Crepe Myrtle softwood success!

I'm so excited... today I found out that my 80 softwood crepe myrtle cuttings have rooted! You can read about the technique used here:


Port Huron, MI(Zone 5b)

Hey Dave...
Now, are you going to part with any cuttings or would you consider sharing some unrooted cuttings.

This message was edited Sunday, Jul 15th 11:41 AM

Hi Sandy,

I'll be happy to part with some cuttings, but after they get a little bit more mature. Right now they are so new, I'd be afraid to ship them. This fall will be the perfect time for sending trees out in trades.


Chatham-Kent, ON(Zone 6a)

They won't make it in Sandy's zone , Dave . He needs the hardiest source available from a USDA Z5/6 . I know because I have been experimenting for the last 3 or 4 years now AND I live approx. 35 miles south of Port Huron .
It is always great when success is achieved Dave...GREAT STUFF !! Rock On !

Lyles, TN

Dave: Congratulations on such good sucess at rooting. Don't want to bring anybody down, here, just be carefull about "blowing" off the rooting powder. It usually says "tap" on the instructions because the powder is a no-no to inhale. We all need you to stick around, Dave :)

Thanks Chooch, I didn't even think to look at Sandy's zone. :(

Ivey: Thanks for the info - I'll tap from now on.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Dave what colours do you have (or will have)? Congrats. great success!!

louisa: Watermelon red, white, and lavender.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

You can have anything that I've got Dave if you will save me a lavender!!!!!

Lavender is our favorite, too. I'll be sure to set a good one aside for you.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks Dave that would be wonderful - I have collected quite a few shrubs and perennials now - is there anything in particular that you would like. Also have Liriodendron tulipa if you need trees.

Franktown, CO(Zone 5a)

Congrats Dave! I knew you could do it.

Lyles, TN

Dave, I see you trying to hold in that chuckle! LOL Remember, she (Louisa) is from England and may not know it's the state tree of Tenn. and there's one everywhere you look! :)
Louisa: My apologies for talking about you, I enjoy all your posts immensely and look forward to hearing your unique point of view. :)

This message was edited Monday, Jul 16th 11:31 PM

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Ivey - this little English gal has learnt quite a lot about America since she has been here. I have actually got two planted right now. They were suckers from the trees I left behind in the Tidewater area. Didn't know they were the state tree of Tenn. though. VA has it's fair share of them too you know and there is one on every corner, or two or three...!! :-)

Yes, louisa, I have lots of tulip poplers. :-) Our forest at the bottom of the hill is filled with them.

I also have a nice one right outside my office window that I enjoy.

Are you going to setup a have-list this fall for trading? That'd be the best thing. I'll be setting up a have-list also, so this fall let's get together and do a multiple trade.


Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

save me a watermelon:) I'll trade you a light pink.

Will do, tiG.

Lyles, TN

Louisa: It was late, I was being silly. Tulip poplars are great trees, nice shade and useful wood, too. Only thing I wish the flowers weren't so high up and pointed up! I seldom get to enjoy them, but if you ever have storm damage at the right time, they last 2 weeks in water...:)

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Ivey that's OK!! I just didn't understand your post but did not take offense at all!! I don't mind being laughed at as long as it's in fun :-). Dave - when am I going to get time to do my trade list?. My journal looks a mess - I am still unpacking and planting and, and, and.... and coming on here too often and for too long!! I think I will just make up a list of my haves and post it on here :-)

louisa: I know what you mean. As the harvest gets into high gear here, I'm spending an amazing amount of time preparing seed packets and getting my tradelist here all squared away.

As I harvest new seed, I just go in and add it to the trade list at the time. It's a lot of work!!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

But you are so organized Dave and normally I am too but an awful lot has happened in the past year so I must not be too hard on myself. Good luck with your seeds!

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Dave, I couldn't find how you did your propagation. Can you give us a direct link? Thanks!

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

Here is a link to a great site about how to grow shrubs from softwood cuttings!

I would also LOVE to hear from Dave how he did it!

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey Dave,
Your [hyperlink] it goes to the Journal form...can you send it again... also when did you start rooting the cuttings??...... :0)

Whew! This was over 2 years ago that I posted the above. :) That hyperlink is dead because I removed it from my journal. Here's another thread, however, that had some info in it:


Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Guess that proves never remove a link .......LOL....glad to look at the link too, I'll bet it would be very helpful....if it didn't go back to the original post....ha ha ha...But I tell you what,I'll go to the propgation form and get more info there.... Tell you the truth I didn't look at the date on your post just looked at the last post....Who knows maybe its time to clean up clear out some of the older post and links......maybe we could start an archives so nothing would be lost that may be of importance to someone... Whatcha think..... :o)

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