Fragrant wish list

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

np, I didn't think I would find it anywhere, Crazy For You. I got mine from Pennels nursery, 4 miles from me, they are the clematis breeder, but buy in most of their plants. Being in the breeding industry I suppose they know where to get the new ones.

BUT I found a link with it on in Scotland trial gardens

THEN I was lucky to find a link that actually was the rose and not the song, and GUESS WHAT? it is bred in the States!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

np, I didn't think I would find it anywhere, Crazy For You. I got mine from Pennels nursery, 4 miles from me, they are the clematis breeder, but buy in most of their plants. Being in the breeding industry I suppose they know where to get the new ones.

BUT I found a link with it on in Scotland trial gardens

THEN I was lucky to find a link that actually was the rose and not the song, and GUESS WHAT? it is bred in the States!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

np, I didn't think I would find it anywhere, Crazy For You. I got mine from Pennels nursery, 4 miles from me, they are the clematis breeder, but buy in most of their plants. Being in the breeding industry I suppose they know where to get the new ones.

BUT I found a link with it on in Scotland trial gardens

THEN I was lucky to find a link that actually was the rose and not the song, and GUESS WHAT? it is bred in the States!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

np, I didn't think I would find it anywhere, Crazy For You. I got mine from Pennels nursery, 4 miles from me, they are the clematis breeder, but buy in most of their plants. Being in the breeding industry I suppose they know where to get the new ones.

BUT I found a link with it on in Scotland trial gardens

THEN I was lucky to find a link that actually was the rose and not the song, and GUESS WHAT? it is bred in the States!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

np, I didn't think I would find it anywhere, Crazy For You. I got mine from Pennels nursery, 4 miles from me, they are the clematis breeder, but buy in most of their plants. Being in the breeding industry I suppose they know where to get the new ones.

BUT I found a link with it on in Scotland trial gardens

THEN I was lucky to find a link that actually was the rose and not the song, and GUESS WHAT? it is bred in the States!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

np, I didn't think I would find it anywhere, Crazy For You. I got mine from Pennels nursery, 4 miles from me, they are the clematis breeder, but buy in most of their plants. Being in the breeding industry I suppose they know where to get the new ones.

BUT I found a link with it on in Scotland trial gardens

THEN I was lucky to find a link that actually was the rose and not the song, and GUESS WHAT? it is bred in the States!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

np, I didn't think I would find it anywhere, Crazy For You. I got mine from Pennels nursery, 4 miles from me, they are the clematis breeder, but buy in most of their plants. Being in the breeding industry I suppose they know where to get the new ones.

BUT I found a link with it on in Scotland trial gardens

THEN I was lucky to find a link that actually was the rose and not the song, and GUESS WHAT? it is bred in the States!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

np, I didn't think I would find it anywhere, Crazy For You. I got mine from Pennels nursery, 4 miles from me, they are the clematis breeder, but buy in most of their plants. Being in the breeding industry I suppose they know where to get the new ones.

BUT I found a link with it on in Scotland trial gardens

THEN I was lucky to find a link that actually was the rose and not the song, and GUESS WHAT? it is bred in the States!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

gee that must be a record! each time I tried it wouldn't do it, so I saved, refreshed, and it WAS NOT there!!! HONEST!

Warren, NJ(Zone 6a)

It's not you! My post took so long I "forced" the browser to close. When I looked later, my message had posted. We'll see what happens this time! Thank you for the link. I'm about to investigate!

My fingers are crossed for you. We had snow too so I can't tell what the damage is. That's what I get for bragging about the lavender ;)
I understand your loyalty completely. I've already addressed the envelope to Fragrant Path and am looking forward to seeing it. Thanks.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

np - I do better with lavenders since I stopped cutting them down in early spring. I wait until they are showing a bit of green growth at the base. Same with Perovskia, and other herby type plants. Still find that I have to replace some every year.

I get especially irked when I buy them from the nursery, plant them and they just wilt away. I think they get so much fertilizer and TLC at the nursery, they can't take it in my poor yard. I don't baby any of my plants, except new trees (they are too expensive not to).

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

np, I don't know if you are still looking for the Crazy for you rose but, I found an online nusery that sells it along with a many other must haves on my list. I looked them up on GW and they were at 100%. It is also called Fourth of July if I read it right.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Yes it is Fourth of July, it's in the DG plant files! But also CFY, which I haven't been able to find reference to elsewhere as being the same. The flowers do seem to differ a lot, I found Hamilton Gardens (NZ) pic on google image, the flowers were spot on like mine. All others look darker and of more rounded form. This link I found does talk about climbing roses (which it apparently is) as a sport from a named rose, the flowers being larger but fewer on the climbing form. I am now wondering if one is the climber, the other the bush form, or just two very similar forms from the same breeding bunched together. Mine is quite tall now and has had 4 seasons, at 5' or so, it doesn't seem to need much pruning. It says 10-12 feet there, another said more.

(Zone 7a)

Does anyone know anything about the HT rose 'Lasting Love'? Seymour's Selected Seeds says it is "...dusky red and deep plum rose...saturated with a rich, pure rose fragrance...Plants display a high level of disease resistance."

true? hardy to what zone?

Wallaby and np, Fourth of July is growing on an arbor at a nearby public garden - Brookside Gardens - in MD. It seemed to have reached about 12', was quite vigorous with unforgettable fragrance. Could it be that it prefers the extremes over here?

Well, let's see how many times Mr. Gremlin posts this -

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Does this help?

That is a beaut! If it smells as good as it looks I'm def interested in her! Repeat this to myself a hundred times: "I will not get obsessed with roses"............

This message was edited Jan 16, 2006 5:50 AM

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Well I'm going to get you more obsessed, heirloomroses have it AND it is one of their most powerful scented ones

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Do you know, I think CFY was bred from a Gallica rose like Rosa Mundi

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Beautiful! (But I'm not looking either)

I did find out about this company in Florida that breeds roses for our hot & humid weather , (if only they had more photos, sigh) you may want to check them out, Deb. I got 2 late summer from them and so far, so good. Also looking into more minatures.

Warren, NJ(Zone 6a)

I agree about cutting lavender in the early spring. I killed an old favorite that way. I've had luck planting with generous amounts of builders sand mixed in the hole and mulching with turkey grit. This year I added limestone gravel as well after reading about it in Garden Gate. Perovskia hates me. It's one of those "easy" plants that is guaranteed to die if I look at it. I baby my plants when I plant them and then they're on their own. In Jersey, only the strong survive ;)

Wallaby and Heavinscent,
Bless you for the links. I had no luck on my own. But I'm a bit worried about the tendency to blackspot that Edmunds mentioned. Blackspot can be a real problem here. I'm hoping if it likes MD as Bluespiral says it will like NJ... and I need a climber. I have already ordered Camaieux, Jacques Cartier,Tuscany Superb, and Margaret Merrill. I really need to stop now. What was that about obsession??

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

np, I don't know why CFY gets blackspot there, all of my David Austin roses are prone to that, some worse than others, Glamis Castle is terrible for that, and it has just about expired.
I have had CFY in the ground for 4 seasons, and it it VERY healthy, I haven't seen a spot of blackspot on it. The two beds are near each other, but that wouldn't make any difference, if they are going to get it they WILL get it from the start. CFY has the sort or robust growth that rugosa roses have. I am wondering if they are 2 different roses from the same breeding programme with the same parents, and bundled under the one heading. This discussion has been going on in another thread about David Austin roses.

Best if I just give you the link, there are links to it on there. Note that CFY does make hips and seed, my last ones I left and I have quite a few seed from it, suggesting a rugosa background,. I am wondering if some have been seed grown to increase stocks quickly, it has only been on the market since 1999. This would give a big variation in flower form.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Here's the link to the DA thread

North Olmsted, OH

oxalis triangularis
Family oxilidaceae
grows to 8 inch high

Montgomery Co, IN(Zone 5a)

I'm still stuck on that creamsicle iris! lol
Does Montevideo ring any bells?
I read somwhere that it smelled like a dreamsicle.
I am dieing to get one :)

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Wow, I put them side by side and they look the same. That would be a nice one to have!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

RG ~ I read that too, and "orange cream" is how I've always described the scent. You might have a winner there with Montevideo but I won't know for sure until I go out to where I bought it and ask them. It's been 10 years and nothing rings a bell at this point. LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Berrygirl - re gingers check out: Jim (very nice and informative man) has a good selection at very fair prices. Tell him Chantell told you about him.

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Flower scent garden has a 'Orange Popsicle' Iris for $7.95. There was no Botanical name listed but it looks very simlar.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Sure does. :)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

For those of you that mentioned the petunias - it took me most of the summer to realize what that heavenly spicey scent was that I noticed at night. Duh...should've realized it when I'd moved the shepard hook/basket full of them closer to the front door. Wow...what a smell. Won't have to be undecided THIS year as to what's going back in the basket. And I bought mine at Walmart of all places!
Anyone have luck with Tuberoses in zone 7?

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