
Pasadena, CA

Alright I will start by saying I am really into omorphophallus plants. Ok, I am an amorphofanatic. Is there anybody else out there who is into these plants, be it the titanium, the konjac or bulbifer, or any other type. Just want to talk with others like me.

Issaquah, WA

Hey there... I have the same addiction!.. started around 3 years ago and has gotten worse eversince...

Last year I had my first konjac bloom that was fantastic.. Right now I am getting into other aroid species.. Dracunculus vulgaris.. Pinellia.. Arum Italicum.. Arisarum.. Arisaema..
So yea send me a D-mail .. lets talk stinky plants!!

Heres what I have right now as far as amorphophalli

A. konjac---tons of them
A.konjac black stem
A.konjac pink stem
A. Albus

I have killed and dont have anymore:
A. Titanum
more coming soon...


Pasadena, CA

hey, good to hear from you. Believe it or not somebody else gave me your name and said you had the same bug. I have been interested in these flowers for about four years.
I currently have two types of konjacs, one has dark green leaves and the other has almost a greenish yellow colored leaf. Both of which gave me a few offset bulbs. I also have some bulbifers that I started from seeds last year and they are resting getting ready to be planted. I have tweleve bulbs from these that are pretty small but should get a bit bigger this year. I also have a titanium that I got as a seed last year. It put up three leaves and the third is still green and thriving. I transplanted it into a different pot than it was sent in and the bulb or seed I should day is about the size of a golf ball. I am not sure if it will even go dormant for ma this year since it is almost january and the days should start warming up soon here in Cali. I also have a paeoniifolius that should be arriving in the mail next week or so. I have never had one of these before but am always excited to see pictures of the unique bloom.

Sorry to talk so much but am very excited to see somebody else that likes these as much as me.

here is a picture of some of the bulbs that I will put back in this year.

Thumbnail by berhardt

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