What new perennials have you added for 2006?

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I have added these and ordered several from the co-ops going on!

Hosta: Tatoo I purchased this one locally

Marmalade and Stoplight coral bells

Giant Hybrid Columbine

Daylilies galore!

Teresa in KY

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Only one so far I have ordered is Campanula 'Beautiful Trust' BUT I plan on ordering more. Not a perennial but check out the annual forum and look at Impantiens namchabarwensis...blue diamond impatiens. It is to die for. I want some ....

Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

Well more Lobelia cardinalis,Bunch Berry, Sedum'Voodoo', Polemonium 'Stairway to Heaven, Heuchera 'Gypsy Dancer', Cornus 'Wolf Eyes', a few Hosta, and some no name astilbe to go near the garden by the road.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

This is my new pot of lobelia and nepeta-- a new idea for me to try to attract the Hummingbirds and butterflies early on.

And I have a ton of new perennials ready to go into my garden from my attempt at Wintersowing. All kinds of campanulas and digitalis and three kinds of shasta daisies, rudbeckias and liatris for starters. (I am really excited now that spring has definitely 'sprung' around here.)

I'd better get out there and start planting. Today is absolutely beautiful! Happy gardening. t.


Thumbnail by tabasco
Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I looked through some local perennials today. I'll be darned if they didn't have the Perovskia 'Filigran" that I was wanting, I picked up 4. I also bought a 'black knight' butterfly bush.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

3 varieties of rudbeckias, native columbines, blackberry lillies, monarda, and one new echinacea here. Oh and hollyhocks but their really biennials here.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I picked up the new "pixie meadowbrite' echinacea today. This store might be getting a few others I want too.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

I found a great sale where I picked up Heucheras 'Chocolate Ruffles,' 'Strawberry Swirl,' and 'Cherries Jubilee' as well as Hosta 'Cherry Berry.' Also 3 heucheras in the Dolce series, Key Lime Pie, Crème Brulée, and Peach Melba, as well as 'Stormy Seas' and 'Vesuvius.' They say you shouldn't go grocery shopping when you're hungry, but this list looks like I shouldn't go to the nursery, either. LOL

I've added loads of new daylilies, Forsyth Hot Lips, Hush Little Baby, Gentle Shepherd, Bi-eyed Baby, Irving Shulman, Malaysian Monarch, Catherine Neal, Antique Rose, and Paper Butterfly, as well as others on order.

Also a couple of Geums (never grown these before) 'Flames of Passion' and 'Lady Stratheden.' I've potted some succulents for the first time - Hens and Chicks and Sedum. They're already reproducing like crazy after just a couple of weeks.

Hillsdale, MI(Zone 5b)

umm... how long a list do you want??? I was actually bettert then usual but then our local nurseries aren't open till the week of may 1st then I really have to have control. There are several Heucheras I am looking for but I will get those in may Mickgene those are some nice ones and a few are on my list. Daylilies I did fairly good only added about 42 but now have to make room for some. I did order foxtail lilies 2 shelford & cleopatra
Orientpet, Sonora, sea treasure
Oriental Miss Lucy Dbl, Midnight Star
Ot's Touch, Scheherazade, Fancy crown, Sabento,
Asiatics, Sphinx double, oklahoma,
I put in Tatoo last year fell in love with it at a garden tour and have a friend bringing me Mouse ears this weekend. Now I have to go to the plantfiles and look some of these up so I know what they look like. :-) we should have to show pictures too.

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

LOL - I'm adding a lot this year! I an order in each with Bluestone, Lazy SS, and Big Dipper, plus I made the mistake of stopping by the garden center to see what they had in early. I left with two pulmonarias (Diana Claire and Rasperry Spash), pulmonium Bris d'Anjou, three huechera Venus, brunera Looking Glass, and two taod lilies - Dark beauty and Gilt Edge. Seeing as how it's only April I may be in a lot of trouble...

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I think it is so exciting to have new plants in the garden! Thanks for sharing everyone. I have ordered from two of the co-ops going on here too. I can hardly wait until they are shipped.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I have never ordered from co ops...how do you do it and what do they offer.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

There's a little greenhouse operation practically within walking distance from my house, Angie's Buds n Blooms, and while she does'nt offer a big selection of perennials, what she has are big and a good price (2gallon pots for $8 ea). So I picked up 2 Heucheras, Lime Ricky and Creme Brule, Polemonium 'Stairway to Heaven', Campanula 'Cherry Bells', and an orange echinacea 'Big Sky Sundown'. I'm also trying several things new to me from trades like Globe thistle, Basket of gold alyssum, Blue clips campanula, a couple of other polemoniums (Jacob's Ladder), and several dianthus and hardy geraniums. What an exciting spring!

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

I have Blue Clips - love it! it's a little blooming machine.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

levilya, If you go to the Co-op forum, you'll see that each co-op organizer lays out their own "rules" for participation. But, basically, look at the list they have available, post the list of items you'd like to order, and send them the money by the stated deadline. For me, it's proven a very good way to get wonderful plants at a reduced cost, except for the one heuchera-gone-bad co-op I participated in last year.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Polemoniums! What's the secret to not killing these? I've had both Jacob's Ladder and Brise d'Anjou (multiple plants of each) and none survived their first season. I love them, but I can't grow them.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

You can't grow Brise d'Anjou in Virginia...This is a plant that likes the climate of the pacific north west or England. It cannot take our humidity. Sometimes it will make it in a container but really treat it as an annual (and an expensive annual)....As far as the other ones...I have the variagated one and the repans and they both do well here so they should for you also. I'll check out the co ops...thanks.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm not sure what the secret is. I bought 'Snow and Sapphires' last year, and when the weather turned hot it dried up and dissappeared. I assumed since Jacob's Ladder grows wild here (I have those in the garden and love them) the hybrids would be happy. I'm hoping the variegated one was just a weak strain and the newbies will prosper.

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

I stuck mine in the ground last year, and they came back this spring. About the only thing I did special was sprinkle some Osmocote in the planting hole. We'll see how they do this year.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Your summers are not as humid...and it is the summer nights that really get to a plant. We have the heat all day and all night. No relief for the poor little things. that is why we can't have Meconopsis...delphenium..lupines...and the blue corydalis. Well we can have them for a while but not for long.

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

bummer! I guess there are benifits to living in the frigid Midwest.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Oh, Sure. There's enough Zone Envy to go around for everyone. ;)

And thanks for the Polemonium feedback. It just goes to show that even the nicer local nurseries don't always sell things that will make it locally. What a shame. Maybe I'll try the species just to see... (Zone Envy)

This message was edited Apr 26, 2006 10:01 AM

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Yep - I would love to be able to grow plumbago, but it's not happy here, even with protection.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Are you speaking of ceratostigma or the Plumbago of France?

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

ceratostigma - I've tried it several times, and like the Polemonium for you, it's a very pricey annual here.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Hmmmm interesting

Western, PA(Zone 6a)

Acanthus 'Summer Beauty'
Eupatorium 'Elegant Feather'
Salvia leucantha
Salvia Mexicana 'Limelight'

The Salvias are not new, but being tender perennials, I buy them every so often as 'annuals'. Never have grown Acanthus, so it is about time. This Eupatorium would never be recognized as such, with the wonderful 'feathery' leaves.

As the years go by, the use of big herbacious perennials and shrubs seem to the way to go. I like to pack them in and then mulch with hardwood pieces (big chunks). They last for at least 2 or 3 seasons before breaking down.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I visted my sister in TN and we hopped around to different nurseries. I brought home:
Big Daddy hosta
Thumblina hosta]
Zounds was a huge pot and only $7.00
Doubledecker coneflower
Fade to Black TB iris

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

bluegrassmom, are you putting Thumbelina next to Big Daddy? ;)

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I just might! I am running out of shade space, so I am trying to buy a few of the minis. I have been asking for Blue Mouse Ears, but no ones seems to have it in my part of the country. I saw it for the first time at the Memphis Botanical Gardens.
I love blue hosta.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

I've been wanting to get it, too, since seeing it for the first time a couple of years ago. But I'm too frugal to spend as much as all the nurseries are asking (on-line, none locally have it.) I have a couple of minis and would love to keep adding more to my potted plants.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I bought Thumblina for $8.00. I was surprized to find it at that price. I bought it at the Nashville Farmer's Market from an elderly man who is a collector. The was on Victory Garden a few years ago. He raised many varieties and was selling some of his extras in pots.

Olive Branch, MS(Zone 7b)

From Lowe's crepe myrtle, fescue, parsley, bee balm, blue carpet juniper.

From Bluestone ajuga, holly, nandina, butterflybush, sunflower, phlox.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

To existing collections, I'm adding Salvia Swan Lake (white), a white Bleeding Heart and Coreopsis Sweet Dreams.

Ones that I've never tried before for shade, Actaea Pachypoda Alba (Dolls Eyes, white) and Primula vulgaris Marie Crousse (English Double Primrose, lilac).

For sun, part shade I'm also trying Iris ensata (5 varieties), Petrorhagia saxifragra Lady Mary (Double Pink Tunic Flower), and Heuchera brizoides Plui de Feu (Coral Bells, red).

I'm also adding about 15 new daylilies, so that doesn't count right?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Yikes! Daylilies always count!!!

Where did you buy the JI's and if you ever want to trade contact me - please!!!

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I'm just beginning to dabble in them so didn't spend a whole lot. I've got Mt Fuji, Geisha Girl, Velvet Queen, Gracieuse and one other I can't remember. They are expensive aren't they? I don't think these will be ready for trading for about 3 years. I may order one really expensive one, Pink Lady. Haven't made up my mind yet, but I'm very tempted.

Do you grow yours in pots? Thinking of doing this.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

No, I have three separate gardens for them. I don't know how well they'd do in pots in your zone. The soil in the pots gets to the same as the air temperature and I don't think they'd like it.

You could write to Ensata Gardens or Iris City Gardens and ask them about it.

I've ordered lots of plugs of Heuchera, Tiarella, Heucherella, Polemonium (now I'm worried since I saw the post above and have lost mine in the past) and 14 daylilies so far with another gift certificate to use up at another daylily nursery.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Pirl, the reason I asked about the pots was because of something I just found out about. Evidently, the JI have to be moved about every 3 or 4 years because of something that happens with the soil. Do you know anything about this? I'll go find the post.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Pirl, I'd like your thoughts on this.


Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Daylilies do COUNT! I have about 35 new ones and just hated to list them. They are one of my favorites. So go ahead and list away if you want too.

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