Need help with repotting Elephant Ear

Richmond, VA

I have had this plant for 11 years and really need to repot it. I was told at one time to just cut the top half off and plant that but am not sure about the cutting of roots and such. Can anyone offer any help or suggestions.
This was my Dads and I took it right after his death and would really hate to do anything to kill it, but it is just not producing well and I know it could do so much better if it were happier!

Thumbnail by GreenThumbMom
in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

You have a philodendron not a Elephant ear. I hope someone can help you. I don't want to give you the wrong advice. I know how special this plant is to you. Good Luck.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4a)

I believe this is know as the Elephant Ear Philodendron or Selloum Philodendron (Philodendron bipinnatifidum). You can use a clean, heavy knife or an axe to cut off the top and enough aerial roots to start over. The bottom will also probably sprout new growth. But if it is not doing well, starting it over probably won't help. It would be good to put it outside for the warm weather, in a shady spot. When you bring it indoors in the fall, it would do best in a spot that gets good light. This is a tough plant that is hard to kill, but in order to look its best, it needs good conditions.

Susan in Minnesota

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