
Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

My sister in law gave me a couple of 4 inch pot sized cyclamens for my birthday. They are so sweet and pretty in full blooms, couple shades of pink. Any one have any special words of wisdom on how to handle these? I have never had them before.

This same sister in law gave me a gorgeous "Christmas" cactus (orange-red) for my 50th birthday a few years ago and it has grown and looks magnificent every year for my birthday. It is one that has just kept on giving year after year.

Fruitport, MI(Zone 5a)

Lenjo, I got this care sheet on one of the web sites

Cyclamen Care Instructions

Water: Moderately moist soil is preferred. Water thoroughly when just the soil surface is dry to the touch. Bottom watering is best but do not allow plants to stand in water.
Light: Indirect or bright-diffused light is best. No direct sun.
Temperature: Cool/Moderate - Prefers 60F-70F degrees in the day and 55F-65F degrees at night.
Blooming Cycle: The blooming cycle is three to six weeks.
Problems: If the climate is warm watch for spider mites. Root rot is a sure thing if you over water the plant or if there is not sufficient drainage. Leaves will drop if the plant is too warm Bud drop comes if there is insufficient light, excessive soil drying or high temperatures.
Cyclamen will bloom continuously for 2-4 months with each blossom lasting 2-3 weeks. However, bright, diffused light is necessary for cyclamen buds to develop and bloom above their spreading rosette of leaves.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Kathy, thank you and thank you again, great help.

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