Ficus Scale

Timnath, CO(Zone 5b)

I just discovered that my 5 year old Ficus is covered with scale. It's a large plant and healthy, but I'd like to know of any surefire way to treat these insects. Plus, where do they come from? I never put my plants outside so I am unsure where the infestation may have come from.

Anyway, is there any good way to get rid of these beasties?


DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

"surefire" is difficult. I would recommend starting by physically removing them - scraping them off with something like a plastic plant tag, while being careful not to damage the plant. Repeat every week or two.

After that, you have your choice of hard core hazardous systemic chemicals (eg Orthene), soft but still somewhat hazardous chemicals (eg a spray with the active ingredient imidacloprid), and other less effective methods like neem oil sprays that some will say have no effect on scale (but when combined with some scraping, are often somewhat effective).

For eg, Orthene is a systemic that works on many kinds of scale. But, it is hazardous to humans, not OKed for use indoors, will stink up the place. It can be used both as a spray and a drench, and for a bad infestation, I would recommend doing both. However, again, it doesn't work on all kinds of scale, and is hazardous. There are also other types of systemics that are labeled for scale.

A less hazardous one is Bayer Advanced' rose or shrub spray - the active ingredient is imidacloprid. Some report that it is very effective on scale. Again, it can be used as a spray and a drench, and is systemic. I find it excellent on mealies, but not very effective on the scale I've had.

Then for more human-friendly use, a neem spray may be helpful - but I would only recommend it in conjunction with scraping. Well armoured and sealed scale is often impervious to oil sprays. Use a spreader/sticker with the neem if you are mixing it yourself.

Scale is a #$(@*. Good luck! And maybe others have good suggestions for dealing with it.

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