I am finishing up winter sowing and have extras

We have been having extremely bizarre weather lately so I decided to hold off winter sowing until the beginning of February as opposed to sowing the end of December. Good thing I did this given many people have sprouts in their containers.

So far I have extra seed of the following to share-
(0) Agalinis fasciculata (I boo booed on this. Seed collected in '04 and I forgot I had it. It's probably fine)
(0) Alisma triviale
(0) Andropogon scoparius- safe ornamental grass
(0) Andropogon gerardii- safe ornamental grass
(0) Angelica atropurpurea
(0) Asclepias incarnata- a veritable butterfly magnet
(0) Aster laevis
(0) Aster azureus
(0) *** Astilbe x arendsii
(0) Bouteloua curtipendula- safe ornamental grass
(0) Buchloe dactyloides- safe ornamental grass
(0) Bromus kalmii (for the Prairie lovers out there)
(0) Cakile edentula (tough cultural requirements for this plant, need to live near Lk Michigan if you try this)
(0) ***Campanula Medium white (store bought from Germania seed last year and I forgot to sow them)
(0) Carex hystericina
(0) Carex stricta
(0) Clematis virginiana
(0) Cleome serrulata pink
(0) Coreopsis lanceolata villosa
(0) Diervilla lonicera
(0) ***Echinops ritro
(0) ***
(0) Eryngium alpinum but might be Eryngium tripartitum (Oops, I forgot which plant I collected from)
(0) Eupatorium perfoliatum
(0) Eupatorium rugosum 'Chocolate'
(0) Heracleum maximum- great alternative to Queen Anne's lace because it is showier
(0) Iris virginica var. shrevei
(0) Lespedeza capitata- another butterfly magnet
(0) Liatris spicata white
(0) Lobelia siphilitica 'alba' (very small quantity)
(0) Mentha arvensis
(0) Monarda fistulosa
(0) Osmorhiza claytonia
(0) Panicum virgatum- safe ornamental grass
(0) Parthenium integrifolium
(0) Penstemon digitalis
(0) ***Physotegia 'Snow Dragon' (store bought and I forgot to sow these last year too)
(0) ***Platycodon dwarf 'Mariesi Blue'
(0) Potentilla arguta
(0) Prenanthes alba (small quantity of seed)
(0) Scirpus cyperinus- safe ornamental grass
(0) Sorghastrum nutans- safe ornamental grass
(0) Sporobolus cryptandrus- safe ornamental grass
(0) Verbena hastata
(0) Verbena stricta
(0) Veronicastrum virginicum
(0) Xanthorhiza simplicissima

(0) I purchased a kit for the vented terrarium that I wanted for another project. The kit came with 6 pakcs of herb seeds. I wanted the vented terrarium and don't want the seeds. Is anyone interested in being sent: Thyme, Sweet Basil, Curled Parsley, Marjoram, Cilantro, and Chives? I'd prefer that one person take all.

United States only please and post here in this thread so I can keep track of who wants what. Also too, no need for SASBEs or postage or anything else as I am now officially on circuitry overload!

I will add more seed to this list today and tomorrow. Please let me know if I misspelled anything.

editing to add that as people stake claim to seed and I run out, I'll reduce quantity to what's left or if it's all gone, I'll stick a 0 in front of the seed.

This message was edited Feb 5, 2006 1:23 AM

editing to add that I just realized this thread was linked to from the Indigenous Plants Forum. Several of the species above are not native plants. I will put *** by the plants that are not native to North America. To the best of my knowledge, none of the non-natives I have other than one has naturalized anywhere and none of the non-natives I have above are listed as invasive or noxious but please correct me if I am wrong as I am not familiar with the invasive or noxious weed lists of all States. Here's a link where you can plug in a Latin name to check out a plant. Once you locate it and get to its page, scroll down and you can find citations for invasive or noxious. http://plants.usda.gov/index.html

This message was edited Feb 17, 2006 8:19 PM

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Every time I think I'm done looking, you post more seeds! Thank you for your generous offer. I would take Eryngium (whatever kind it is!), Parthenium integrifolium and Panicum virgatum off your hands for you please. Don't you love how I make it sound like I'm doing you the favor? Seriously though, thank you.

You are doing me a favor ;) I so hate good seed going to waste and some of the seed listed above is never seen offered for sale or trade let alone for give away. I edited the original entry to indicate what you'll be taking. All of the seed you chose should be cold stratified for about 60 days. I need you to please D-Mail me your name and address. I'll send out seed in one fell swoop after I make up little seed packets and pick up more bubble mailers.

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Done! Thank you again...

Wauconda, IL

Hi Equil,

I would like round-headed bush clover and monarda fistulosa and veronicastrum virginicum, coreopsis lanceolatum villosa, iris virginica and the alisma. I'll pick them up, and bring you some large flowered penstemon and hairy petunia.

This message was edited Feb 4, 2006 6:51 PM

This message was edited Feb 4, 2006 6:56 PM

Done Dode and I will take your Large Flowered Penstemon and your Hairy Petunia.

Northern, AR(Zone 6b)

I would like your Agalinis fasciculata, Iris Virginica var Shrevei and Penstemon digitalis. Can I collect any seeds for you this summer off my Native list to repay you.


Hey Bill, please D-Mail me your name and address. Also too... I'm done with my marathon seed sowing session for today but tomorrow I will be listing more plants and I am pretty sure there will be at least two I'll be adding tomorrow that you may want me to send to you.

Thanks so much for your offer. I took a peek at your list and saw some awesome native species. There are not too many people who have anything I want but I spotted a few you had that I've actually been looking for. I will probably be on cloud 9 when I look at your list a little bit longer and will accept your offer but I need time to take a look see at all that you have and right now I am sleepy and dirty. Again, thank you so much for steering me to your plant list of goodies.

Northern, AR(Zone 6b)

You can thank Dode for putting it in the native forum, for I would have not looked in here. When someone mentions natives, my ears pick up like my dogs when I say bacon treats, LOL.

Ha ha ha, bacon treats! Pretty funny!

Ohhhhhhhhh Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil,
I think you missed something just recently added-
Lobelia siphilitica 'alba'

Also too, don't forget to D-Mail me your name and address as later on tonight after dinner I'm going to start making seed packets and labeling bubble mailers.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks for linking me to this thread, equil!

I'd love to try some Verbena hastata and Penstemon digitalis... I'll send you Dmail to see if I can offer you anything in return!

Gotcha Jill! You have to D-Mail me your name and address though!

Northern, AR(Zone 6b)

That would be nice, I have the blue but not the white, I'll D-mail you this evening.

Thornton, IL

Thanks for linking me too. Culver's root looks promising for that part-shade bed I was telling you about. I'll have to keep an eye out for it!

OK Bill, I added it to your list.

Eeek PGZ5... the (0) in front means that somebody already asked for it so I am down to zero quantity. I feel horrible. Maybe I better go back and edit the first post and show (1) so that everyone knows what I have left better. Really sorry about that. Good news is that I own the parent plants so later this year I can get you some or better yet... come over and dig up a whole plant or two for yourself! You're live close to me.

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Hi Lauren, looks like you just can't get rid of me. But I supposed it's your own fault for providing a link from the shady gardens thread. ; ) Do you think I could get you to part with these: Aster laevis
Penstemon digitalis
Physotegia 'Snow Dragon'
Platycodon dwarf 'Mariesi Blue'
Sorghastrum nutans
Xanthorhiza simplicissima


I was so tired from winter sowing and laundry and running back and forth to the computer all day that I fell asleep on the couch after dinner and my husband left me there. Ouch, neck kink and it's only 5am and I am awake for the day! Bummer!

Yay Cheryl! Good for you for coming over here. Those seeds are yours! Please D-Mail me your name and address.

Seaford, NY(Zone 7a)

I would love to have these grasses:
Andropogon scoparius
Andropogon gerardii
Bouteloua curtipendula
Bromus kalmii

Hey branches, if you love to have them then they are yours! Nice to meet you! You're taken care of. Please D-mail me your full name and mailing address.

New Richmond, WI(Zone 3b)


I would put any of the following to good use.


Pick and choose, any of them are welcome!


Hey KJ, Put em to good use!

Out of the Eupatorium perfoliatum and the E. rugosum 'Chocolate', I chose the E. Perfoliatum because I actually think it's prettier than the cultivar. The Verbena will be stricta that you will be sent. Please send me your full name and mailing address.

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

Hey Equil, I'm not to sure about grasses, I'm looking for something bout as tall as 5-6' will behave and not go visiting the neighbors, something nice looking I can leave standing all winter for interest, maybe that the birdies will love me for?!

PLEASE pick out something lovely for me, I'd be so greatful! : )


Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

This is pretty much the standard for the grass you want - this plant is 3 years old.

Hey bigcityal, will you please do the honors of picking from what is left for Dena. Big Bluestem comes to mind but most of the grasses and sedges above have winter interest.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

OK my latin's not working well this morning but that would fit his bill(is he a duck?)

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

is who a duck? My birdies?

edit to say I don't think i've had enough coffee yet for this...

This message was edited Feb 7, 2006 7:00 AM

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

I went looking in plant files and Equil, your pictures of the Big Bluestem are BEAUTIFUL! I, Dena, (a she) would love to have that growing in my garden! I think the birds,(not ducks altho I wouldn't be surprised if some stopped for a visit) would enjoy it.

: )
Dena (she)

Ummm, I was sort of joking about Big Bluestem but sort of not, Big Bluestem can go up to 8-10' which is exactly what that plant did. You'll want Little Bluestem as well as some of the other grasses that have height but aren't towering. Dena, I'll put something together out of my personal stock for you because I had seed left over that I was too lazy to add to the list above because I was just too darn burned out. I want you to go and look up a plant that goes by the name of Northern Sea Oats. I don't have any of that seed but I have the plants and would be able to get some seed for you later on in the year. I love those. They are probably my favorite. Take a look at those babies if I loaded a picture to the PlantFiles.

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

Very very pretty! I like the Sea Oats!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Maybe BB does get that big, I haven't seen it over 5', in actuality the only grass I've seen that tall is Ravenna sp? grass. Northern seed oats was short for me 18".
Sorry Dena(she) ,I might be an a**, but I'm not a d**k

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

LOL!What? Your not a duck?

Northern Sea Oats for me is about 2' maybe just a tad taller. That Big Bluestem was towering over me. The Little Bluestem around here is about 4-5' tall. Maybe it has been raining Miracle Gro around these parts?

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

No I'm not a duck, or duck or goose - you're it

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

Wait I wasn't ready!

Duck, duck goose? You two are silly heads ;)

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Silly gooses!

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

geeses, silly geeses

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

do you feel like you're babysitting, lauren? lol ; )

Naaa, they're just as silly as my kids. My husband and I are rather on the silly side ourselves so this is absolutely nothing out of the ordinary for me. I like silliness particularly when goofballs are involved. It's healthy for the body and soul!

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

fffeeeww! I was afraid she was gonna say yes

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