Philodendron - MG leaf shine, Neem oil, or nothing?

I'd like to clean up the leaves of my philodendrons (I don't want them to look fake, just clean) and I don't know what's best. They have some water spots on them that won't wipe off with a damp cloth. Here are my choices:
Miracle-Gro Leaf Shine that states on the label it won't clog the leaf pores
Neem oil, which makes my AV leaves shine so pretty (and helps with pests - seen or unseen), but I don't know if it's safe for philodendrons
Or should I just leave them alone and not take any chances and deal with the spots?

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Neem oil is absolutely safe for the Philos you've named. I use Neem regularly on houseplants(philos included) summered outdoors without any ill effect. YOu must be careful to use strictly according to package directions, though. Chances are, if it's safe to use on AV leaves, it's safe to use on Philos.

Super! Thank you! I'm anxious to get these repotted and groomed so they look their best. Neem oil was my first choice, but didn't want to take any chances.
Thanks again!

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