Fragrant wish list

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Carol, We are trying to plan a trip to Or either this summer or next. DH loves to fish so I told him all about the Salmon run and the Crab. We are trying to time our trip when both seasonds are opend. There are some horse stables close by where you can take a ride on the beach. Ahhh the memories! I do hpoe it will be this summer!

Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

I am told mignonette (Reseda odorata) has a fantastic fragrance. Anyone grow it in here?


South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Im starting it from seed for the first time this year. I got the seed from Flower scent garden. Ill let ya'll know how it does.

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

There are lots of great fragant roses out there.I want fragrant rose,roses and more roses and few fragrant daylilies and lilies.:-)

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I just looked thru my new copy of the Select Seeds catalog. They have a HUGE section of gragrant plants!

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

I love roses but dont grow them because they have so many problems. Do any of you know of any very fragrant "Old fashion" varietys?
My Grandmother had a yard full of roses and never had a problem with bugs blackspot mildew etc... I have tried several and all were so full of bugs and blackspot I tore them out and said I would never buy another rose. Well never is a really long time and maybe I just need a better rose.
Any Ideas?

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

Oh my yes there are lots of fragrant old roses.
This is just the

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

My so far favorite old rose is this:
She is very care-free and grows well in pt shade too. I love her fragrance!! Some say she suffers from blk spot but so far mine hasn't after 2 seasons.

BTW she is thornless!!

This message was edited Jan 5, 2006 11:28 PM

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Oh my gosh Jody are you trying to keep me up all night?
Thanks BG you just know a little about everything now dont you!
Thank you both I guess I will have to give roses another go around

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

No,lol. I'm not trying to keep you up...I just want you to know you CAN enjoy roses without a bunch of work and disease.:-)
Some of the roses on that link will be disease resistant you'll have to go through the list.I have 45 roses so far and only had a touch of blackspot last fall on a few of them...but I'm growing mostly the Old Garden Roses and some of the David Austin's.Not many teas,unless they are the very old ones...teas are mostly sissy roses.I don't want sissy's lol.I don't want to spray unless I have to and I haven't had to yet.:-)
edited to add and I can't

This message was edited Jan 5, 2006 10:54 PM

This message was edited Jan 5, 2006 10:55 PM

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Sissys now that sounds official! Ive got too many sissys as it is, no more needed at this time. Ha! sissys

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I know a very very little about a lot of things!!

Have you ever grown my 'Zephy'? If so, did she get blk spot?

South West, LA(Zone 9a)


Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

A friend sent her to me but I was sick during the drought this last summer I lost her and 4-5 others I had just bought they were all in pots,no more pots for me...all I planted in the ground lived through the drought and my lack of watering them while I was so ill...I have heard she can get blackspot...I'll pray for you and her ;-)

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

THANKS! I need all the prayers I can get- as do my poor plants. I feel so bad that they have me for their care-giver.

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

I'd be willing to bet,your a good plant Mommy.:-)

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Well, you KNOW I gotta put in my 2 cents everywhere on this forum, lol!

Iris--I'd like to find that creamsicle scent myself! My favorite thus far is 'Vanity'

Lilies--Casablanca has got to be #1 or close to it! (If I could choose only 1 lily, this would be it!

Sweet Box--I've just aquired and looks like it has buds, can't wait!

Roses for Southern Gardens, look here:

Houseplants? Couldn't be better than 'the Sharry Baby' Orchid, even me who kills ALL houseplants!

Better get to bed now, BBL!

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

VB, that iris is gorgeous...gotta have some. What is Sweet Box?

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Sweetbox is Sarcococca, the most commonly seen one is possibly S. confusa, I have a S ruscifolia, bought a few years ago as a small plant, and is just starting to put on some size. It is very slow growing, an alternative to the box plant, buxus sempervirens, but this plant can tolerate a lot of shade, and better still it has small white Powerfully scented flowers in the dead of winter. Mine should be in flower now, I saw some opening not long ago, and has some seed pods on from last year. they make a largish berry which turn red, I only have a few but they were turning red when last looked. We are around 2C to just under freezing at night at times here, since mid November has not been much above that. I want to put mine at the back of the house, which is quite shaded, when I put in some patio slabs, leaving a gap to grow it in. A winter delight to have close to the house, at the moment it is buried amongst other pots. I seem to remember taking seed pods from it last year, but possibly didn't label them, and when these things dry up you haven't a clue what is what, no matter what you think you are going to remember, so with seed and things everywhere I must have chucked them. Will be better organised this time!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

that link didn't work, try again

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I typed in their web address and found it (was a google), hope this works, if not just put in the web address and go to their catalogue and do a search, it looks to be a supplier so might be blocking the link!OpenDocument&Highlight=0,S622,R214,sarcococca,ruscifolia

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks. I have an area that we started this year that has lots of empty, shady spots, and some are fairly protected so it might work here.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I have taken photos of mine, just for the benefit of all, (including mine!), so here is a couple

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

The berries from last year

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Just checked it out in the plant files, and have put it on the "for sure to buy" list. Thanks for the info and the pictures.

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

W1, I can almost smell it! How is the growth rate?
Vi, Where did you get yours?

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Hs I can't smell it yet, they haven't quite opened, but it is bigger than ever this year, it must be twice as big as last year, I did pot it on, ready for another but better in the ground now, that is IF I get my spot prepared. I got it I think in 1999 spring, or 2000, but it was only a large 'plug' plant. I find this the best way to grow plants, as they are grown properly and less likey to die. You don't need to get close for the scent, i don't think there is anything More powerful, and it is gorgeous for such small flowers, although they will look a bit bigger when opened. I have seen them in our local supermarket, quite good sized plants too, but there seems to be a 'current' fashion and that changes, so if you see one you should grab it quick.

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

My favorite nearby nursery that specializes in plants for our area Towaliga Plants I know I sound like a broken record, but this place is very near to our swap and we always have a crowd shopping there. We even had Lamyrl as our speaker this fall.

I no longer have to worry about finding anything I need, if they don't have it they'll get it for us or won't recommend it. This is where I've gotten more wild azaleas, Banana Shrubs and so many more.

I just picked up the Sweet Box this fall and got the liner size, so sorry, can't comment on the growth yet.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

In my yard, the two fragrant plants that most surprised me over the years are

Iris "Codicil" - smells like grapes, just heavenly!

Peony Festiva Maxima - The most fragrant plant I have, (that includes the lilac planted next to my window). I can smell these peonies in my house from all the way down a hill and around a corner. Oh, and my garage is in between!

Fragrant wants:

Lemon tree
More Sweet Peas
Corkscrew Vine
All fragrant Roses, but no red

After reading all these threads, I'm wanting some Sweet Peas. Y'all sure make em sound wonderful!
... elaine

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Y'all will think I'm so stupid but I did not know peonies were fragrant. I have never had them, don't know anyone that grows them, nor have I ever read or heard much about them. I just looked them up in my SL book and they recommend your 'Festiva Maxima'. In fact they say if you have only room for one to choose this one. From what I read, most peonies don't do well in the South but this one does.

I am learning so much here!

Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)

Ivy1 - you should comment on 'Festiva Maxima' in the Plant Files.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

In your wish list, you mentioned roses but no red. May I ask why?
I also 2nd what jasmerr said.
I ordered mignonette[reseda] and can't wait to see if it's all that Empress Josephine said it was. This sounds awful but the reason I haven't already tried it is b/c from the pics I've seen, and what everyone says, it's not pretty at all. I am discriminating based on looks. Aren't I shallow?
About nicotiana: from what I have heard, the white or lighter colors are more fragrant than the colored ones. Anyone find that to be true?

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

You have GOT to tell us what is the name of your orange creamsicle Iris!?

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

berrygirl, look at peony Honey Gold, it is very fragrant, a Japanese one. I think you will like it. I also have one called Sword Dance, a beautiful deep fuchsia/purple with a large boss of creamy petaloids, it is also a little fragrant. I also have a Chinese tree peony, Hei Hua Kui, King of The Blacks, it is very fragrant, but mine I'm not certain is the right one. it has the very silky effect, but is a really dark purple, supposed to be black/red.

Look at Honey Gold

here's a list of them, inc Hei Hua Kui

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks Wallaby! Between you and Matt I am going to be BROKE!!

My poor checkbook!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Join the club! Strange thing is, you can spend on a tiny piece of plastic and don't really have to hand any money over! For a while, anyway........

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

BG ~ I PROMISE to tell you the name of the orange creamsicle as soon as I found out! For the life of me, I can't remember but I'll go out to the iris farm this spring and see if they can remember what they were selling 10 years ago. :) LOL

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Moby, I am so sorry! I didn't realize that you didn't know the name. I guess I didn't read the posts as thoroughly as I should. Please don't think I'm pressuring you.

I'll go buy me some creamsicles at the store tomorrow and sniff them-LOL!

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Ha! If you really need a scent fix, let me sell you some candles, lol!
I have creamsicle, lilac, freesia and more. It's the only way I'm getting thru this winter, being unemployed is no fun, but at least my house smells good!

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