May daily weather. Spring is SPRINGING!!!!

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

And one more. . .

Thumbnail by jcangemi
Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

They say its gonna rain here today but the clouds doesnt become thick enough and the sun is peaking trough.
Temp is still on 70 F
Because of the thin clouds nightemp is expected to go up and tomorrow they say its going to be even warmer

This is the first animal non of us could think of a name for right away. Yesterday when I went to bed I got a picture of the bird in the reception on the Muppetshow. You know the rugged looking grey bird that always got smacked by Miss Piggy :0)) So I think atleast I am gonna call him Gonzo. Gonzo have given me many laughs and this Dove makes us laugh too. He is a hilarious bird.
Oh and Andy he still have the garage space to fly around in, I only closed the door when I too the pictures If you could drive one big Chevy van sideways you could fit three (3) of them in there.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Gonzo it is!
Had a rain last night, hard for a while. We've had .9" in this month.
76.5 °F / 24.7 °C
Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 79%
Dew Point: 70 °F / 21 °C
Wind: 4.0 mph / 6.4 km/h from the South.
Nice size storm west of here coming in from the gulf.
T-storms, 60% chance of precipitation.
Janet those roses are like you said just about perfection.
I haven't put much effort in roses this year.
Farmers Almanac said;
10-11 Excellent time for planting corn, beans, peppers and other aboveground crops. Favorable time for sowing hay, fodder crops and grains. Plant flowers.
So I put in about 90 yesterday and everything else goes in this morning. Before the rain.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Chilly, mid 60's - very overcast - it might RAIN!

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Gonzo it is, good name.

As usual, more great pics on this informative thread.

The rain has subsided to drizzle, only a quarter inch since my last report.
Low 45 F, high 58, now 57. Light east wind.
Possible flooding rains predicted for the weekend, 3 to 5+ inches.
Here is a flower that will not survive that much rain. Taken this AM.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

In the low to mid 70s today!

With the sun hidden, and rain drizzling ever so often, it was ideal for planting.

Yesterday was a bit warmer, and had to come in sooner and more often, so didn't accomplish as much as I did today.

I'll finish planting 11 more vine seedlings tonite, then I'm done (for now)!

This weekend Palm Coast is having their biennial flower show at DBCC, so I'll be in another frenzy again next week. LOL

This Flutterbye climbing rose has a wonderful scent!


Thumbnail by grakay
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Oh roses. I can't wish for all that yet because then May would be over & I'm in no hurry.

Wind!!! Steady 25 - 30 mph, and it is! 62*tops. I worked behind the arborvitaes this morn.

Janett, love Gonzo for the pigeons name. I'd love to see more of your yard. I think it's fantastic to ''be'' in Sweden through photographs.

Amazing raindrop tulip photo!

Flutterby, neat name for a simple rose.

Centaurea montana, just can't capture the electric blue color.

Thumbnail by billyporter
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Pretty hot today - 92 on the porch under the roof and 88 under the trellis.

Updated: 3:51 PM PDT on May 11, 2006
Observed At: Van Nuys, California
Elevation: 797 ft / 243 m
83 °F / 28 °C
Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 42%
Dew Point: 58 °F / 14 °C
Wind: 8 mph / 13 km/h from the East
Pressure: 29.85 in / 1011 hPa
Heat Index: 83 °F / 28 °C
Visibility: 8.0 miles / 12.9 kilometers
UV: 5 out of 16
Clouds: Scattered Clouds 20000 ft / 6096 m
(Above Ground Level)

Andy, we have a rain gauge, but probably won't be needing it again until November.

Billy, about that rain, or lack thereof - everyone has a sprinkler system. I saw a saying once that was so appropriate - southern California: instant paradise, just add water. ;-)

Marylyn, did you watch any of the Astros/Dodgers games?

Here's my amaryllis. It isn't as pretty as Sidney's. These came with the house. According to the woman next door, most of the plants that came with our house were planted about 40 years ago.

Thumbnail by Kelli
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Kelli, they are very pretty. How neat to have old plants.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Pouring down rain !!! -Tornados south of us in the Virginia Maryland Phila. area. Stay safe folks. High winds here one tree half way down Scheduled for 2+ inches overnight.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Kelli, I've been listening to them on the radio. It was nice of your guys to let us win for once!! :-)

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Marylyn, it was nice of your guys to let us win two, to make it 5 wins in a row. I'm sure that was the first time this year. The Dodgers haven't been any too tough.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Gracie, how nice to have you drop in and add your rose to our great pictures this month.
Kelli I really love amaryllis when they get established like that. The picture I posted was one Jeremy who lives 6 blocks away got in a DG trade.
Andy, you could always cut that Tulip and put in a vase with a penny in the bottom. I read somewhere thats how to make them last a bit longer.
To cut poppies and milkweed, sear the cut end of stem before putting in vase with water.
That Centaurea montana is still a pretty and we can make it more electric in our minds.
76.1 °F / 24 °C
Humidity: 29%
Dew Point: 41.6 °F / 5 °C
Wind: 6.3 mph / 10 km/h from the South
Sunny, sunny, sunny.
Only rain in site comes from the water hose.

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

No rain today, yet. It's coming down hard 50 miles west of here, though. All moving very slowly this way. Flood warnings are up through Sunday.
Predictions are the rain band will stall over us for 36 hours. 2 to 6 inches possible.
My home is high enough to be safe.
I bought a new rain gauge this morning, the old one only measured up to 2 inches.

Low was 46, high 56, now 55 F. Light east wind.
What the old timers would call "Weather Breeder".

Here is another Tulip I shot yesterday.
I found that mist and drizzle is what 'sticks' best. Rain bounces off, lol.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Well, they said it was going to rain. Two drops then it stopped. I am glad it did, dont have time for rain. I have moved tons of weeds from half the fronyard and a sillion tons of slabs.moved the old "patio" from the shade to where its most sun during the day. tomorrow I am going to get the rest of the concrete slabs from the other side of the house and put/fill in the center.

Temp is well over 70 F but dont know how busy
Hugs Janett

Thumbnail by Janett_D
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Be smart when lifting Janett, take care of your back.

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the concerne Sidney. Having bad back and big problems with the Ischias nerve I always am carefull when lifting heavy stuff, scouts honor I am
but I dread to get up in the morning I swear every muscel in my whole body akes big time, but being CRAZY I know I wont take a day off tomorrow. Only if it raines frogs and hail rotflol

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Nice job Janett! That is a lot of work leveling those slabs! I hear you on doing it all again the next day! LOL!

Barely 50* and windy again!!! I counted up needed bags of mulch and worked on updating photo albums.

Andy! Are you serious? 2'', or did I miss a joke somewhere?

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Janett it is really looking neat and level. I'd get your kids to help and a hand truck.
(2 wheeled cart with handle and shelf to put the slabs on.)
I was just sure my whole wonder-womwn body was gonna last forever, LOL, even keeping the girdle tight and the joints go. And I was just getting warmed up to build a room or two.
Sorry to get off topic, the heat's already affecting me.

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Its cold and windy outside today.brrrrr
61 F
West wind 14 mph

Hanna was a good help with the lifting from the ground of the slabs with a shovel so I could get a good grip on them. I so wish the wonder woman body had lasted forever, :0))
The Cherry trees are in full bloom

Thumbnail by Janett_D
Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Sun is shining and off and on showers. Supposed to be rainy until the midle of next week. We'll take it!

Andy that is a beautiful shot of the misty tulip.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Well, it's sunny,
74.7 °F / 23 °C
Humidity: 31%
Dew Point: 42.0 °F / 5 °C
Wind: 2.7 mph / 4 km/h from the West
82° F | 57° F , so still able to work outside today.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Andy, love your misty tulips. The crispness of the water drops is terrific.
Apple blossoms, and wonder woman exertion with 'wonder'ful results.
The happiest amarylis I've ever seen, and it's forty years old? Wow.

Low - 57*
Now - 62*
High - 92* .. too soon, too soon, not ready for heat
DP - 20* - no dew here.
Hum - 14%

My Pleasure rose in full bloom. DS is 6'2" - for size.

Thumbnail by BloomsWithaView
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I'm drooling on the keyboard Blooms, for the plant, not the son. LOL
Those are just to die for.

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks everyone for the comments on the misty tulips. It's raining too hard today to take pics.
As of this hour we got .9 inches in the new gauge and 1.1 in the old (2 inch only) gauge.
That old one is more of a decoration than a real 'instrument', I think.
Yesterday, north of Hartford, CT there were measurements of 6 to 8 inches of rain when the line stalled there. It moved through here over night, we are now on the back side. I don't think we will get the predicted heavy stuff.
The area north of Boston is now under a Flash Flood warning. We'll see!!

Low 50 F, high 52 now 51. East wind at 10, moderate rain.

My poor Crabapple tree is still in bloom but drooping onto the ground, very sad.
Andy P

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

I forgot, Andy, I don't have a rain gauge because I can't find one that registers in the hundredths of an inch that we get when we do get "rain".

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Send it South Andy, we need it .

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

72o humidity at only 36%...

Been praying for more rain to quench Florida's thirsty soil.

Going out in a few minutes to finish up AGAIN......I love it when there is always room for a plant.


Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

I spoke too soon!
That narrow 'convergence zone' with the heavy rain has backed over us. We got nearly half an inch in half an hour.
I was looking out the back door at the overflowing bird bath and saw a robin taking shelter under the picnic table. Then I noticed a tan stream passing by.
The new construction next door has disrupted water absorption/runoff, now it all flows into my yard, by way of my perennial bed. My neighbor (with the flowers, too) is getting what passes through.
I hope it leaves more behind than it takes away.

We are now over 2 inches for this storm.

Blooms, I saw a gauge to hundredths, once. A long tapered cone.
Here are my two as of 4:30, shot through the basement window. The new one is easy to read. ($5 at Lowes)

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

In a good year we get about 9 inches of rain spread throughout the year.
However it frequently lands in a very small area up some canyon or other at maybe a third of an inch in three minutes. In that case get ready to climb.

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Our 'Flood Watch' has been upgraded to a Flood Warning.
Got another inch and a quarter overnight. Now at 3.5 for this storm not to mention the 1.2" from mid-week.
2 - 5 inches more is predicted before this 'event' is over, around Tuesday.
Today the flooding is mostly small streams and basements. Tomorrow will see major rivers overflowing, mostly in north east MA and south NH.
There is talk of 7 to 12 inches total in the worst hit areas.
I checked my perennial bed, some mulch was washed away and thick sediment has settled over everything. No real damage.
Poor Sarah, sits by the back door weighing the need to go out, verses the need to stay dry, LOL.
Andy P

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Poor Sarah!
Barely 50*, cold and breezy! Supposed to rain but hasn't yet.
I have 20 bags of mulch waiting to smother the chickweed!
Here are my Purple Koolaid Iris.
Oops, it is raining!

This message was edited May 14, 2006 10:44 AM

Thumbnail by billyporter
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Billie, those are sooo pretty and I like the name.
Still wanting some of Andy's rain.
82.8 °F / 28.2 °C
Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 31%
Dew Point: 49.1 °F / 9 °C
Wind: 8.1 mph / 13 km/h from the WNW
Just a prayer of a chance for rain.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

They are the padillas, but no one has given them another name, so I call it as I smell it. These have large blooms. I have more from the same friend, but they have small blooms. They still smell like koolaid tho. I don't know what the smaller ones might be.

WNW for us too. I'll send rain if you send heat!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

That's a DEAL!!!!

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Sidney, I wish I could send some rain your way.
The governor has issued a state of emergency, National Guard and all.
Light rain now, the worst is over for the time being.
Andy P

Edited to add this link, Video from Cable News.

This message was edited May 14, 2006 6:50 PM

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Andy, don't have to go to link, just watch the national news. You and Sarah are in my prayers. Stay warm and dry.
Thought about galloshes for Sarah? I bet she'd look great in them and look at you like you'ld just lost your last brain cell.

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks Sidney, Sarah and I are fine. It's the people 50 miles north of me that are in the thick of it.
I may have to pick a different rout to work in the morning, though.
It's cold, too. 46F
Tomorrow should be only showers. Tuesday will have more heavy rain.
I am way behind on planting now.
Andy P

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Had you in the back of my mind today, Andy, when I watched the Weather Channel.. Stay Safe Hope the sediment from the running water makes your plants POP this summer. Poor Sarah.

Off and On rain here today. Got fertilizer spread, Daylily seedlings are sending up new shoots.

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

OMG Andy, took a look at that link. How can people be so DUMM so they take joyrides in the flooding,? Don't they realise that it causes more damage on the flooded areas. Hope they issue hefty fines for them. Stay safe

Its pretty cold here. just above 60 F. The sun is still shining but they say its gonna rain later today.
Yeah right as they said about yesterday. It was supposed to rain all day, well yesterday went by fast........................... 3 minutes :0))

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