Photo by Melody

dmj1218's Member Page


  dmj1218 wants you to know:  
  • My second favorite website is: Soul of the Garden
  • The current local time for me is 03:22 AM
  • I'm in zone 9a
  • I live in west Houston, TX (Zone 9a)
  • My birthday is December 18

  A note from dmj1218:  
"I grow lots of things (I'm your basic plant collector) but mostly bulbs, including collector and rare bulbs from seed, small plants suitable for rock gardens, native plants, tropical hibiscus, Louisiana Iris, and also lots of herbs and vegetables. I am an active member of the International Bulb Society (IBS), Society for Louisiana Iris (SLA), Pacific Bulb Society (PBS),, American daffodil society (ADS), Texas Daffodil Society (TDS), and The North American Rock Garden Society (NARGS). I'm probably an active member of the National ADDH society too, but they haven't demanded I pay dues there yet.

If you have questions about plants, bulbs, or seeds--you can dmail me; but I may not be able to help you or answer your questions. I don't do a lot of trading--only with close friends."

dmj1218 signed up on Jul 30, 2001