I am finishing up winter sowing and have extras

Peoria, IL

That list of natives is really really tempting... stop it, stop it,!!

But I have been making an effort to use local genotypes for my yard.... and its posts like these that make that really really hard.

Please tell me that all of those seeds are spoken for and you have none left.... you may have to fib, I don't mind... ;-)

This message was edited Feb 9, 2006 11:27 AM

Most of the genotype is from se Wisconsin (which just happens to be within 50 miles of my home here on the border) as well as from a range of 50 miles around my home from my own state.

Sorry joepyeweed but... not all the seed is spoken for yet but a lot is. Does that count for anything?

Hi FlowerChild, you shall have the herb seed. Don't plant it outside. You can start it and grow it inside and when it's really nice outside, transfer it to patio pots. I see you live in Indiana so you could just haul the pots into your garage over the winter. Haul the pots out next spring and use them again. I do this with a lot of plants that are tender perennials or annuals in my zone. Some come back and some don't. You'll have to experiment but there are a few there that you don't want getting lose. Please D-Mail me your name and address. I don't grow herbs... that's why the seed was available. I wanted the neat little terrarium it came in to use to grow something else.

Clinton, IN(Zone 5b)

OK, this may be a dumb question, but I am still a little new at this. How do I send a d-mail??

Not a dumb question at all. Click on my user name over to the left of my last post. A new window will open up. Scroll down a little bit and there will be an area where it says, "Send Equilibrium a D-Mail". Type away. Just don't forget to press send or enter or whatever or else it won't get to me.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Hi - I'm back - and don't get me started on the stuff I get into selling for BAND!! One more to go, but that's going to be a long five more years - ah to escape to the garden in Spring - and Equil, I can't resist any longer - here are a few more, if you would be so kind - Alisma triviale; Buchloe dactyloides; Echinops ritro; and Scirpus cyperinus. I've just been noticing all the beautiful grasses that are left intact over winter, and find them fascinating. I think I've got some space where they will be gorgeous! So back to the sales anyone? Like to buy any boxes of fruit? Just imagine trying to haul 10 pound boxes of fruit around in a minivan in the dead of winter. I'll take a wheelbarrow and compost any day! Dax

Hey dax! I just added the seed you wanted to the other seed you wanted. You're good to go.

I received a D-Mail from a member named Grassygirl or maybe her user name was spelled grassygirl. She is not a subscriber but asked for the following seed from me:
Astilbe x arendsii
Carex hystericina
Carex stricta

Back a long time ago when I wasn't a subscriber, two members here sent me seed. Those two members who sent me seed have always been in the back of my mind and they were one of the reasons I actually joined here. I'm sending this gal the seed she wanted along with a little note to invite her to join us. She's from Indiana.

I'm not saying I'll send seed to people out of the Country but I do respond to them and let them know I only send seed to people in the US because when they don't subscribe, they can't see all the responses in a thread and they probably can't see where I had posted United States only.

Just a thought for any of you out there who get requests for seed from people who don't subscribe. If at all possible, I think we should try to share with them.

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

Helloooooooooooooooooo, everyone!

I agree with you as usual, Equil. You so nice!

Somebody agrees with me? Will you marry me! We could be the Brady Bunch.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Dibs on Alice!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Hey I have the Indian Grass too, mine wants to grow a foot high - that is it. I also added my Northern(Prairie)Dropseed to PF, that's a nice well behaved grass - a don't think you had those seeds. I would if anyone wants them.

If anybody out there gets an Alice it should be me.

Nice plant Al. I have Sporobolus heterolepis outside being winter sown right now so I'm ok on that. Mine came from Prairie Moon Nursery. That is one that Dena might want. It has that nice winter form that looks picturesque when snow falls.

I sat down and created all the little personalized seed envelopes yesterday so I'm good to go there. Everybody above has a bubble mailer filled with all the seed they wanted. I'd like to go to the Post Office this weekend so I can have each envelope weighed all at once... saves me having to go back and forth and some of the envelopes are going to go over the standard rate for the size bubble mailer I used. Is it bad of me to close the offer out and just donate extra seed to a seed bank? I sort of hate standing in line at the PO. I think it's my lazy side taking over.

Also too, I packaged up a tremendous amount of seed this past week because I had what you all wanted as well as what Wild Ones members wanted. If I made any mistakes, please let me know when you receive your seed. It's sort of hard keeping everything straight when I've got 150 packs in front of my face that all need to be sorted and put in envelopes for specific people. I don't think I goofed on anyone and I did have my husband double check but ya never know. Organization is not one of my stronger qualities.

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

Equil, Thank you so much.


Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Ditto here, Equil - You're the Best - and I noticed you over at Water Gardens - you've got ponds, too? Dax

Offer closed- Yay!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I got my seeds today -- WOW! -- Thank you so much!!

New Richmond, WI(Zone 3b)

Thank you for the wonderful seeds. When I make my plant marker, I am going to put the donors name on also. Hopefully, I can send pictures when they bloom.

Tee he, thanks for the kind words but... you're going to have a heck of a time getting the Latin name of the plant on the stake as it is. If you are successful, I'd love to see how you manage to squish something like-
Eupatorium rugosum 'Chocolate' Equilibrium onto one of those little stakes.

There is no way I could get that many letters on a plant stake even if I used both sides!


New Richmond, WI(Zone 3b)

I am using popsicle sticks (craft sticks). I use abbreviations and the number on my database list. The database has the full name. I hope it works. Only time will tell.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Lauren - here is your midlife fantasy

could not find a Mid West, IL or Lauren Equilibrium in a directory to send it to . hmmmm, O well - next year.

Thumbnail by bigcityal
Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

I'll take a skid of Caramel Delights!! Can I have a tanker of milk with that, while you're at it?

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

No cows in IL? They are all making their way to new homes already.

Oh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy word!

Gather round ladies... the party is at Al's house!

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

LOL! I'm on my way!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Hey how'd your shadow get here so fast

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

Al, you must have forgotten I have mind powers...LOL!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I'm still laughing that I had EQ thinking I didn't know Badseed he he ha ha

I sent her a telepathic message. She responded! She's in sync with chocolate vibes.

So Badseed is your buddy, eh? I guess us small tools people need to stick together. OK small tool ladies, get out your utility knives to slash the boxes. By the time the heavy equipment cheaters get their act together, we should have made off with the goods or at least made a major dent in that mound of thin mints. I honestly don't think I have ever seen that many thin mints in one place at the same time before in my life. It's absolutely titillating.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I was going to take more pics - less the riot breaking out from the other volunteers looking at me.

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

Hee Hee Hee she said titillating!

Equil, I bet we could make off with the entire stack, what with our determination and all...

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Aren't you in bed yet?

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

who me? no I'm getting on the third shiFt schedual, so I'm up now and will be going to bed when your getting up.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

maybe I won't go to sleep - what about that huh

like the F

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

you like that F do ya...covering my butt!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Hey all these posts don't count towards the NE forum you know, can't let pets beat you

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

we are in the upper midwest now Al. I'm visiting your turf over here.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Ah .. you play road games too!

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

nope, just watch where I'm going!

Road games? Is this sort of like playing chicken with cars only we do it in cyber space?

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

My neighbors down the road where I grew up played that a lot, neither one would give in tho.......crash
what's a cyber?

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