Rallying all Canadians

Hey, could you girls stop by Terra Nova nurseries on your way up here. They got a few new things I'd be happy to trade for.

No that's not Ferdinand. That's Fenceater, I think. Can never tell him and his brother, Sneakybutt apart.

Thumbnail by echoes
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Mayday...mayday....whomp whomp (sound of danger and red lights going off) Do not believe the leader Kelly (aka GardenGeek). I'm no double agent! Like I said, I am unhypnotizable since that awful episode with sis that had her prancing around like a chicken. Well, I was so embarrassed for her and myself that I am no longer able to be hypnotized.

P.S. Do you really think we should trust Equil? Yes, she is a marksman, due to the Canadian Geese episode and all, and deserves utmost respect BUT may I throw out the suggestion that SHE might be the double agent here.? Like...how many times have you wondered to yourself..'why is she being so nice?' Hmmmmm

P.P.S. echoes, seems like Sneakybutt would fit in more with our operation. What's he been up to...he looks rather sheepish ....

#6 over and out

Well, I think he just got out of the pile of corn silage, not too sure. See that there cow behind him.........

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Good job,,,,you sound so convincing,,,keep it up girl

"I'll be happy to give you all slingshot lessons. I'm a pretty good shot if I do say so myself "- all part of CARAT's master plan. Lull you all into a false sense of security. FYI, I never said I was going to teach you all how to use one properly.

Figured that bull wasn't going to be named Ferdinand but Fenceater is not a good sign. No sir, not a good sign at all.

And er uh Sandy... have you ever looked up what Wild Parsnip does to ya if you touch it at all? Puts Poison Ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, and stinging dead nettles to shame. Touch one of those and you'll end up looking like a prime candidate for a Leper colony for about the next 6 months to a year of your life. How do I know... I accidentally must have touched one then blew my nose. A little spot on my cheek got it. I went to my Doctor because it was extremely painful and itching at the same time and they were thinking it might be flesh eating bacteria because it was growing in size and skin was flaking off and then a spot appeared on my ear. In all seriousness, and all joking aside... you guys really should familiarize yourselves with this species. It's all over Wisconsin and is becoming more of a problem in Illinois and Michigan. At least know what the plant looks like so you can stay away from it. If you do ever find any of it, use heavy gloves that you can throw out, a dandelion tool to get at the root, then bag it, and toss it out with your garbage. Never burn this stuff. If it gets in your lungs you could end up hospitalized for months.

Now back to our scheduled programming...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Cant remember the author but recently read a mystery where the murder 'weapon' was wild parsnip!

I don't think it's poisonous if ingested like water hemlock but then nothing is as poisonous as water hemlock. I'm pretty sure the plant was used for medicinal purposes at one time but I have no idea what the xanthotoxin was used for. The root is edible but I'm not so sure about any other parts of the plant and with what this thing can do to your body... who the heck would want to get close enough to it to do anything other than rip it out of the ground or stop it from going to seed.

editing to add the binomial if any one wants to look it up- Pastinaca sativa

This message was edited Nov 12, 2005 12:23 AM

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

ouch! So what is the lowest zone that Pastinaca sativa (wild) can grow in???

BTW DD crossed back over........I just had to wave the money she needs to eat for the next two months in front of her. ;)

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Cash? Who needs cash? Say hello to my little friend!

Thumbnail by mornin_gayle
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

MG you play NASTY!!! However she, so far, doesn't know how to use one of those things. :b

Besides I think y'all should eye our ever so quiet members at the coast........THEY have the plants we'd kill for (well some of us anyways;)

Bad news, I think it can make it in 3 a and b.

I went to go look up the USDA hardiness on this and found several sources that indicated it was definitely hardy to 4a.

I found this from the cold climate gardening site-

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Oh you can keep it!!! Thanks for the link and, because of it, I discovered we are already watching out for it: http://www.sarm.ca/Rural_Councillor/Backissu/Volume%2038%202003/vol38no1_0203/v38n1art8.htm

edited to say they found a growth near Regina. :(

This message was edited Nov 12, 2005 12:37 AM

So is this a truce on the Stinging Nettle which we most unfortunately already have down here too? I've run into that little beast and I don't think I felt my finger tips for a few hours and I definitely know why they are referred to as "Stinging" Nettle from first hand experience. I so hate pain.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

You easterner's better be watching that *other* thread.......they've got your locations pinned down and all kinds of scary green stuff (that has a very good chance of adapting to your zones). :S

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

~ An evil whisper from somewhere, sounding suspiciously like GardenGeek ~

You will post in the Canadian Forum that it was all just a bad dream you had. In reality you invited some American friends to come visit in spring and are wanting to take us on a garden tour of your Canadian friends' beautiful gardens. And you want their complete cooperation.
Ready, 1, 2, 3. snap

Where am I? Oh yeah, hi!....I just had the strangest dream....well it was a nightmare actually. Of course, as you know, we are expecting a few gals for a grand tour of our Canadian members' gardens, which I am really looking forward to in the spring. At this point there will probably meet either at the airport or at ViolaAnn's in Ottawa (stopping for a tour of her garden, complete with new retaining wall), then on to my garden and a sleepover. After a huge breakfast, off we go hopefully showing them more gardens in the west. We are currently ironing out the details of the western leg of the tour, as you are aware.

Oh yeah, back to my weird dream... Well, this wonderful garden tour we are planning.... in my dream it was all a big undercover operation where the gals were actually going to sneek in over the border at night, dressed all in black with headlamps and camo dogs. Their plan was to replace all my plants with nasty dead-looking plants, and vines that would engulf entire houses, and for fun they'd scatter seeds of noxious weeds in the wind and bring fungus and mold for good measure! They planned to replace all my garden knickknackery with old snowmobile parts and barbie dolls! Oh it was a nightmare!

They even planned to interrogate ViolaAnn in Ottawa for my address, holding her hostage until she played the viola for them. They had us scared half to death and Ann and I were forced to form our own united front and we called ourselves CANDU. I know! I told you it was a WEIRD dream, didn't I?

It's really kinda funny though. I mean, when I asked you guys to open up your gardens...you said "yes" instantly, like "of course". So it's not like I don't have your full cooperation on this tour. Right? I need your full cooperation to organize the rest of this tour. Can I count on your cooperation? I must have your complete cooperation.

(Geesh, I'm not usually so aggresive, that's weird too....hmmmm)

This message was edited Nov 13, 2005 11:48 PM

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


My that Is a strange dream you had. Wow, how could anyone *sneak* over the border???? That border is really protected very well. Ladies all in black with head lamps and camo dogs,,,what a sight that would be,,,,ROFLOL,,,,,my,,,, dreams can be strange sometimes. Replacing plants with dead ones and adding noxious weeds, fungus, mold and nasty old junk for garden art,,,,You really did have a nightmare,,,,AWWW you poor thing. Like Mama always said,,,,,,,Just remember,,,it was only a dream.


White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Thanks, Kelly.

Looking forward to seeing you in the spring!


Central, WI(Zone 4a)


I can't wait either,,,it's so nice of you to invite us to tour your gardens,,,from the pics you have posted they look so lovely. Do you think Ann would mind giving a tour of her beautiful gardens,,,seein' as we'll be so close? Her pics are beautiful also.

Oh, I also bring a little something for our hostess,,,do you think I could bring you a plant? If not, it may have to be something else,,,hoping it can be a plant though. I have a gorgeous Heuchera 'Cappuccino',,,,, I would love to share a division with you.

Looking forward to spring and thanks again, Kelly

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Oh my, Kelly, that is extremely kind of you to offer me a plant. How did you know that I love Heuchera's? But, I would very much hate to appear to be picky....so, please know that *any* plant of your choosing will be most gratefully accepted. What a charming custom you have of gifting the host/hostess.

And I'm quite certain, too, that Ann would love to give you a tour, in fact it is in the planning stage now. I'm sure you'll love to see her new retaining wall. I don't know whether she'll have time to plant the new garden before you arrive though.

That reminds me, Kelly, I don't believe we have confirmed the date yet. Could you confer with your colleagues and get back to me?


Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

You know that's such a coincidence......I too had a similar dream in that I was apart of this operation to ravage a beautiful Canadian garden. Actually, I woke up thinking, my goodness, I couldn't be so awful as to trade inferior plants and be an accomplice to something so criminal could I? No, I could never do something like that......nope not me......not very becoming of a good Canadian ...............And then, I slept the sleep of a newborn infant, with my conscience clear that I really am a good girl!

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Well, of course you're a good girl, you silly-billy! Isn't that strange that you had a similar dream. There must be something in our Ontario water or something

BTW, once I get confirmation of the date, I'll contact you because I'm hoping you'll be the first stop on the garden tour!

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

So glad you like Heucheras,,,do you think Ann would like a start also? The 'Cappuccino' are so pretty.

That would be awesome if Ann would also consent to a tour. I am so looking forward to seeing yours and Ann's beautiful gardens,,,,we all know pics don't do them justice. Colleagues? I don't know if the other few gals will be able to make it now,,,it may just be me. I hope that you wouldn't feel like you were wasting your time with just one person? I'll talk to the other few gals and get back 2 u.

Oh,,,how fun that will be. If a couple of the others come with, we could get a room or 2 depending on how many could make it. Take you and Ann out for a nice breakfast, our treat of course,,,I know you offered to make breakfast but we wouldn't want you to put yourself out at all. Go on the tours and then just sit and relax,,,maybe order something in for dinner,,,again, our treat,,,you're being kind enough playing garden hostess and then just sitting around and visiting. Getting to know each other a little better.

Like I said, I will check and see if a few others might be interested and get back to you.

Thanks so much,


edited to add, Erynne, wow, there Must be something in the water there. I had a dream that a bunch of us were sitting in a garden visiting and sipping some Margaritas.

This message was edited Nov 13, 2005 10:05 PM

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Oh, no of course not, whether you are just one or two or even twelve we will welcome you with open arms, won't we Ann?

That is so very kind of you to offer to treat us to both lunch AND dinner. Well, we'll just have to arrange for you to take something back from our gardens, too. It just wouldn't do to have such a one-sided gift-exchange can we? Between the two of us, Ann and I have over 100 kinds of hosta, maybe you would like to choose yourself?


Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

Good dream Kelly but did I happen to fall into the garden bed in your dream? You see, one drink and I can barely stand or sit properly for that matter.
I also wanted to add that in my dream (or maybe it wasn't a dream) that someone was dangling something in front of my face like a pendulum. It's like I became hypnotized or something.....whew that was weird.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


AAAWWWW,,, you are so generous,,garden tour and a little plant trade. And yes, you know how much I like hostas,,,would be very gracious of you to let me choose one.

Aw jeez,,,this warms my heart,,,don't know what to say,,,I'm so verklempt.


Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Yes, you were there too,,,only sipped a little bit of Margarita though,,,,and you did indeed mention something about not being able to handle too much alcohol.

HHHMMM, pendulum you say,,,gosh dreams can be funny,,,LOL Or maybe it's your painkillers? they can make u have weird dreams also.

Had a dream once that little elves came and put my new beds in that I'm planning to put in in spring,,,and they even planted all the hostas and companion plants. Wouldn't it be nice if that dream came true,,,,LOL

Also had another dream that I won the lottery,,,,,even a funnier dream that one was,,,so I don't put much stock in dreams.


White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)


Well, it's a good thing that I don't put much stock in dreams either, else I'd go looney thinking that any of MY dream/nightmare could possibly come true! *laughing pleasantly*


Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

Elves planting the garden for you?! That would be the best,lol

Now I'd like to come along up to Sandy & Ann's with you Kelly (if that's okay with the hostesses) but I will need directions. Have we got the addresses yet? Wouldn't want to get lost that's all but then again it shouldn't be too difficult to find Ann's home. I mean how many people have a retaining wall beneath their tree quite like Ann's?

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


That's what I do,,,just laugh it off,,,,boy the subconscious mind can play some nasty tricks. You're right we would drive ourselves looney if we thought there was any truth to them.

I also had a dream once that some kids came into my garden and mixed up ALL of my hosta markers,,,,,I guess that one I would call a nightmare,,LOL

I mean,,,figure the odds.

Looking forward to spring,


Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Wouldn't it though??? Save me a whole lot of work.

Sure, I would love to meet you as much as I would love to meet Sandy and Ann. Yep, we sure will need your address Sandy. Then I can Map Quest it for directions,,,,I hate getting lost. ggggrrr


Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Kelly dear, would you mind if I tagged along on your garden tour? It has been so long since I have been "North of the Boarder".

I know we can't possibly plan an exact date right now, with our crazy weather. Why Iowa had 9 tornadoes on Saturday, in November for heaven's sake! We should be worrying about shoveling right now, not blowing away! But I'm sure we can narrow a date down closer to spring. I would love to have our hostesses addresses so I can send ahead a few presents.

We won't be driving over that nasty bridge by Detroit, right? That bridge still gives me nightmares. Altho with the crazy dreams you all have been having, who knows?


Central, WI(Zone 4a)


That would be great,,,another friend to be able to actually see,,,LOL As far as a date, I guess we'll have to see how spring is and talk to Sandy and Ann to see when their gardens are in all their splendor. As far as crossing the border I don't know which way. I guess we'll have to do Mapquest for Erynn's to pick her up and then from there to Sandy's

Oh, this will be so fun,,,can't wait,,,LOVE garden tours.


White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

mg - you are just too kind! Imagine sending pre-gifts. I'm tearing up at the display of generosity. Well, here's where you can send my gifts:

P.O. Box 999993332
White Lake, Ontario
K0A 3L0

Thanks so much for your kindness.

Is that where you'd like your seeds sent too, Sandy? If not, maybe you better send me a dmail with instructions.

Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)


Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Thank so much for your p.o. box,,,however,,,I will be bringing my hostess gift in person when we come in spring so I will need your home address.

Here are the Heuchera that will be your hostess gift. Just wanted to show you how well they are still doing,,,took these pics today.

Upper left is 'Cappuccino' upper right is 'Stormy Seas', lower left is the underside of SS leaf and lower right is a close up of SS leaf. Hope you and Ann don't have either of these Heuchera


Thumbnail by GardenGeek_WI

Ooh my, I can hardly wait till you get to my neck of the woods. Such generous offerings. No ulterior motives for all these promises, eh?.....EH?

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I'm thinking maybe the offerings for Sandy could be sent to my address if you wish since you'll get it off the Internet anyway. It only takes me an hour to get to her house. ;-)


Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Are you also inviting us for a tour of your gardens? AAWWW, how very nice of you. Do you also like Heuchera? I do have some 'Pewter Veil' ? I think that's the one, and some 'Palace Purple', also another kind that I would have to look up the name, has Beautiful Hot Pink- Reddish flowers,,,,stunning.

If not, I do have some Daylilies of which I would be more than happy to share a fan or 2 as a hostess gift for you. These pics were taken this summer. Top left is 'Kaitlyn's Dream' top right is 'Kj's Gold' (got those 2 for my nieces Kelsey Jo and Kaitlyn) bottom left is 'Peaches and Cream' and bottom right is 'El Desperado'


Thumbnail by GardenGeek_WI
Central, WI(Zone 4a)


How very generous for your offer,,,however, we will still need her address as she has invited us to come take a tour of her lovely gardens. I believe she said you would be willing to give us a tour of your gardens as well,,,from your pics, I would Love a tour,,,,everything looks so beautiful. Thanks

In fact I have just gone back and looked through some old threads with pics of Sandy's garden,,,,,I Can't Wait to come over and see it,,,,,Absolutely beautiful.


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