Seed Snatchin' XVIII - The Seeds Are Sproutin'

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Seed Snatchin' XVII was getting pretty long and hard to load, so here's a fresh new thread! I don't know about the rest of you, but I've been planting lots of those seeds I collected, and now my greenhouses are full of greenlings! Anybody else have success with those snatched seeds and plants?

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

ohhhhh, how pretty Weezin! yes, I have had loads of sucess and I'll show you soon! :)


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the new thread. It is much easier for us dial uppers to load.

Pretty stash of plants!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I have never heard of ...what is it ..dicentras? now don/t even get me started on new plants..heheh..
Yes the zinnias I planted from seeds in march.. I hope they go to seed, because I really like them.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

RJ, at this point, I am confused! I need to walk around with pen and paper to remember stuff anymore!!

I get my camera back today, and will post some pics of the garden and what I have coming up from seed if thats okay with you all!


This message was edited May 26, 2006 10:18 AM

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

That will be great Susan.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I have a few tulips that are setting seed. Has anyone successfully grown them from seed? Please tell me of your successes/failures.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi everyone!!! I am settling back enjoying the garden now - not as much work, just weeding!!!

I have had a tree death though.. :( One of my 2 young Weeping Cherries just DIED. First tree that's died in my yard I didn't know the reason for.. The other one is within 20 feet of it so it's strange. It does have an injury near the top so that's probably the cause - least it wasn't me..

How's the snatchin goin? My poppies are setting seed!! I doubt I will save them though - I still have seeds in the fridge from a co-op...

I just need to stop in more!!!


Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hey Nicole, yes you should stop in to visit more often :) So sad about your tree... I almost cried when losing a dogwood once. It happens. I'm busy and tired! The boys are out of shcool and I'm the entertainment director.


lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Good job Weezin.

When did you sow those seeds Weezin? They look healthy.

New Port Richey, FL(Zone 9a)

Can someone please answer a question for me? Since I am new to gardening, I have never attenpted to save seeds. I am looking forward to trying my hand at it. I have a Asclepias Red Butterfly plant that had grown a large "pod". Today I noticed that the pod had burst open and what look like seeds and white cotton was inside of the pod. The burst pod is hanging on to the plant. What do I do? Do I plant them like they are? Do I plant them in the same pot as the mother plant? Do I try to dry them out? I don't have a clue. Any help would be very greatly appreciated.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

If the pod has opened they are dry. Plant them in a tray, or where you want them to grow. Remember roots will compete for nutrients in the soil, so mama plant would most likely not be best place.
Hope this helps.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Sorry about your tree, NC! I can relate.

I have a spot where we used to have a Walnut. Nothing grew there. I have planted 4 trees there, but between the Walnut and the animals jumping on them I have lost them all. This week something broke the top off my beautiful 2 year old weeping Birch. DH tried to tie it back together, but I fear it is done for. Time to put in a soft bendy shrub....

I have Rose of Sharon, Butterfly Bush, and Perovskia seedlings coming up, which is good because I got none of my seeds planted due to an unexpected hospital stay. I am going to try planting all the ones that might work now, perennials and short term annuals.

New Port Richey, FL(Zone 9a)

Thank you Sugarweed!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Ivy, make a neat cut where the Birch broke and paint the cut surface with some latex paint to seal out disease. It just might make it.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

If you have a walnut tree, the dreaded juglone, will not let much grow in it's vicinity. If I were you and a dedicated gardener, I would have it taken out.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I have a black walnut tree in a pot and it was an orphan after a garden club plant auction...nobody wanted it. I had two and already found a home for one. My thinking was to plant it in the far back corner of the yard..However, I'm not sure.. I did know about this and I have read that there are certain plants that will make it under a walnut, just not every one and certainly not most.

I am getting leaf mold by the truck load from a local public works dept and it had crossed my mind that there must be some black walnut in there somewhere, but I don't guess it's a huge proportion to all the leaves they clean up over winter though.


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Be careful with that free mulch Susan. It can also contain poison oak or ivy, 50,000 weed seed and also diseases. If you get a sack from my curb those are the things in it. I save all my good leaves for compost and mulch. I want some small pine bark to dress my garden with this year. I have been scolded for using cypress chips.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

:) Sindey, it is free leaf mold from the city of Smyrna in the same county. They pick up leaves all season as they fall and it's only tree leaves and probably some grass too. They send it through a shredder and the biggest mountain of hot composting mulch is put out for all gardeners to come and get for free. They load it for us too. It is so sweet smelling, like sweet pipe tobacco. I've been to get 10 loads so far this season as I refuse to allow the weeds to come up as much as they have been any longer. I am using it as a mulch and it's beautiful, and I also have been using it as a clay ammendment in new beds. My biggest concern with it is that I need to be careful not to burn anly plants that I mulch it with if it's coming directly off my truck and into the bed. The pile it's been in is hot and it stays hot in the pile on my truck. I mulched a new bed with a load last night and I kept the hose nearby to cool it off once I had put it down. There is something in it that the squirels absolutely love. They will burrow down to pull it out of the ground and I've seen a bed look like someone fired bullets into it for all the digging they had done through it. :) Thankfully, no plants have been harmed :) When it breaks down, it will just continue to feed the soil and build it up. My time spent getting the leaf mold has certainly been in competition with the time I've spend getting seedlings planted out and of course, I'd hoped to put out more seedlings from my wintersowing efforts, but the leaf mold will only last so long and there's only one of me! My camera is back and the batteries are charged, so I should be able to finally show you some action instead of all talk!! :)


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Okey dokey, I'm sure yours is good if you get it hot.
Sorry I was such a downer. I'll try to do better in the future.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

defoecat- We took the walnut out 3 years ago- that's why the birch was doing so well, in fact, eveything in that area is finally thriving. That's why I'm so #@$%%@ mad about a stupid squirrel or coyote ripping it's head off.

Sidney- if it fits back together perfectly, do you think elmers glue around the outside of the break would seal it back together? The leaves are still looking green and moist, maybe because of DH's quick fix - mashing it back together and then tying it with a thick but pliable piece of plastic right around the wound point.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

It sounds like he just might have done the trick. If you can cut a V in one plant and make a wedge shaped point with another and fit them togeather to get a graft, I dont see why his repair shouldn't work.
I didn't know we'd chased Coyotes that far NE. Hope they leave your tree alone. You might try sprinkleing Habanero Sauce around. 10xs as Hot as Tabasco.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

I saw a coyote in the neighbor's yard right behind that area the other morning, and it was my first sighting, but I have heard others say we had them nearby. We have a new hawk family too. No more wild areas for either species, sadly.

Maybe I'll try some "Woman Scorned" hot sauce that I brought back from New Orleans 3 or 4 years ago! I only put Irish spring soap shavings on half my yard this year, I guess that was a mistake. Usually it keeps everything protected.

Hey, anybody- if I sow seeds of Cosmos and Cleome, plus some California Poppies will they actually bloom before winter? I have all these packets I couldn't sow when I was sick.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

:) Sidney, hugs back! :)

Ivy, glad your up and about now :) I have no idea, but I'm sure some would bloom before frost right somebody??


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Save the poppies to plant on New Years day. The others might bloom if planted now.
Hope so.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)


Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Okay.. Finally some pics.. Here are the foxgloves finishing their show and a huge nicotiana to the side in bloom. Behind them are the daylillies that just got transplanted, but are still blooming :) They were purchased from clearance at Wal-mart. The glads that just got put in this year from bloomingbulb and the co-op cannas in their second year.. I will probably be sharing these after this year!! :)


Thumbnail by soulgardenlove
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Here is the Oklahoma Redbud I pulled out of the dumpster last year. It doesn't have the best form right now, but I had a talk with her today, and she said she's going to be the best redbud in all the neighborhood if I just give her a chance to fill out. You can see where I had to cut several stems that didn't make it. I'm so glad I gave this tree a second chance :)

Thumbnail by soulgardenlove
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Sidney.. Thats the free leaf mold as mulch!! :)

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

This is gallardia that I grew from seed in it's second year. I'm such a fruitcake, I was sure that weeds had taken over the pots and I started to rip them out and then went to look them up in the plantfiles and saw the they DO look like weeds when they are coming up!! great flowers and they have been blooming for a bit now :)

Thumbnail by soulgardenlove
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for stopping by!! :)


Thumbnail by soulgardenlove
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Pink Flamingos anyone?? A good son watering the grass :)

Thumbnail by soulgardenlove
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Just beautiful Susan, Both crops, 2 legged and those in the soil.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Sidney :) I love those boys!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Wow! It's truly summer in other parts of the world. We're still getting nights in the lower 40's and days below 60F. Today it is chilly and rainy, and I'm taking advantage of the weather to catch up on some of the watched threads on DG. I haven't had any time to spare since we opened up the nursery on Memorial Day. I'm either waiting on customers or dragging out more of my wintered over perennials.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hey Weezins, glad to see you checking in.. Know you're busy!! :) Take care of yourself!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Thanks, Susan! Another chilly, wet day, but the rain subsided now and then, so I got a few customers. I got a little perennial sorting done... mostly columbine.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Soul--I have two OK redbuds and both of them also have 'interesting forms'...that's kinda what I like about them.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Just harvested my first seed heads today. Coreopsis, Early Sunrise. If anybody is interested in some LMK.

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