Bariatric Proceedure

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Wow, it is getting close! We'll be thinking of you.

Care to share that cross rib roast recipe? :)

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Watering is gardening too!! It's all I have been able to do for awhile, and it's so wonderful to see the plants respond. Poor things sure look raggedy, but they are hanging in there waiting for me to be able to start cuttings and repot.

I know you'll enjoy that roast. I have a son that is a great cook too...isn't it wonderful? !!

Counting down with you......

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Had my blood profile this morning and also my ekg plus some more instruction from my primary MD. "Stop all meds as of now." My ekg was normal but the nurse had a difficult time finding my vein so she had to try the other arm and finally hit "oil" if you know what I mean. He gave me a prescription for a chest x-ray which I shall have this Friday along with my interview with the anestheseologist at Memorial Regional Hospital where I will also have my surgery on 3/1. Till then all is well...

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Well today starts the the liquid diet for which I just discovered after a phone call to my nutritionist, that I can have a half cup of grits, oatmeal or cream of wheat with 1% milk. Can have small amounts of fat-free strained soups, sugar free, fat free puddings, yogurt and sugar free ice pops. Not so bad but no where near as good as my son's cross rib roast prepared in a slow cooker with the most delicious sauce I've ever tasted! Had this last night as my celebration dinner! WHOA!!!! I've got to stop thinking about this as it won't make things any easier for me this week. After my surgery next week it won't matter much as I'll only be able to consume a half cup or so of liquid food and would you believe "I'm looking forward to it?"

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

This is the third day of my"liquid" diet and I feel great! Less bloating but still in a lot of pain because of the lack of my meds but it will be worth it and it's only a few more days till 3/1. The first day of the diet was tough especially when everyone else was eating. The second day was easier and today I don't feel hungry at all but I must make sure to get the proper vitamins and nutrition especially protein. I am on my way today for my appointment with the anestheseologist at the hospital out-patient center. They called yesterday to remind me and said it would be several hours? Wonder why so long? Well, I'll soon find out.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Good for you on your positive attitude about your diet! Hope your visit doctor's visit today goes well. Let us know....

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

The pre-op visit went extremely well and you won't believe this but the three nurses attending me at different times were all members of my bariatric group. One was in admission,the other blood bank and lastly the x-ray tech. Instead of taking several hours, they wisked me straight thru all the lines. Of course I was in a wheel chair and went past all that were waiting and when completed had a first hand knowledge on what to expect before and after the surgery and they will come up and help me after surgery. They all had the lap-band like I'm going to have! This is terrific and I can't wait!! All this and I was on my way in 11/2hrs
As I am writing this I finished a protein shake and am now having a large spicy V-8 juice and I am not that hungry considering this is a liquid diet. I had oatmeal for breakfast and for dinner a can of fat free chicken soup Campbells of course. This holds me over if I eat about 9 o'clock. I still must strain it before eating. Oh one other thing. I use the facilities a lot! I'm really clearing my system. I must have lost ten pounds already???

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Everything still looking so positive.....including you!!! You're sending out good vibs!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Of course, Tplant, you're drinking how many gallons a day?

Strain the oatmeal? So much on your diet sounds high in sodium!

I wish you dry nights and plenty of willpower.

xxx, Carrie

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

LOL @ Carrie. quote "I wish you dry nights and plenty of willpower"


You will most definately be in my prayers on Wednesday this week as you get your surgery finally. It has been a long road for you but I know you will be very successful with your weight loss.

Could you please get someone to post how you are doing after your surgery is over with? I will be sitting on pins and needles till I hear and you KNOW how painful THAT could get!

I would think the liquid diet would be very hard to stick to.

Keeping you in my thoughts as you travel down the road to better health and a new future.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Thank You Carrie & Lani and all for your well wishes. Yes I do drink a lot of liquids and at first it required a
tremendous amount of will power on my part as I was always hungry but after the second day it became much easier. I've not stepped on a scale but will when I enter the hospital Wednesday. I don't have the bloated feeling and I know my surgeon will be pleased. I can almost see my toes!!!

Carrie -- I only strain the soup although I really don't know why? The Campbells fat free has a miniscule amount of bulk about 1/2 of a teaspoon?

Lani --- Dr says if I'm good he will let me go home Thursday. The surgery is laposcoptic which is tiny incisions that do not require stiches so I will be in touch as soon as I arrive home. You can count on it!

Today is my Grandson's third birthday and my DIL is having a party for him and she grudgingly prepared some excellent food as she was a professional cook so I must be on my best behavior today although my
nurse, who also had lap=band surgery, said it would be OK to indulge but I would feel so guilty after all I've been thru that I decided to only have some salsa if at all.


High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

That is very kind of your daughter in law to be so concerned about your feelings!

Can't wait to hear how your doing... Best of luck!!!


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

After all I've been through I woke up this morning with a cold and of course can not have surgery tomorrow. My son says everything happens for a reason. However my dates have been changed to 3/8 or 3/10. Don't feel much like talking just now as this means one more week or so of pain and the liquid diet...

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh TP! I know how you must feel. Basically that sucks:(( Hang in there and hopefully it will be here before you know it!

Hugs - Kim

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

So sorry to hear about your setback. Rest, and get well...

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

So sorry TP. But I too believe that every thing happens for a reason. Perhaps a week or so more of the liquid diet will be beneficial in helping in the surgery.

Buck up Buckeroo!!! We're all hanging with you!

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Doggone it Tplant. That just is disappointing for you. Sorry.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Well I feel to be in a BETTER MOOD TODAY! Boy I was sick yesterday both physically and emotionally. They gave me new dates with a definite 3/10 which is the friday after next and 3/8 next wednesday as a standby. Another week of no pain meds and a liquid diet.

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

UGH not my idea of fun that's for sure. Hope all goes well for your new date.

N.C. Mts., NC(Zone 6b)

Thinking of you today. Hang in there....

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

TP, another date with your surgeon? (tee hee gigggle gigggggle) Can you reallly see your toes? (Thinking of how impossible that was while pregnant...) I'm glad you're feeling better. I was going to suggest chicken soup and plenty of vitamin C but I guess that would be redundant! Best of luck in all that happens. Don't forget to let us know how it goes, of course.
xxxx, Carrie
edited to fix the italics

This message was edited Mar 3, 2006 12:37 PM

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Well I'm still here, a little bit of congestion leftover but almost normal and hoping if all goes well for 3/8 I'll be ready. If not, then 3/10 will be next but there is still a danger of re-infection as my entire family now has it in spite of all my precautions to stay away from them. My grandson's birthday party was last sunday and two of the relatives came to the party coughing. It was to late for me as I had made contact with them by a simple handshake and I guess that is all it takes? How can people come to anothers home knowing they are sick and contagious? In my day we would stay home until cured.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Did you and/or they wash your hands? Just wondering.

These days even in elementary school they give awards for perfect attendance! Sick days are subtracted from jobperformance ratings, Apparently it's no longer okay to use being sick as a reason not to do something.

xxxxx, Carrie

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I washed my hands --- don't know if they did?

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Praying all will go smoothly for your surgery and you will have swift healing and a swift weight loss with great permanent results in your health matters too.


Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Hope all the congestion, fever, etc. has cleared up and the big day will be tomorrow! We'll all be standing by waiting for the good news.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Lani & Pati --- No it won't wednesday! I still have chest congestion and with my entire family ill I just don't know what to do. Perhaps I should call it off until I'm free of all congestion? This is so discourageing.

Burlington, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi Tplant,

I would think that you might want to wait until you are feeling completely well before having any surgery. If you have underlying medical problems with the Post Polio problem, I would think recovering from surgery will be a challenge as it is and you might want to give yourself as much advantage as you can. I know it is hard to postpone again, but in the end you will be glad you did. Spring is coming and warmer weather and everyone will get well. :-)


Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Tplant, I know it's discourageing, but I don't think it's your call to make the decision. This is something your doctors will decide and I'm sure you can trust their judgement.

Before my knee replacement there was serious concern about a heart blockage that showed up in a heart catherazation. The doctors all got together and made a decision to go ahead. It turned out O.K.

I know it's hard to be without solid food and pain meds....doesn't give you much strength to fight off discouragement, but a little patience now will reap a great reward!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I went to my primary physcian yesterday and he gave me a strong anti-biotic and cough syrup w/codeine. After a brief exam he said I will be fine for Friday! After starting the med, I got up this morning with a clear head. No nasal drip and an almost clear chest. Don't know what miracle drug but I do feel much better and confident for 3/10.
Keep forgetting to take my vitamins....

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

We're happy that you are closing in on your goal, Tplant. Our very best wishes are with you. Yuska

Burlington, MA(Zone 6a)

That is happy news Tplant. Glad you don't have to postpone and will be thinking of you on the 10th! Good luck. :-)

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Great news that your postponement isn't a long one. Just think of all the weight you have probably lost on this liquid diet too. Head start on your new life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't forget to take your vitamins. Put them in a baggy in your pocket so you feel them when you put your hand in there. Get into the habit of leaving them where you can readily see them like we do. Our meds are put on the breadboard in the kitchen so we basically have them in the way when we need utinsils. Works well for us.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery and a great weight loss but I know I will be jealous of your loss. Wish I could afford such a surgery :(


N.C. Mts., NC(Zone 6b)

Thinking of you and will keep you in my prayers.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Getting excited as it is less than 24hrs away. Thank you all very much for your support. After the surgery I will start a Post-Op thread. By the way I've lost 11lbs on this diet but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. YUK !!!! Boy do I crave a thick juicy burger with my home grown tomatoes and sweet spring onions drizzled in balsamic vinegar. I'll be able to have that some day but in smaller quantities. Isn't that great??? I'm a lucky guy...

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Good on you Tplant!!! Your optimism and excitment is coming through loud and clear! Waiting for the good news on the POST-OP THREAD!!!

I'm here rootin for you!
Hugs&blessings ... Elaine

Inverness, FL(Zone 9a)

Hey T - Hang in there pardner, things are going to work our really well for you. I dropped 61 pounds, as of this morning, since November and I'mnot on a diet. I can eat anything I want to. The secret is I eat lots of meals with what I once considered real small portions. And drink lots of water. I don't feel like I'm on a diet either. With past diets I always had a goal and when I reached it, it was time to reward myself with big bowls of pasta, lots of Checkerburgers and Checker fries (always supresized). Now I couldn't even eat just a large bag of their french fries. I like those smaller portions now. I have some basic guidelines on calories, carbs, fat, & sodium from the diabetes club at the VA. The salt is the hardest one to make. 2400mg per day is the desired. I hate to tell you how many times I have doubled plus that one, but the pounds keep coming off. Things I did to help were get smaller pots and pans (I've got a frying pan that won't hold more than 3 eggs), smaller plates, smaller silverware, and smaller storage containers. (Lots of 1 cup and 1/2 cup containers). It is amazing how this whole thing works. Do I eat more than I should sometimes. Sure do, but then I eat a little less the next day to balance things out. Works for me. When you recover we can discuss this more if you like.

You have a great attitude T. You won't have any problems at all. My prayers are with you. Ed

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

My schedule for tomorrow is to check in at 2:30pm and surgery will be at 5:15pm. Hope the doctor has a steady hand? LOL

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Tplant -
Just found and read this thread. Was directed to "Accessible Gardening"... Next time, maybe you could put in a link. With links, I can go instantly. With "go to's" I totally ditz out and never make it to the forum to look for the thread.

I wish you steady hands for your surgeon; a rapid recovery from the surgery; peace and endurance, esp during your liquid phase; and a consistent and permanent weight loss of 2 pounds + a week so you can have a healthy body by this time next year!

God Bless!! ~ Suzi :)

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