Rallying all Canadians

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Sanannie and I may need your help. It would appear that there is to be an assault on our gardens at some time in the future. Maybe we can count on the Canadians to stick together?

For full info, check out -




Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

ROTFLMBO!!!!! Oh, this is too much. I'm laughing so hard I can hardly breathe!

D'ya think we need to start up a petition, or maybe a counter-offensive, thread here (and set up a link for the "Dirty Dozen" in their thread so they know we're not gonna take this lying down?!


Thumbnail by ginnylynn

Don't know what we can do to help now. You guys are gonners. Serves you right for giving those Murrican cuzzins your maps. I'm off to make my journal private and just so you all know, I live 20 miles south east of Churchill, between the big hill and the swamp.


Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Hey, here's an idea. We can arrange a "counter-offensive" in the form of a "disinformation campaign" - send them folks all kinds of phony intel on addresses up here :-) We could call our operation.....ohhhhhhh.......I don't know.......maybe somethin' like Operation Sideswipe......or Operation POGS (Protecting Our Garden Sovereignty). Our "unit" could be CANDU (CANadian Defenders Unit) LOLOL!!!!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Im sticking? What can I do?

Go up to My Info and then to Manage my preferences and change your address to somewhere in the high mountains. Proabably if we change our zones to 1a they won't be interested in invading our igloo greenhouses. You might be safe if you've never been to the Upper Midwest forum. They would probably never come over here to look anyway. But for helping those easterners, I don know, I think it's tooooo late.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Thanks echoes! Kinda frigid here but not that huge a change. ;)

Our condolences to the rest of you! Hmmmm maybe brush up on your history lessons......1812 mean anything????

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Laura Secord?

I sure hope they bring their passports cause otherwise they wont be allowed back into the USA ! Then what would we do with them?

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

yep fancy they even have a Laura Secord (murrican with a Canadian citizenship (?) residing within the eastern Canadian contingent. :)

This message was edited Nov 10, 2005 3:57 PM

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

We were a *little* outnumbered then too. ;)

However I only have JoanJ in the Dakotas (somewhat close to me :))).

re: What would we do with them? I've got a garden with Hell's Bells (shhhhhhhhhhh) running rampant that they can come collect (while under guard of course) which they can take back with them. 8^)))

This message was edited Nov 10, 2005 4:15 PM

Oh sheesh I musta missed the good stuff with all that editing going on. Well back out to brush the polar bears.

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Maybe the seals need a good wipe down too. Wouldn't want them freezing to their icebergs!

Anyone have any current pics of all the ice and snow 'round here - just so we can show all our friends 'cross the way what they'll have to contend with when they make landfall? One or two showing the giant ice flows on our side of the lake in mid-June oughtta do it.

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

; ^ )

Awww - you guys are just the best for showing your support! The 'frigid north' thing isn't gonna fly with them though because they have about the same weather as Ann and me, so that won't work.....

All in all, it's comforting to know that we have some backup and that we can call on you guys if we feel we need to organize a security force. As Ginny suggested, we could call ourselves CANDU (CANadian Defenders Unit). Thanks!

We'll let you know!
; ^ )

Oh nooooooooooooooooo! We've been linked! You've caught us and a counter trade appears to be in the making. You can run, but you can't hide. Muahahahahahahaha!

What will we do! What will we do!

Thank you fancyvan for this bit of information- "I sure hope they bring their passports cause otherwise they wont be allowed back into the USA ! Then what would we do with them?" I think you fine folk should increase your CANDU membership to 12 so that each one of you can be a host to one of us. No sense cramping any of our lifestyles by trying to overcrowd us when we get stuck up there.

Lemme see, here's who has posted in this thread so far who will be taking in some of the Dirty Dozen (aka Black Shoe Society) until somebody from the American Embassy can address our needs to get back home-
CANDU #1 ViolaAnn
CANDU #2 ginnylynn.... will host Equilibrium
CANDU #3 echoes
CANDU #4 fancyvan
CANDU #5 Lilypon... will host GardenGeek_WI
and CANDU #6... sanannie, our dear sweet star of the other thread

That's only 6. Come on CANDU! You can do better than that. We'll need at least 6 more showing support for Sandy to be able to spread out the Dirty Dozen while we are furloughed from our gardening duties down here.

editing to help others understand who CANDU #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6 are since certain unnamed people are trying to use pseudonyms. As you can see we southern North Americans will need more northern North American hosts so I've left space above to add new CANDU members.

This message was edited Nov 11, 2005 12:53 PM

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Heyyyyyyyy, I kinda like the idea of running my own little mini gulag with just one inmate :-) Makes it real easy to keep them secured...... oh! and busy too! Just think - my own private work "gang" to help with all of my own gardening duties.

You volunteerin' for my place Equilibrium? 'Course I really do live in the snow belt, so ya may wanna dee-lay your incursion by a few months.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hey I got two ferocious shelties to help out Anyone else with guard dogs?

Candu # (?)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Was just thinking ladies (?any guys?) maybe we better start using psuedonyms(!) Candu 1, Candu 2 etc....................???????

Reporting to duty Maam!

Equil here!

Check the map schweetheart... I come from a zone colder than yours. Look way up into Upper Peninsula Michigan. That's a 4a woman! It would be a pleasure to serve under you Maam...it would be almost like vacationing in Florida to me. I weed like a fiend and have a parka complete with fake animal fur around the rim. I do toilets too! And, I refill ice cube trays and I eat A LOT. How's your cookin ginnylynn?

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

How 'bout guard cats. They're already part of a "sleeper cell" :-) --CANDU#2

Thumbnail by ginnylynn
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Oh I got two of those two -ones a sleeper ones a greeter!


Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)


Trying to rally the troops, eh? Not to worry, I'm tough as nails and raring to go!

(Goodmorning to all our new Canadian friends!)


Thumbnail by jasmerr
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Sorry, guys I blew our cover! It was me that made the link. Wish I would keep my big mouth shut. They are going to be extra stealthy now.

I don't know if Equilibrium is throwing a diversion or what....she's got us playing hosts now? Do you think she may be part of their intelligence unit? Hmmmmm I'll have to ponder this now.....

Fancy, yes, I think the dogs might help. Thanks for your offer. I don't know much about dogs, are Shelties kind of like pit bulls? Got a picture?


Ummm, shelties are very pretty dogs. They bark a lot. We refer to Border Collies, Shelties, Collies as "BarkoMatics" down here. Please do add those to your toolbox... I'd love to be licked to death.

I've got three dogs that would fit the bill... but sigh... my dogs go to the Dirty Dozen's tool box and they are most certainly tons of fun!

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Cookin's not bad. I plan to run a trap line for those pesky deer mice, rabbits, and skunks this year. Should be enough to share all 'round.

I said snow belt, not cold belt :-) Y'all might live in a colder zone Equil, but I live in the lee of Lake Huron..... lots of lake effect happenin' here. As of the beginning of March this year - after the January and first spring thaws mind you - I still had in the neighbourhood of 36" of snow cover in my backyard. Hmmmmmm.... Upper Pensinsula Michigan.... you might just have summa those lake effect problems too - do ya?

I'll be just tickled ta have ya doin' your time here - you're gonna need reaaaaally high boots though, as well as that parka.


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Send them to the prairies........then we will see how tough they are! 8^))

Not a lot of snow BUT picture was taken at a balmy -54 (with WIND CHILL)
bwahahahahahaha........our Mati Hari could also come for a visit. :)

This message was edited Nov 11, 2005 10:44 AM

Thumbnail by Lilypon

Yup, we get Lake effect snow. I had to crawl out of a window on the other side of the house to be able to go and shovel out the drift in the front of the house blocking the front door. I should feel right at home with you. I thought it seemed rather dark that morning when I got up. I suppose this happens when the whole side of one's house is in a drift up about 6-7'. Truth be known, I think you all still get more Lake effect snow then us but hey- I've got some experience!

Yup, prairies are bitter cold and wind swept. Good thing I'll be doing my time with CANDU # 2 rather than CANDU # 5.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ferocious dog #1.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ferocious dog #2

Thumbnail by fancyvan

Oh my! Lucky me! My host home has knock down drag me out gorgeous "Lickomatics"! I have wanted a pretty dog for a long time. I've had my fill of big black and ugly. Wanna trade? This is getting better all the time. I feel as if I should go dig up some more "trades" to bring with!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

:( I was looking forward to having the pleasure of your company Equilibrium. :'(

On the plus side we are supposed to have a *mild* winter this year. 8^))) AND not too much snow.

Most dangerous attack creature we have (for the weekend anyways) is our daughter home from college (what's contained in our wallets seems to have her undivided attention)......

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Central, WI(Zone 4a)

hhhmmmm CANDU Huh,,,,it'll be more like CANDNOT

So, you all think you can outwit us huh??? We been plannin' this for a long time now,,,,yep,,,,we even have Mountie friends on our side.

Snow & Cold ???? That won't bother My ferocious attack monster in the least,,,,mwahahaha

Thumbnail by GardenGeek_WI
Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

I could be persuaded to leave my kids as hostages.

But that might start WWIII and you guys wouldn't make it through a long winter cooped up with them!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

My oversize Cocker Spaniel *might* outlast him ;)........ Robbie lives outside year round. Yours looks like he's been pampered a bit there GardenGeek.

Gorgeous beast BTW.......I saw a number (with sleighs attached) when I lived in Inuvik.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Good thinkin' ,,,,yep,,,we'll take some little beasts along,,,that'll help

Ummm, GG_WI...

look close at that photo posted by Lilypon. Do you see what I see? Correct me if I am wrong here but that looks like and exceptionally attractive child there (the kind that really worries all of us parents of boys) and to boot.... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!! It's a teenage girl! I've heard horror stories about them not taking on humanistic traits until they are in their 20's. And if she sicced one of those on us... we'd have no money whatsoever left to fund this North American swap! This is scary, very scary. I can't believe they sunk to the low of pulling out that type of a wallet depleting secret weapon. The audacity of them to upstage us.

morning_gayle to the rescue! Gosh, she's right! Fight fire with fire. I'll leave my boys with them- all of them. That'll teach em. Boys are so sweet and innocent and oh so destructive. They can just call their insurance companies to repair the damage after the kids get sent back down south.

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Wait! What makes you think I want them back? I just found the perfect place to dump them?

They can find there own ways back when they have replaced hormones with braincells!

And one of mine is a 15 year old BOY! HA!

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

You think that's bad? There's a mechanic (gasp!) living in my house. Bring your vehicles..... and your wallets. That'll larn ya, Equil, for tryin' to escape me!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I'd lend her out.......hair dresser, clothing store, etc. are her *minor* wants and needs! No BF either and you say you have sons (that would catch her attention). ;)

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Fancy - now those two dogs don't exactly look ferocious, in fact I'm sure that first one is smiling! Look at Jody's dogs...why they even have camo they are so fierce.

Now we're all gonna have to look a little more fearsome....yes, I know it's against our nature, but tell me what hope do we have of scarin' them with lickamatic dogs, little kittens and cows? (the teenager is a good thought tho).

....keep your guard up, guys, I've got a naggin feeling that Equil is up to no good. Watch yer backs, 'kay?


Oh noooooooo! I hit the preview button and now see a few of the Dirty Dozen have popped in. Like I said, watch yer backs girls... *hurrying behind the sofa to hide*


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