Show Us Your Columbine #2

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

The first was getting to long for dial up, so this is the new thread.
Below is #1

Finger Lakes, NY(Zone 6a)

Nora Barlow in its first year in my garden.

Thumbnail by rsquared
Finger Lakes, NY(Zone 6a)

I call this "The Ol' Man" because I have had it since I established this garden a decade ago and have never known the name of this columbine. It came from a clearance rack because it had lost its tag. It doesn't matter, with every year he gets better looking and more distiguished...just like most men.

Thumbnail by rsquared
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

My McKana's Giants hybrids seem to be doing the best, but the Origami are a close second. Here's the McKana's Giants. The coral bells next to them are Dulce Peach Melba. I love this combination!

Thumbnail by winging
Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 8b)

rahode, love that color, very pretty.

Brigham City, UT(Zone 5b)

Out irrigating today I snapped this pic of an almost finished columbine that came along with my delphinium.

Very nice flowers rahode and wing.


Thumbnail by MyRee
Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Andy, Did you have any idea what a long & wonderful thread you were starting?

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Has anyone heard of a Columbine called Yellow Swan? I ran across a post from last year about longest blooming perennials and someone said that the Yellow Swan bloomed all summer long. I've looked and looked and can't find it anywhere. I even d-mailed the poster and she had moved, so didn't have the plant anymore. I think she said she found it in a local nursery and she said she was in Colorado.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I googled and got 2 images, 1 a yellow aquilegia. From a Wholesale perennial grower, A. coerulea 'Swan Yellow'

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Once you find a wholesale grower, how do you go about finding who carries their products?

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

zen, you can sometimes contact the grower and they might tell you where the nearest outlet is.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks to everyone's beautiful pictures, I'm getting excited about trying more columbines!

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Dave, No. I've never started a thread that went more than 50 or 60 posts. This is a pleasant surprise.

This is my late one nearing full bloom. 'Music Harmony'
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

That is gorgeous! The flowers look huge, how big are they?

I have a pretty one just opened but the petals seem a bit droopy and damaged, I hope it improves. The corolla looks a bit like Biedermeier and it has the long spurs but is growing near Songbird which I now know is Cardinal, Robin is a pink.

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Wallaby, You had to ask.....
I just checked with a tape measure, the largest is 4 inches across.
Andy P

(Zone 6a)

This Columbine thread has got me more in to them, so today when I was at the GC I picked up a 'Biedermeier' and Semiaquilegia ecalcarata, which the PlantFiles says is actualy an Aquilegia. So it can cross with the other ones right?

And how do I pollinate a flower myself if I keep it under a baggy?
The plant has burgundy/purple flowers and stems. It's a self set from a 'Nora Barlow' and I want seed from it so I can get more since it's quite different from the others. Will the seed from a self set come true?

Thanks :)

Piedmont, MO(Zone 6a)

Wow, Andy, that Music Harmony is great!
Now I have to put that on my wish list for sure.

Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 8b)

That Music Harmony is a beautiful color, just lovely.

Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

Here's a volunteer. Purple and pretty


Thumbnail by Seedsower
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Lovely colour Seed!

Andy, I went out and measured my maroon one from Songbird, the first flower is always bigger. It's 4.25", I got a pic but it's a bit fuzzed, hard work holding the tape at the tip while taking a pic!

Thumbnail by wallaby1
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Here's one of mine, albeit 3 years ago. Alas, no current garden.

Thumbnail by darius
Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

nap and kaykay1010 - see the post above from MyRee on May 31st at 8:02 pm - the green seed pods form after the flowers fade away. They will dry up and turn brown. If keep a close eye on them, you can pick the dried pods before they break open and start distributing the seed. There's a lot of seed in every pod. Some people bag the seed pods to be sure and catch all the seed.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Kooger, how did you know !!!??? I was just going to ask about collecting the seeds!!!

If you remember one of my previous posts, I said I've been seeing columbine everywhere, including walking to the parking lot at work. Well, yesterday the woman was out there pulling weeds as I walked by and I complimented her on them. She said that when they turn to seed I should take some! I'm thrilled, because they are so pretty! Only I don't know when they will be ready.

They're like burgundy and yellow. I didn't have a camera but I will take one next time. I hope the rain didn't ruin them.

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

You mentioned it somewhere on thread #1 that u were looking for an answer to kaykay's question and I didn't see an answer -- then saw the photo of the pods so chimed in. :) Glad I could help - that's what gardening's about!!

edit - oh, and wonderful on the offer to pick some pods! Carry a zip lock baggie in ur pocket or purse and you'll be all set! The pods need to turn brown and rattle. Then the tops split open and you can pour out the seed, but watch closely cuz they can split open and be empty pretty quickly.

This message was edited Jun 4, 2006 2:49 PM

comebychance, NL(Zone 5b)

wow Sarahskeeper and wallaby1 beautyful columbine save those seed for a fall trade ,man what great pics you guys have and those two 4inch flowers that sarah a wallaby has im green guys got to have them.
Breaker_ch i planted some seed for a yellow columbine i was given no name for it but the pic that came with the seed looked just like the one on in that link wallaby1 gave you,unfortunet it wount flower until next year to get seed sorry if you dont get any this year keep me in mind for next year ,I WILL BE HERE lol

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I think I am about out now. This one popped open today.

Thumbnail by bigcityal
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Nice form al!

My latecomer is one that hasn't flowered before, it's near Songbird, has a yellow corolla so go that from biedermeier I think.

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)


Thumbnail by wallaby1
Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

So maybe that's the one I'm longing for then. Is it the same? I was out this afternoon so took the camera to where I work. Here's a collage of the one I love.

Thumbnail by nap
Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

For years this one was a single dark color. It seeded itself about with great abanded for years, but now this year it is blooming in many combination of colors. It comes up in the cracks on the stone terrace on the north side of our house best of all. This picture was taken in front of a climbing hydrangea planted in 1983 . Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

These are there too.

Thumbnail by nap
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

nap it does look very much like mine, but mine is from Songbird Cardinal self set, crossed with Biedermeier by the colour of the corolla. The spurs on mine look a little bigger than Cardinal but have a bit of the kinked look, yours has the long spurs that my Biedermeier has, although some of those do tend to be shorter and go sideways. The pics you see for seed look much different to mine, it was a bought plant. I think the seed sometimes isn't quite all it should be, but the violet one has the same form so they could be a Biedermeier mix.

Patti, such a cute litte one. Your top right one looks like my purple/blue and white Petticoats.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks for your opinion. I very much value it. I do intend to keep my eye open for dried up seed pods. Hopefully, next time I take a picture of them, they'll be growing at MY house.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

We poor gardeners in Montana get too late to the forum to be new but a couple of my favorites.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)


Thumbnail by Soferdig
Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

and finally a common one.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

You live in the Yukon - who are your fooing. That is a nice color.

Let's all share our leafminer patterns in the middle of summer LOL.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

You mentioned a Yellow Swan.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Al you know there is a valley of the Yukon that is a banana belt just like NW Montana. The columbines, yarrow, and many of the native Montana plants do well here. Oh yeah that color is very rare in the plant kingdom. Thanks Al

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

ooooo, did I beat everyone,,,,,I have interesting patterns already,,,,I'll take pics of both tomorrow.

That's IF Marie doesn't drag me kicking and screaming to all those greenhouses and nurseries that she insists I go to with her All Day,,,roflol


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