Succulents and white flies

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hello all...newbie to Dave's here :) First time I've had an issue with white flies and my succulents. I truly believe they came from the succlent soil recently purchased. Anyone have better luck with one product then another to take care of these little irritents? Thank you for any and all responses!!

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Haven't had this problem yet, but I read somewhere to put on a yellow raincoat, because they're very attracted to the color yellow, and start tapping all of your plants to get them flying and to come to you. Then go out the door, take off your raincoat and run back inside!!! hahaha

I've seen whiteflies outside before...all gathered around this bright yellow flowerpot outside (which will never come inside). So I know they're attracted to yellow. ; )

Good luck. Tell everyone if it worked.

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

I think someone was having luck using Swiffer sticky pads in place of the regular yellow sticky white fly traps sold in stores. here's the link

although the raincoat idea sound fun.

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