topoairy gardenia

Davenport, IA

I just bought a topoairy gardenia at WM today. It has alot of buds, but no flowers. When can I transplant it into a different container? I don't have good luck with plants that need acid. I had a small citrus tree that ended up looking like a stick in the dirt. thanks

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I'd wait 'til after it's finished blooming.

We've been discussing our bad luck with Gardenias (though some have better luck than others!) in Joanne's thread 'Sick Gardenia'.

I've been using distilled water on mine as our water is very alkaline/limey.
I get it at WM for .58 a gallon.

Davenport, IA

Thanks Nan, I thought that too, but I get anxious and I enjoy repotting everything. But I can wait. I hope.

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