December weather, God bless you with Warm Merry Gentlewinds.

Savannah, MO(Zone 5b)

Northwestern Missouri:
Mostly cloudy, breezy, cool day. High in the 40's
Looks like we will end the year above normal for annual rainfall.
Wish we could get some moisture to those south and west of us who are having wildfires with high winds.


Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Damp start today but nice sunny afternoon. Around 40F breezy out of the west.
Nice enough to rake the lawn, again! My 2 Sweetgum trees are taking for ever to drop their leaves this year.
Andy P

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Scattered Clouds. High: 41° F / 5° C Wind SSE 4 mph / 7 km/h
Friday Night
Scattered Clouds. Low: 17° F / -8° C Wind SE 11 mph / 18 km/h

(Zone 7a)

Friday, yesterday -
Hi 47, calm
Clouds broke in late afternoon for bright, sharp light in local, hilly woods - 3 weeks of snow and ice here mostly melted, so footing on slopes easy. Many small bogs extending outward from river of "Easter-egg" green grass among more subtle brown and charcoal colors. Remains of old stone (granite with veins of quartz and sprinkles of feldspar) quarries and occasional standing chimneys and low walls made from gathered stone. A few leaves of next spring's spring beauties and violets showing.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

what a picture, "eye candy". thanks!

(Zone 7a)

What's New Year's like in Texas, now Tamara? Are you around that dry-ish panhandle?

Another pretty day - up to 44*F this afternoon; Now it's 38*F, 89% humidity, wind NW 3 mph, DP 35*F, fog and mist.

A few aches and pains from getting lost with DH in a rather snootsnappy part of the "trail" and later hunching over teensy snapdragon seed to clean them.

Y'all have a toasty, healthy and felicitous New Year's.

Savannah, MO(Zone 5b)

Northwestern Missouri: Mostly cloudy, breezy at times, but very mild(50's) for Missouri.

The kids and I went hiking on a wildlife area on the Mo. River bluffs this afternoon and it was a blast. We enjoyed the sights and sounds of the unique loess(luss) soil bluffs, the timber, the prairies, birds,animal tracks, and the overlook view below of Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge down below us. A lot of geese remain in the area due to our mild weather we are experiencing now.

Have a great New Years Eve everyone. We will be safe at home this evening!!!!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

panhandle is dry, so dry. major fires were south of here.

but overall a nice day. glorious sunset. adna couple hours before that, the clouds covered the son in such a way, my son said "look a fireball in the sky!". and indeed, it was!!!

finished up hanging the storm door on the guinea house. tomorrow going to rake up some bags of hay for their bedding, and they can spend their first day of the new year in their house, looking out at the windy world theough the glass door LOL

winds tomorrow will be gusting around 60 MPH. first thing on the list, finsh picking up yard toys!

A Glorious and Successful year to everyone!
2006 is IT!


Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Started snowing a few hours ago, about 2 -3 inches so far. Fortunately, it's not sticking on the roads. Looks like a white New Years day coming up.
Happy New Year to all.
Andy P

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

FYI - fire danger map

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

How on Earth can Iowa be in the moderate risk area? I have 6 inches of snow for Pete's sake.



Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

thanks for that link!



Savannah, MO(Zone 5b)

Happy New Year to each of you. There's something fresh about starting a new year until I realize my birthdate and look in the mirror!!! I am going to enjoy Missouri's weather today in the mid 50's which is pretty unusual for winter in north Missouri. Keep praying for some moisture for those so dry and windy south and west of us. Out west its raining too much in areas. What a fickled weather pattern now. Enjoy your day everyone.


Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

About 3 inches of snow fell overnight, everything looks fresh like the new year.
Right now it's about 30 F. cloudy with almost calm winds.
Here is my back yard this AM.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Happy New Year!!!
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