My hanging baskets in March!

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok, I'm going to be thinking "out loud" here on what we could use to block the slits if we made our own planters. I do like the idea of slits better than holes to put the plants in, it just seems easier to me, less fuss and easier on the plants and planter.

How about layers of damp/wet newspapers? Remember that whatever we use will be covered over by the plants and eventually won't show anyway. I'm trying to think of something that readily available to everyone and will cost little or be free...think recycle if possible. Cardboard could work too. I don't know how long newspaper or cardboard take to break down tho, I know cardboard does last longer...I'm thinking thin cardboard, like from a soda pop's more flexible.

I'm still thinking.......

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

What about Cheesecloth? Or Burlap?

I've used Cheesecloth to keep soil from running out of the drainage holes of pots. It worked great. Burlap should work the same way. Any loose woven cotton material should work. You could line the whole basket with it if you wanted to, it would be easy to cut or poke thru to insert plants.

I've read that folks use plastic grocery bags to line moss and other containers with to hold in water. Maybe that could work somehow.

Is anyone familiar w/ the types of foam they sell at Wal-Mart type stores in the craft section? I'm not sure what is available or what kind of adhesive we'd use, or if we'd need one. I'll check it out next time I get there, which may be tomorrow, I'm not sure.

Still thinking....

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I think I've found my niche in life in the Container gardening forum! You guys are the greatest! I love the brainstorming.

Ok, let's think logically, here. Why did TOMTOM's designer use a foam liner in the first place? What are its properties? It's lightweight and porous, but not so porous that the soil will wash out. It porosity allows oxygen to flow to the soil.

Heathrjoy: I thnk you're on to something with the cheesecloth and burlap, even if you have to double it over. As to the weight of the papercrete medium, because it's cement-based, you could make the hanging basket walls thinner than for the planters. Once the flat "spokes" (with the splits) dried somewhat and become rigid enough, you could then fashion and attach the "rim" to anchor the spokes in place.

Oh, Oh, brain flash! How about designing a double-walled "mold" for the whole thing then "stuffing" it with the papercrete! Once it hardened, just remove the top shell of the mold and AAAAHHHHH!

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Ok, another brainstorm!

Get two clear plastic bowls. How about those clear plastic one's you put salads in? It needs to be more flexible than rigid. Coat the bottom bowl (mold) with TOMTOM's papercrete. Sandwich the papercrete inbetween the 1st and the 2nd bowls. Since you're coating the first bowl and it acts as the support, you can mash the papercrete against it, and play with varying thicknesses to determine how thick it should be to hold its rigidity once dry. Then, just before the papercrete hardens too much, but is hard enough to stay rigid, remove the second bowl and cut away enough excess papercrete to leave the slits, drainage hole AND the rim.

When you get really sassy, figure out how to mold that top piece for the hanger, and call me!

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Glad to see you all using your brain on making these pots. lol
I've been watching this thread from the very beginning, as I love TomToms containers.

When I saw those new pots that she posted, I immediately thought about trying to make my own version also. Since we don't have the foam and we need to keep the soil in, but let air to the pot about screen material? I use pieces of old screen to put on the bottom of my containers all the time. It lets it drain well, but also keeps the soil in. The other plus of doing this, is that it keeps bugs out of the pot too, like pill bugs, pinchers, etc.

Think I might just try this idea. Going to Big Lots and get a cheap plastic hanging pot....can't hurt to try. :-)

What do you think?

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

These are some great ideas!! Please keep them coming!!

I've never worked w/ the papercrete, so I'd have to get my hands in it before I'd know what we'd be able to do w/ it. Maybe I'll have to mix some up and see what I can do w/ it. I like the idea of that because then you can make any shape or form you want. I also like the idea of making a mold...then you could easily set it up and go...make as many molds as you want to hurry things along, as long as you could do it cheaply.

I think screen material would work great for in between the slits. I think the heavier the material the better, actually. By "heavier" I mean sturdier. On the site that Tomtom listed they sell replacement foam inserts, so I'm guessing they only last one year and are not meant to be reusable...although you may be able to reuse them if you plant in the same places in the foam every year (maybe Tomtom knows?).

The only problems I can see with using something like newspapers or even the cheesecloth is that it may very well be too flimsy. I'm thinking it would "collapse" or slide down the front side of the basket once the soil is too wet. Screen material would be rigid enough that it wouldn't move. That is a great idea Donna. I'll have to look into what materials screening is available in and what the price is. I know a lot of it is vinyl now, and is flexible, we would want more rigid stuff than that. I'm just not certain that the soil would hold it in place.

If the soil would hold something in place, then we could use something as simple as a coffee filter to block the soil from coming out. Those can sure be recylced! :)

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

You asked "Ok, let's think logically, here. Why did TOMTOM's designer use a foam liner in the first place? What are its properties?"

My answer to that is....It's flexible enough to form to the plant and let you insert it into the basket, but also rigid enough not to collapse beneath the weight of the wet soil.

What other materials fit that description and would work in our situation? What other materials fit the description you gave?

I think I got it!!! You know that plastic canvas stuff??? The stuff crafters use? It looks like screen, but it's plastic. It's really cheap. It's flexible, but in big pieces it's rather sturdy. I think this could work. Plastic won't rust or etc., won't harm the plants in any way. Hmm, this could work.

Let me go find a pic, because I know that not everyone knows what I'm talking about.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Here's a piece I have on hand, it measures 13 1/2" x 22 1/2". I got it at Wal-Mart, in the craft section, and I think it cost like $0.75. It comes in all different colors, including dark green.

Thumbnail by heathrjoy
Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Here's a cute little pumpkin done in plastic canvas. See how the sides are's flexible stuff, but still rigid. If anyone is not familiar w/ this stuff please let me know and I'll find some links for you or something so you can figure out what it is. I think everyone has seen this stuff at some point. Ladies usually work w/ it, they sew yarn thru it to make designs and nifty little things like kleenex holders and cute little magnets and holiday ornaments. The most I ever made was a box for in my fish tank for holding baby plants! LOL

I really think this stuff would work. Anyone who's familiar with it have an opinion about it? Please be honest, I don't want to waste time. I'd rather hear a no than have someone tell me nothing or a yes just to be polite!

Now, I need a plastic pot to cut. I think I will melt rather than cut. Melt it w/ a wood burner, it makes a cleaner edge. Any opinions on that? Size, shape, thickness? Anything?

This is too fun! If anyone else, especially Donna, is making anything please, PLEASE, **PLEASE** share your info about what works and what doesn't and please share pics if you can. Even if you don't want to post here then d-mail me. I really want this to work and want to get some of these made in time for planting this year, which is now for some of the folks down south.

Ok, thanks everyone...oh, here's the pic, almost forgot. LOL

Thumbnail by heathrjoy
Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I bet anything that the material that the slits are in, is flexible and stretchy. Kinda like my mother's old girdle.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Hmmm, any chance your Mom would give up her girdle for our cause?

( I can't even believe I asked that, but I HAD to!!! )

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

I'm lost here is that $119.00 including the planters?Or is that just the price of shipping,then additional cost for the planters??Can someone please explain this??


Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

I believe that the $119 is the cost of shipping alone and the planters would be additional to that...$12.50 for each of #1, $6.20 for each of #2. That would be for the fastest shipping possible. I don't know how long that would take. I also don't know how much or how long cheaper shipping methods would be, but I'm sure they are available. I think Tomtom just figured we wanted to get these as soon as possible. I know I've had things shipped from over seas before, at cheaper rates, and it took about 40 days to get my items. I actually didn't think that was too bad, having to go thru customs and travel that distance...for the price I paid...I think it was about $12 for around probably 2 lbs. My package came from England. It was also a package of planters, LOL.

This is how I understood things anyway. If I am wrong Tomtom can correct me where ever I misunderstood her. I'm sorry if this news disappoints you. Perhaps Tomtom knows someone who sells things on eBay that could list some planters for anyone who wants them? That may be a feasible solution...I don't know. Loretta, do you know anyone who is in the military and is possibly stationed in Japan...I believe Osaka has a large US military base. If I think of any other options I will post them.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help,

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I stopped by my local nursery this evening and they have exactly 10 of the Bloom Master pots left. She told me she would sell them to me for about 9.95 each. I told her I'd get back to her. To tell you the truth, I wasn't real impressed. I saw some self-watering baskets for 6.00 something I liked a lot better. But of course you wouldn't get the fullness of the Bloom Master. If anyone wants one, let me know. I told her I'd get back to her by Thursday night. I'll probably get at least one for myself just to see what it can do. And if anyone does want one, any suggestions for shipping? I don't have any boxes that size, but I could probably find some at work.

Oh, and I got the cutest little miniature Calla Lily. I've never seen them that small. She told me it would flower all summer in shade. Dangerous just walking in there!

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

That can be dangerous! LOL!

That sounds like a great price! If anyone wants some I'd take Beaker up on that offer. In a pinch for boxes I've used priority mail boxes and wrapped them in white paper or whatever is on hand...wrapping paper turned inside out could work. But don't tell the Post Office......shhh!!!

I did make it to Wal-Mart today and got some supplies to work on making our basket planter. I haven't gotten to work on tho. My doctor had to call in a presription for muscle relaxers for me today. I reinjured my back...long story. I might be a bit to giddy to be messing around with hot wood burners and sharp cutting tools. I did find some other interesting items we may be able to use for lining the slits in the planters while I was at Wal-Mart. Maybe tomorrow I can list what I picked up...if I'm a little more with it.

Thanks everyone,

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I was out too yesterday with back spasms that wouldn't quit. Took muscle relaxers that didn't make a dent. And, while I wasn't in the right frame of mind to do any kind of work that required thinking, I did spend most of the day out in the yard doing mindless planting of my 10 BRAND NEW STUTTGARTS!

As soon as I get that new Canon A520, I'll post pics. I instructed my DH that the Stuttgarts are true VAMPIRE plants, and that under no circumstances should he move them from the shady patio corner I have them in. This is definitely not a case of "Come into the light..." (from the movie "Poltergeist," circa 1980). Light is not our friend.....

p.s. I have new variegated ginger plants. Their leaves look like the Stuttgart, creamy with green streaks. I suspect putting them in the sun will cause them to lose the striations of color. Am I correct in leaving them on the shady patio as well? Come back, ya'll heah.

So Good to be Back!

P.S. I was at LOWE'S Monday evening, and imagine my surprise at seeing PAPIER MACHE' hanging baskets. They actually are a bit different than TOMTOM's in that these seem to be made entirely from a papier mache product, with probably little or NO concrete. They look more paper than concrete, however they were quite sturdy. About 1/4 to 1/2 inch thickness.

Grommets were used in the holes for the hanging wires. About the size of ones in tarpaulins. That's something to incorporate into our PAPERCRETE planters. I still think the papercrete is going to give us the best product. I'm off for 5 days over the EASTER holiday, and I might try to fashion something.

P.S.S. Is real concrete expensive? 2.5 lbs, according to the directions...

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

I sure hope someone can come up with an idea for us...I'm going to Lowes and check those out..I tried making one out of metal and used tin snips..too dangerous I have 3 cuts to prove it...then trying to plant something in there would probably get a few more cuts...


SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Anybody know the cheapest place to buy those clear container pans that go under the pots? I'm seeing prices as high as $2.78 for just one! Let me know where you're getting yours at good prices. Thanks.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Big Lots are $.29 to $.99 for the really large ones. Also here in LA the 99 Cents Only stores have them 3 in a pack for .99


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

keewl you guys.... I'm just lurking until something truly idiot-proof turns up. keep it up!!!
xxxxxxxxxxx, Carrie

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Hey Carrie do you have any ideas for us??


Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

I do have some other ideas, but still haven't gotten to work on anything...I'll be on the muscle relaxers for a while yet and my puppy just got fixed today and has some major incisions. He had a rough surgery, poor little thing. He's taking pain meds also. What is that they say about dogs and owners becoming alike???? Sheesh!!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Yeah - a way to avoid double-posting is required. Actually, I did just receive my 6 eBay planters for $24. I haven't opened the package yet, but depending on what they're like I may go crazy with a butter knife and the gas stove. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh. (Madscientist cackle)

xxxxxxxxxxx, Carrie

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I have not laughed so hard in my life since I have discovered this thread! You guys are hilarious. Carrie, what's keewl?

Kanita: THANKS!

In case anyone's interested, I planted my 10 STUTTGART Cannas this Tuesday. I know this isn't the CANNA forum, but I feel like you guys are family and would want to know about my "widdie" babies, too! After all, you are aunts and uncles!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Have y'all seen earlier threads that Tomtom posted of a stacked pot she made? Was soon after she first joined. As I recall, they were inexpensive materials and she stacked one atop the other. Absolutely stunning!

I just found this thread (busy moving again) but have been a fan of all she has ever posted.

I've used some kind of filter material, porous and maybe 3/8" thick, but can't remember for what. I'm thinking a simple wire basket, then a layer of that filter material, and then something like the cheesecloth or burlap mentioned above to contain the soil. Easy to cut slits for the plants, and I'd surely use the water absorbing crystal gels in the mix.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Congrats on your babies Benjamin! I have no experience w/ them, so can't give any advice...well, I could give advice, just not good advice.

These muscle relaxers are kicking my butt pretty bad, but I'm hoping to work on the planter soon anyway. Allow me to introduce my DH, Mark, to y'all. I think he's as into building this planter as I am...he's usually into making things from scratch. He has some ideas of his own, so if we combine our ideas maybe we can come up with something good. Whatever parts I'm not up to doing because of the meds I'm hoping he can take over for me.

Some of the other things that I had found at Wal-Mart that I hadn't thought of using before were mesh dry wall tape. I think that could work good, we may need a few layers of it, but it's already sticky and rather rigid but will give if cut. Another thing I picked up is a foam rug, like what you'd put in the kitchen. Mark actually found that. I think that could work really well. The rug was the most expensive item I bought, coming in just under $8. I was trying to keep all materials as cheap as possible. I also picked up some interior/exterior silicone to use as a glue and some spray adhesive. I got two pots, one regular hanging basket, one regular pot, both are plastic, of course.

Mark has some really good ideas for using the papercrete method, which is great because I've focused mostly on using a plastic pot as the foundation of mine. It's a bit too cold yet to do any papercrete here. I'd have to do it outside. If we get any warm spells that last more than 2-3 days, or if we get any warm nights I'll probably try some papercrete right away. Papercrete would be a great way to go, but I'm still concerned about the overall weight once it's finished. I guess I'll still just have to try it and see how it works and how the finished product works. BTW, in answer to an earlier question about the cement sticking to things, I guess the properties of cement are that it mostly just sticks to itself and not other things...if that makes sense. When they pour things such as sidewalks, etc., they use wooden forms and when the cement is set up or dry they remove the wood and the cement doesn't stick. That came up in my discussion with Mark and he answered that for me...that's not from my own knowledge.

Also, if I can't get the results I want on my own, with Mark's help, I'm planning on recruiting some of my brothers also. One is a carpenter, one is a metal worker (with a huge garage full of tools) and the other is a contractor. I'm sure they'd have ideas of materials we could use if nothing else.

I think I might go fire up the wood burner and melt some pots now. We'll see how far I get.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey Darius,
You posted while I was writing my long ramble. Thanks for the info. If you remember the name of the foam, or even where you got it, please let us know. It sounds great! I'd really rather use foam for this, but just can't figure out for sure where to get it or what to use.

Good luck on your move, hope you get settled soon w/out any problems!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Heather, hope I can jog my memory about it in the next few days. Probably come to me in my sleep and I will promptly forget, LOL. Wasn't exactly a foam, maybe a mesh used in my furnace filter that could be washed?

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Why do I have this vision of a small square of charcoal grey foam, rather porous, in my head. I've seen this foam somewhere. Darius, you've started a nightmare. I KNOW that foam, and it elludes me, too!

Ok all, I'm off for the next FIVE, days. Although it seems that most of you are home quite a bit during the day. I have a job -- but not for FIVE days!

HAPPY EASTER! Look out for the Son!

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

I know exactly what the two of you are saying. I know I've dealt w/ the foam that comes w/ the planters, I just can't remember when, where or why. I'm thinking it was for something like when we got our new furnace or water heater or something like that. I know this stuff has to be available somewhere. Maybe I'll just google foam and see what comes up, it's worth a shot. I'm thinking I should also send a pic of it to my DB who is a contractor since he works in so many areas of home improvement...he may know the exact name of it, I didn't think of that before.

I didn't get to work on the planters at all today. I'm going to try to quit taking the muscle relaxers, I'm sleeping WAY too much. I was up for a total of 4 hours today....and only took 1 pill, supposed to take 3. I didn't feel any pain...I didn't feel anything at all.

Glad you've got some time off over Easter, Benjamin. I love your comment "Look out for the Son!" :~D

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Allright, so I really did google foam. LOL! One of the first informative sites I found was this one This stuff isn't cheap, but it would work. Check some of them out if you have time, some of them are water resistant and rot, mildew and bacteria proof. How cool is that? If we could find something cheap made out of these things that would be awesome.

BTW, I did try writing to the Japanese company that makes these planters tonight...I just thought I'd give it a shot. Well, since I can't type in Japanese the form on their site won't take my info. I tried about 50 times and translated it all on Bable Fish. If there had been an e-mail addy I would have just mailed them, but there wasn't one.

I'm still looking at foam, trying to get an idea of what we could or should use if we went that route.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

I think I've been to every flower pot site there is on the net...gonna try more today..I ain't giving up,yet..I might just try to see if Tomtom can get us a deal going,meaning if she buys them and ships there directly to us...Tomtom where are YOU???
I give up on trying to make them I have cuts and burns on my hands...Trying to burn the plastic pots smokes and stinks like you would'nt believe...Tin ones forget cutting those they are weapons...
Heather I hope you get to feeling better so you can help us out here..I've tried plan A & B gotta try something else today..
If I was to order from that do I do it??I just wish I could talk to a sales rep..It would make things alot easier..


Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Well, one of the forms I filled out must have made it thru to the company in Japan because I got something in my mail from it today. It appears to be an auto response, just showing the info I sent. Everything is in Japanese except for what I wrote. I'm hoping I hear back from ENGLISH!! LOL

I also got another mail from Bloom Masters, part of it reads "Thanks for replying. I understand that the concept of a hanging basket with holes in the sides seems new and that one may have the opinion that potting mix will wash out when the basket dries out but let me assure you that it will not. Our product has been on the market for 5 years now. It is distributed by every major gardening products distributor in the United States and is available at thousands of retail locations. This product is now taking the place of traditional baskets in many locations." He also looked at the planters from Japan and said that Bloom Masters have more volume. He made some good points to consider.

If we make our own planters we can certainly take care of the volume part and the liner will take care of any soil loss. I just wanted to post his remarks for anyone who wants a ready made pot NOW. If the soil does stay in place even after watering once it has dried out, like he promises, then these can't be too bad.

I need some coffee, then I'll explain for you, Loretta...and anyone else who'd like to I attempted to contact the co. in Japan. I quit taking the muscle relaxers today, but I'm still kinda fuzzy in my thinking and not all there yet (but maybe that's normal for me?).

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok, I'm back, and hopefully w/ it enough to explain what I did. I went to this page on the Japanese site it's their page to send them an inquiry about their baskets and planters. I used to translate each line of the form on the page. Bable fish won't translate the page automatically, it's not on their list...and I didn't bother reporting it, maybe I should have.

Ok, this is going to get frustrating, I'll tell you that from the get-go, so be warned. Do this on a day that you're patience is built up. You have to copy and paste each line of text individually into Bable Fish's translate box to see what info the form wants. But, I'm pretty sure the one it took for me I had only filled out the info with * on it...the required info. an idea here...

I'll translate the info here, to save frustration for everyone, first I'll do the * only, because I'm pretty sure that's all you'll need.

I'm going to put this in another post....

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

There are 4 required fields that you have to answer, they are followed with a red *.

The first one is at the very top, in a pink bar, leave it alone, don't change it.

The next one is the first field to be followed by a box. The answer to this question is your name.

The next one is the drop down list. This is a drop down of "metropolis and districts"...they want to know where you live. Of course, none of us will live in any that are listed. You HAVE to pick one or the form won't submit. The info that is showing also won't submit, so pick something under it...I just picked the first one under it and it worked.

The next one is the one with two boxes with Japanese writing in between them. This one wants to know your mail address. They want you to enter it twice to verify make sure you don't make a mistake.

You can put your message in the big box at the bottom, then click on the button at the very bottom. I believe that if you get the info correct you'll get 2 buttons to click on at the next page, click on the one on the right. If you get one button w/ red writing beside it something went wrong and the form info wasn't submitted. You can click on the button that is there and redo the info.

Now I'll translate the whole form, but I don't know if it's needed...but, I don't know...that's the whole thing, I DON"T KNOW!!

I would think I'd be hearing back from them eventually since one of my attempts made it thru.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Here's the whole form, translated. I'm just going to number them to make it easier.

The pink bar up top...the first one is for individuals, the second choice is for enterprises.

Now the fill in boxes.

1. Name
2. Inclination
3. Company name corporate name
4. Post name
5. Postal code
6. Metropolis and districts
7. Address
8. Telephone number
9. Fax
10. Mail address (in between boxes - For verifying please input once more)
11. Inquiry contents

Clicking buttons and knowing if the form submitted correctly are the same as above, as far as I know. Do whatever you think and see if you can get it to go thru. Please let us all know your results and if you get a response and what it is.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Heather I tried it 4 times and goofed up somehow..I think I'll try it again tomorrow..I'm doing something wrong and it's making me mad...I'll let everyone know if I get thru and get a response..Watch next year they will be flooding the market with them..but I want mine NOW...!!


Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

I made one. It didn't come out too bad either. A bit on the flimsy side, but I used the mesh dry wall tape. I want to try the plastic canvas next, I think that will work better and do the trick. I'm going to post the "instructions" for doing the one w/ the dry wall tape, just so everyone can see how I did it, then you can just replace the dry wall tape w/ plastic canvas...or whatever you want.

I'm going to start a new thread for the instructions...I'll come back and make a link to it here as soon as I'm done. I have to resize all my pics first, I'll be back soon as I can!

Loretta, I don't think it's YOU that is goofing up the form, I think it's because what we are writing in it isn't in Japanese and it doesn't recognize the symbols. Don't be surprized if tomorrow you get a confirmation e-mail from them!


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Ben kewl is the way my fifteen y o daughter spells COOL.
sorry. i thought everyone had a teenaged daughter qt home.............

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok, instructions are up. Please, no laughing. there's the link if ya can't find it

Now I'm off to try some craft foam. I'll try the plastic canvas tomorrow...or maybe I'll try more than one thing at once. We'll see.

I really wish these muscle relaxers would get out of my system. How long do these things last anyway? I haven't taken any about 30 hours and I'm still fighting them. Sheesh. More coffee I guess.

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