Rallying all Canadians

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Really #6 - you think kittens can't hold their own with the best of them? Shhhhhhhhh! Don't tell the Dozen! --#2

Thumbnail by ginnylynn
Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)

FV - very cute pups

Lily - your DD is beautiful; want me to put some camo on and give her a cigar?


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

LOLOLOL I think you've got us protected now!

"Wait! What makes you think I want them back? I just found the perfect place to dump them?" morning_gayle makes a lot of sense to me. On second thought, you can keep all of mine too.

No worries Lilypon, mine are all too young to be anything but nuisances.

I've rethought this whole situation. My husband and I always wanted a daughter and my husband has been telling... no begging me... to part with some money and go to a real hair dresser instead of one of those "$9 a cut/make you look like a guy" salons and he's also asked me nicely to shop for clothing somewhere other than at WalMart or K-Mart for clothes so I'm a thinking I've got a new shopping buddy in Lilypon's daughter and that I can take my husband's credit card to make my debut into the shopping world and that by the time I'm shown the ropes by your daughter that my husband will never ever ever suggest again that there is something wrong with my clothing choices. Wow, with the boys out of the way I could kill to birds with one stone! This daughter deal is looking more attractive to me particularly since she's past the really mouthy back talking phase.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Oh go for it Jody :) .......she hates cigarettes with a passion but she'd get a kick out of it.

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Ohhhhhhhhh! The killer kitty...Roger that #2. I shoulda known there was some covert activities going on.....sorry, sometimes I can be so naive.... my lips are sealed

#6 over and out

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Trust me your DH would would drop dead if'n you and she did that. I really should say she's good at saving her money and finding deals.......BUT given a chance like that you better have a mortician on your speed dial.

I also have an almost 19 year old son..........trust me there's nothing that can age (and scare you more) than the higher teen years (and mine have been pretty good).

Mortician, eh? I think my husband's heart can take the damage bill because we've had lots of experience with damage bills but will your husband be able to take the introduction of 5 new alien life forms ready and prepared to experience life to the fullest?

Run, run very far and very fast. I have five. There isn't one part of this home that they haven't blown up, set ablaze, or re-modeled.

And when I want your daughter to go home I'll buy a pack of cigarettes and sit here and chain smoke so thanks for the ever so helpful tip Lilypon.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Sandy you should hear them when the door bell rings. Just fire up a high powered tool and Bailey will let loose The newgas meter reader doesnt even come in the yard - stands on the other side of the fence in the neighbors yard and the dogs rip up the flower bed trying to get at him!


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

You win ;)......having just one boy (and an older sister watching him) kept our house a little more intact.

You know...it's a Federal holiday down here so kids are home and I didn't go to work. Wish I would have figured that out before I thought some missed the bus and drove them to school to find a ghost town. I've been running back and forth cleaning house and dealing with laundry and such and one of mine just read this thread and claimed that we all need prozak or something which reduced me to knee slapping laughter.

Lilypon, your daughter sounds lovely. If I had one I'd want one like her. I can honestly say that my husband probably wouldn't want her though because she's too pretty and that means shotgun time. Sadly, with what I know about your two kids... there is no way I could swap with you. It wouldn't be a fair trade. I am in serious need of some updating to my hair and wardrobe though so if you two are ever down this way, I'd still like to go shopping with your daughter. Your comments about her frugalness appealed to my cheap side. I love a kid who can save money and find deals!

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Lovely Teenage girl,,,,,we'll bring handsome Teenage boy,,,there counter attack,,,LOL


This message was edited Nov 11, 2005 12:41 PM

Oh, forgt to mention that I live real close to Gurnee Mills. Sort of like Mall Of America up in Minnesota. Not quite as big but real close.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


If you need a haircut,,,I can take care of that,,,,no worries.


I've found that over the years this colic I have in front has become very annoying as has the birthmark with no pigment in a blotch on my head sticking out like a sore thumb. Think Cruella Da Ville from 101 Dalmations. I'm now choosing shorter and shorter hairstyles and there has got to be something I can do because my husband likes my hair shoulder length yet on the other hand, I want a hairstyle that I just comb through. Thanks for the offer, you can give me a new do on the way up to their neck of the woods.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Not a problem,,,,,,I'll bring my scissors with.

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Uh oh! They've found us (or most of us anyway). They actually have a MAP out there now!

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

AHHHH, Yep, Always one step ahead aren't we????

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

We need to go to plan b without delay CANDU. Going into deep cover now. Probably won't be able to surface until tomorrow.

Thumbnail by ginnylynn
Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)

Lily's daughter has consented to help our side!

Thumbnail by jasmerr
Central, WI(Zone 4a)

OMG JODY,,,,Good going,,,,ROFLOL

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

ROFLMBO ummmmmm I think I'll keep this to myself cause, if I don't, my darling traitor is never, ever gonna let me post her pic here ever again. ;)

However she, and the rest of her roomates, would love to see which boy you'd be sending Alberta bound (she's stuck on a campus that just has potential nurses........100 odd girls and only 2 guys)

Girls obviously taking a break from studies (around Hallowe'en I believe ;)

Thumbnail by Lilypon

Not sure yet if I want to take sides, but just in case any of you think your going to find me and come and "trade" in my garden, just know you will have to get past Big Max. He is always friendly looking until you get within ten feet.

Thumbnail by echoes
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

LOLOL between him and your pet polar bears your garden should be safe echoes. ;)

I think so. If not, I have a back up mascot that should take care of it. Besides, I don't think I grow anything they'd want to "trade" for anyway. The lichens wouldn't tempt them you think?

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

We've got the Diefenbunker, near Ottawa if we need a secure place.

And we've got grand-twin power - the force is with us.

Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Imma doubting it..your lichens should be safe.

I'm almost afraid to ask, knowing you, but........What is your back-up mascot???

edited to say I feel safe already Ann. :)

This message was edited Nov 11, 2005 6:49 PM

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

And the other half of Grand-twin power will keep the beat.


PS Make no mistake, that smile hides a serious temper.

Thumbnail by ViolaAnn

Looking better for you Ann, they prolly won't hang around for long. I can send you some nettle seeds to perimeter your garden with if you think it might help. Keep the kiddies away from them or you will never hear the end of the squealing.

I'm not sure I should give out that information Lilypon, but I guess I could give you a peak at one of the brothers.

BTW, horns should have grown back in by spring thaw.

This message was edited Nov 11, 2005 7:01 PM

Thumbnail by echoes
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

He looks good. And yes, a field of nettles should protect the hostas quite well.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Oh yes!!!! Between him , the Gran-twin power, Ginny's furry sniper, fancy's ferocious beasts and my Charlies Angel we should be covered.

Thumbnail by Lilypon

My goodness, that doll is getting sultry lookin.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Her daddy does keep a polished shotgun as well. ;)

So she's more of a lure than a weapon?

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Ummmm............ let's just say backup.

She any good with a slingshot?

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Nope but she and a whole slew of friends need practice giving needles. ;)

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

OK! now you guys are talkin'. Big Max, grand-twin power, killer kitties, teenage daughter WITH friends, and a big mean BULL. Yeah, that should scare the bajeepers outa them!


Ps. Maybe everyone should bone up on their slingshot skills this winter, eh?

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I have hypnotized Sandy,,,,we will now have her full cooperation,,,,oh,,,,she Says it didn't work but I am a master and no one can resist my hypnotic suggestions,,,,mwahaha

She will still be pretending to be a CANDU,,,,,,,She will be able to fool all of you,,,,,,,,,however,,,she is reporting back to us now,,,,,Double Agent.

*evil throaty laugh*

Hypnotism, eh? I was wondering how we were able to stick a cigar in the mouth of my new shopping buddy and then paint her face with camoflauge! Brilliant!

Oh CANDUS- I'll be happy to give you all slingshot lessons. I'm a pretty good shot if I do say so myself (reaching around and patting self on back).

Nice bull. Is he by any chance flower sniffin and named Ferdinand?

Ladies! Ladies! Ladies! Stinging Nettle hurts! Big ouchies! Swap nice or I'm bringing up some Wild Parsnip. Such a purty innocent looking lil plant!

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