African Violet questions

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I just recently bought an African Violet at the grocery store. I realize they are common and figured they'd be easy to grow but they didn't come with any instructions. I looked them up in the PDB and almost all of the fields were blank.

I'd like to know what kind of sun they like, what pH they prefer, what to feed them and when, when to re-pot them, when to remove spent blooms (or not), etc........

As common as these are, I'm sure someone can answer my questions and then maybe even go into the PDB and fill in some of the empty fields as well.


Adamstown, MD(Zone 6b)

Hi Karrie - My violets love an east window. I let them dry out completely between waterings, only water about once a week. They do like to sit on a tray of pebbles with water to give them some humidity, especially in the winter when the heat dries out the house more. I also water more often, maybe every 5 days or so then. You can just feel if the potting soil is completely dried out. I always use a potting mix marked for African violets. They like to be pretty tight in the pot in order to bloom. Not totally root bound but "cosy." I'm not an expert on the different varieties, etc, most of mine came either from my mother-in-law or were impulse buys from local nurseries. None are marked with any varietal names. There is a forum devoted completely to African violets and the first thread is a sticky with lots of links. You can find out just about anything you want to know about them there. Check it out!


Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Thanks! I realized after I posted this the forum for them. There are so many forums my eyes can't take them all in!

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