I found Prince Charles

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

I have been looking for a Prince Charles Philo for two years. And I just got back from HD with one. They also had one called Autumn which looks similar but a bit darker and Moonshine or Moonbeam, I can't remember which one. They have it in a very short pot and I need to know if I can leave it in this pot or should I repot it. The pot is 6" across and 3" inches deep. It looks very nice in this sort of decorative pot. Should I repot or not?


Thumbnail by Plantcrazii
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Very pretty, is this the same as Prince of Orange. Looks similar. Mine has really grown since I got it last fall.

I left mine in same pot for about a month, then repotted to a larger pot. It really took off after I repotted it.

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