumbnail by puddleofmudd
Haydenville, MA(Zone 5a)

WOOOH! Very pretty, can't wait for mine to get going!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Wow Puddles....you've been holding out on us! Can't wait to see what else you have in store. :)

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Yeah Puddles, what Moby said!! You've given us a peek now we want to see more!!!

I have new ones blooming, but haven't had time to take any pictures yet. I was mowing lawn tonight, started about 6 pm and quit at 9 pm, but I got it mowed. Good thing my husband mowed the east pasture, veggie garden and east yard yesterday or I wouldn't be done yet...

Anyone use Messenger on their lilies?


PS Oh yeah, as a reward for mowing all night and not playing in the gardens one stinking little bit, I'm eating the rest of my Ben and Jerry's Karamel Sutra. Yummm. :)

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Maxine - The Martagon looks like it may be Dalhansoni.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Good for you Ticker ~ you've earned it.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Gorgeous lilies Puddle! I think I NEED to get some of the Vermeer!!

Ticker, I have used Messenger on my lilies twice so far this year. I can really see the results in everything I have used it one.......things just take-off and grow like crazy! I'm going to try Mighty Plant next time I spray.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

What happens with the messenger? Are the flowers bigger? The stems taller? What? Also, where do you get this stuff?

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

There is a co-op for it right now.....I'm not sure when it closes.


I have noticed that all my plants are bigger than I they have ever been and they are blooming much more profusely. I spray it on my roses and haven't had as much blackspot as normal either. I love the stuff!

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

intercessor, I had one like that a few years ago. I didn't know the variety either. I got it from one of those cheapo catalogs, they said it was Black Beauty - LOL!

Thumbnail by revclaus
(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I've used Messenger this summer too. It has made everything larger than expected, no diseases, no pests. Here's everything on May 26th.

Thumbnail by revclaus
(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Here's everything yesterday. See what you think.

Thumbnail by revclaus
Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

WOW! Looks wonderful!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

revclaus, your balconey is wonderful. You have so much color in so little space. I use Messenger too and think it has helped.


Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

Admirable collection of containers and plants.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Orange martagon identity, please.

thanks, Maxine

Thumbnail by Maxine
Western, WI(Zone 4a)

This lily is called "Dani Arifin LA"
Purchased at "Funkys Gardens" Prescott, Wi.


Thumbnail by Maxine
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Dani has a sweet looking flower.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Maxine - It might be Nepera

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Ok, somebody stop me, I've been looking at the Lily Nook's catalog and there are several I'm drooling over...... I need to behave. I need to get in the ground what I have already.

Oh yeah, it's supposed to rain tomorrow....


Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Ticker, I love the Lily Nook, but the shipping and health certificate are killers. I figured out that you need to buy at least 100.00 worth of bulbs to break even, so plan accordingly or find someone to go in on these with you. I can spend 100.00 in a heartbeat, but I try to limit myself to one order a year.

Oh, the reason why you break even is because the price on the bulbs is Canadian, so in US dollars you're paying less that the listed price.

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Beaker, yeah, I noticed that. :) I also noticed that they had bulk sales going on on several of their lilies... I really need to behave, tho..


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