Ficus Benjamina

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

Wooo!!! Family was here visiting. Got two new plants. Sheffelera, which I know how to care for, and a Ficus Benj.

What does my new ficus need? Lots of sunlight? None? There isn't any variegation in the leaves.. they're plain green. It is severely pot bound, and that's on my Sunday list of things to do. :) Lots of water? Dry out?

Hope to hear help soon.

New York, NY(Zone 6a)

The more the light the better for your ficus tree. Also keep the soil moist - water thoroughly as soon as the surface of the soil feels dry to the touch.

Do not repot it at this time. It will go through a difficult transition period for several months and the added stress of repotting will not help. After it has settled in and stopped dropping leaves, move it to a larger pot only if the soil dries out every couple of days.

Let me know if you want a copy of my article on ficus tree care.


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Angelsong: While no expert on ficus benj., I have one of the healthiest I have ever seen indoors. (Actually, I put it outdoors under some trees over the summer, along with all my other houseplants.) I used to have it near a large window with lots of daylight but it suffered from both the back part leaning into the light, and dryness from a nearby heat vent. 2 years ago, I decided to try it in a dining room window which has less but apparently adequate winter western light, and it thrived like I have never seen one do. I know, this light thing doesn't make sense!

I had one for 23 years, before giving it away when I moved and had no place for it. This one was resuced from a yard sale 7 years ago and was doing poorly when I got it. The trunk is nearly 3" in diameter now, and just under 8' tall (my ceiling height) and quite dense.

I think because it just gets less light, but fairly evenly reflected, and cooler temps. with fewer temp. swings, it likes it there. Of course, I always loose a few leaves when I bring it back indoors, and again when I put it out in the warmer weather. They don't like to be moved! Every other year, during early summer, I take it out of the pot, and use a butcher knife to cleanly slice 2" off the sides and bottom. Then new potting soil around and under the roots in the same pot, although about 4 years ago, I did move up from a 12" to a 14" plastic pot. Also, I prune it when I repot it, and prune it in summer the year it doesn't get re-potted.

In winter, I mist it a couple of times a week, and water thoroughly about once a week during the winters. In summer, I water it thoroughly every other day, and spray the leaves with the hose. I usually only fertilize monthly in summer, and a bit before I bring it outdoors. Occasionally I remember to use a weak solution once or twice over the winter, LOL.

This is by far my best indoors winter plant, and gets many favorable comments from guests.

Good Luck with yours!

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