I am finishing up winter sowing and have extras

Coming from the Mom who just recently taught her children the fine art of spitballs from straws, I'd really have to wonder whether maybe our children should be babysitting all of us???

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

HAHAHA! I did the same thing and then had to teach the fine art of getting the spitballs off the ceiling.

A broom, use a broom.

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Don't know how to do those cool quote boxes, but:

"I'd really have to wonder whether maybe our children should be babysitting all of us???"

Know what you mean- my sister-in-law just about put me in time-out last time I was playing with her kids. She said I was getting them too excited!

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

I just put a little one on my shoulders and he brushed them off with the swiffer, it was even more fun than the spitballs...

Cheryl, to create those neat little quotes type exactly what I type and follow my directions after that.

*quote*now cut and paste what you want to quote in this space*/quote*

Do exactly what I did above only now replace the first * with a [ and then replace the * that comes after the letter e with a ] and that should create little quotes for you. When you preview your post, the html code will disappear and what you cut and pasted in between will appear as a post.

Now you practice with the following-
Lauren has added a set of 6 herb packs to her list above

Dena, I took a bath after we went out to dinner and found spit balls floating in the water. Must have ended up with a few clingons.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Believe it or not I actually watch what I say on DG now and then.

ok I know my miscanthus and pennisetum - not spelling, the rest I don't recognize. I do have a guess that panicum vargatum is switchgrass - that's my only grass guess I have from your list.

time for my juicy juice

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

Equil, can I bother you for Astilbe arendsii too? I happen to like them alot!

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

Al, I have a cookie to share if you promise not to call me a him anymore

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I suppose *looking down*

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I saw a thread on someone trying to seed this grass, although I have never seen a seedling from it.

The Astilbe be yours Sir Dena. You should take a close look at Sporobolus cryptandrus which is Sand Dropseed, that's another grass that would probably be up your alley.
I couldn't locate any images that really showed it off well but this will give you an idea of what it looks like. This plant grows to about 3-3.5'.

I ate an entire batch of oatmeal raisin cookies so I figured I was safe for a bit and didn't need a cookie from you. Speaking of cookies, Girl Scout thin mints are my favorite and I can eat an entire box in one sitting.

And bigcityal slides in to home plate! Panicum virgatum is Switchgrass. Pretty grass isn't it.

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

[Lauren has added a set of 6 herb packs to her list above]

the carmel delites are 10 x's better than the thin mints...and they give you 10 times less!

hahaha...10 times less...is that possible??

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

oh wait...
[quote]Lauren has added a set of 6 herb packs to her list above[quote]

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Lauren has added a set of 6 herb packs to her list above

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Lauren- if people haven't noticed by now that you've added 6 herb packs...


Thanks...I thought the / in your explanation was a typo at first.

Cheryl, you were so close to being able to quote. Do exactly what you did here-

[quote]Lauren has added a set of 6 herb packs to her list above[quote]
but stick a forward slash / in front of the word quote after the word above. The first [quote] if front of what you wanted to quote is perfect. It is the last quote that needs to have the forward slash added inside the [ but before you start typing the word quote and finishing up with another bracket. All you need to do is insert one little / and you will have done it.

Ta da! You did it!

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

I feel so grown up now!!! YEA!!! ; )

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

Al that miscanthus is lovely!

Equil? What made you eat all those cookies?


What made me eat all those cookies? Probably because they were there. I have this hand to mouth disorder.

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

Equil, I was reffering to Als hyperlink above.

I don't have a hand to mouth disorder, but I have thought of mugging girlscouts for those darn thin mints.....

I buy 3 boxes from every little girl who comes to my door and it doesn't even matter if I know them. I stick them in the freezer and when ever I need a "fix", I pull out a box and have my own little personal gorge fest. It's that darn hand to mouth disorder.

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

Do they have a twelve step program for that?

Why yes, they just happen to have a 12 step program for that-
Day 1- GS Thin Mints
Day 2- Oatmeal Raisin
Day 3- GS Thin Mints
Day 4- Spritz
Day 5- GS Thin Mints
Day 6- Strawberry Thumbprints
Day 7- GS Thin Mints
Day 8- Sugar Cookies
Day 9- GS Thin Mints
Day 10- Rum Balls
Day 11- GS Thin Mints
Day 12- Almond Crescents

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

You r so bad!

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

I don't know- I see some logic in that...

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Geez Lauren my daughter is a Girl Scout and my wife is a leader you could have bought from me. I have to help in early March unload the SEMI full of cookies.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Hi Lauren - I'm new to DG (and gardening) and have never seen such generous, kind, and knowledgable people - no lie. If you are still offering, I would certainly like to try the: Aster Laevis; Aster Azureus; Eupatorium rugasum "Chocolate"; Heracleum maximum; Osmorhiza daytonia; and Verbena Stricta. Whew! I planted aster and Verbena last year, and so know how to care for them. Could anyone suggest any hints for the others? I know I can look them up, but if you know anything special, I'd most appreciate it. Dax

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

Welcome Dax, I'm kinda new too and have made quality friends here at DG. You will love being able to pick the minds of folks like Equil, and lots of others too as they have an abundence of wisdom and are all to happy to share what they know.


West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

oh I should mention, run and get a box of tissues to put near the computer and always pee before you come to DG. Never read posts while sipping a drink, and if you do, keep paper towles and windex handy.

I laugh alot when I'm hear, laugh till I cry.

Hello Dax and welcome to our little corner of the world! You'll like it here. Good people! I've decreased the quantities above to reflect the seeds you will be getting. If you want to add anything, just let me know and if it's available, you'll get it. That's sort of why I ask everyone to post right here so everybody can see so that I don't go brain dead figuring out who D-Mailed me for what and who D-mailed first and well you get the idea. Please take a moment to send my your full name and mailing address because I sort of have this system. Hey, have fun here!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

You got it - and, Grenthumbs, nice to meetcha - and now I think I'll go look at that list again - Dax

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Yeah, DG's great- it's prolly the only place you'll hear that a person who makes spitballs a professional sport as a person who has an abundance of wisdom!

hahaha I'm lovin this thread!!

All in good fun... ; )

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

LOL the best kinda people!!!!!

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

good role models, too!! ; ) hahaha

Oh gosh Al, I was a Cub Scout Den Leader for 5 years. Popcorn to us is like cookies to you. I'm sure the last thing in the world you want to see in your house would be... GS Thin Mints. Yes, I will buy from your daughter. Just D-Mail me. Whats another 3 boxes in the bigger scheme of things. I can't say no to those cute little Girl Scouts.

Wisdom...Here's a few definitions I pulled from an online dictionary-
The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight.
Common sense; good judgment: "It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things" (Henry David Thoreau).

The sum of learning through the ages; knowledge: "In those homely sayings was couched the collective wisdom of generations" (Maya Angelou).

Wise teachings of the ancient sages.

A wise outlook, plan, or course of action.

Sorry ladies, this would not be me but I know a few who qualify. My judgment is often met with a raised eyebrow. Must be all the sugars from my 12 step program impairing my ability to exercise restraint... common sense should dictate but my freezer will tell the truth when all the boxes of GS cookies are neatly lined up waiting to be gobbled up. Oink oink. And the spit balls.... oh that was just such a "wise" move to teach boys that little trick. I already have a note home from school that one of mine was practicing his technique in the cafeteria at lunch time as of just yesterday. My husband thinks I need to have my head examined but even he was laughing when he read the note. He signed it to return to the school because he stated that these children were entitled to have at least one parent who was a mature rational adult. Yup, I'm a role model.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

just kiddin ya, selling deadline is over - she made her goal (300 boxes) a free week of summer camp-now to have #1 son gone at the same time!
My son is in Cub Scouts so we've done the popcorn also.

Hi Dax - the more the merrier!

You think the cookies and popcorn are bad... wait till you get to Boy Scouts and you have to help them sell wreaths, poinsettias, first aid kits, and tickets to spaghetti dinners. Seems to me as if the start of these sales always coincides with the worst weather. I've done my time standing outside at little tables in front of gas stations when it was so cold my toes were falling asleep making sure the kids didn't get a little overzealous by running out to shove over priced popcorn tins in the faces of people pumping gas and I am glad that is behind me. I feel the need to mention 4H sunshine boxes. Anyone ever had the pleasure of making and distributing those? And then there is all the "stuff" the schools want us to pedal. Wrapping paper, cookie dough, frozen pizzas, and on and on. It's enough to make you want to rip out your hair after a while.

Clinton, IN(Zone 5b)

Equil, I will happily take the herb seeds if you still have those. I've been wanting to try growing my own and haven't started yet, so this would be great!! I'm not familiar yet with any herbs. Are any of these perennials hardy to zone 5 or do I need to keep indoors?

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