Looking to "adopt"

Cincinnati, OH

Hi everyone, I am looking to "adopt" a baby. I would like a variegated spider. I have the typical green, and, believe it or not, seem to have a hard time finding a variegated one. I know that these are always blooming and birthing "babies", so I had hoped that someone would be willing to part with one - Of course it will go to a good home. (OT - I am a Cub Scout leader and three years ago and this year, I taught the boys all about plant propagation, seeds, bulbs, et al. We planted seeds, and bulbs. At the end of the presentation, I gave each boy, 28 in all, a "baby" of mine that I rooted and had them plant.) I will send postage, or SASE. Please let me know.


Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

I have lots and even a small one that's rooted if you want.

Cincinnati, OH

That would be wonderful. Either is fine with me. Dmail me!!


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