African Violet

Harper, TX(Zone 8a)

Can anyone tell me if you start a new plant from the old one, will the blossoms be the same color as the mother plant, or a different color, or white. I started a plant from one I already had and now the new one is really healthy. My first experience with AV's. Thanks Txsdar

Thumbnail by txsdar
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

They should be the same, txsdar!

If you're interested in further info, there is an African Violets and Gesneriad forum here at DG, and there are some 'Sticky Threads' (they stay at the top - they're full of information) with a lot of Q&A!

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

do come on over and sit a spell in the AV rocker.

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