The best thing about fall is...

There are a total of 345 votes:

Getting a break from that summer heat
(97 votes, 28%)
Red dot

The sight, sound and smell of fall leaves
(83 votes, 24%)
Red dot

Breaking out the warm clothes and blankets
(8 votes, 2%)
Red dot

Cheering my favorite football or soccer team
(11 votes, 3%)
Red dot

Anticipating the holidays ahead
(9 votes, 2%)
Red dot

Cool crisp mornings
(42 votes, 12%)
Red dot

Enjoying the last few flowers or crops before frost comes
(30 votes, 8%)
Red dot

The satisfaction of closing out another good garden
(12 votes, 3%)
Red dot

(26 votes, 7%)
Red dot

Fall only happens in other parts of the world - not here!
(27 votes, 7%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)


It makes me sad to see everything die as we head into the 5 to 6 month deep freeze.

Our lifestyle does not allow hunkering down and waiting out the cold weather.

Bah-Humbug ! ! !


Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

I love the fall leaves! The colors are so wonderful. I live near the Columbia Gorge, so my husband and I take the kids for a drive every weekend. The gorge is lined with trees on both sides. It's fun to see all of the golds and reds peeking out from between the evergreens.

This message was edited Oct 3, 2005 7:41 AM

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

Other - ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love, love, love fall. Spring is incredible, but fall is the season I really enjoy most - things winding down, the spectacular colors, wild asters, everything.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

I voted:
Enjoying the last few flowers or crops before frost comes

FALL is my least favorite season!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Planting!! This is when I plant trees and perennials! Planted 4 trees yesterday.

Wilkes Barre, PA(Zone 5b)

This year the break from the heat gets my vote! If it ever happens, another record setting day in the 80's today in ne. PA.

My favorite thing about fall though is going to an apple festival at an historic house near here. There will be fresh cider to drink, traditional mountain music rolling across the fields, a huge kettle of vegetable stew simmering over a hardwood fire and kids carving pumpkins to take home. This cures those fall blues for me.

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

The colours of fall are definitely the high point for me. It's like mother nature has to put on one last showy splash before winter blankets us with snow.

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

I'll be enjoying the last few flowers and crops before frost comes!

My strawberries, which are 'Everbearers' just don't know when to quit....yummy! And I appreciate all their new runners for a bigger crop next year.

~* Robin

Memphis, TN(Zone 7b)

I voted other - because there wasn't an "All of the Above" - Fall is my FAVORITE time of year! Love it!

Rotterdam, NY(Zone 5b)

I voted "other". It's like a second spring here in CA where I live and it's my favorite season.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Since I end up doing only what's absolutely necessary outside in the July and August humidity, fall brings back the ability to enjoy being outside once again - something I'll do even in the coldest months of the winter.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Have always loved the colors of fall. Around here right now everything is turning gold and red and rust and burgundy etc etc. Gorgeous!

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

AND, the cool, crisp evenings.......nothing the spouse and I love more than sitting on the back patio, glass of wine in hand, discussing the day in the cool air.........=)

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

I voted for "getting a break from the summer heat" because that might be the primary reason that fall is my favorite season. I also like the anticipation of the holiday season, fall colors, and the way the lighting (sunlight) is.

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Sight and smell of not only the fall leaves, but the smell of wood smoke as people start lighting their fireplaces and wood stoves.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I voted for the sight, sound and smell of fall leaves. I also love football, the cooler weather and knowing that this winter I can rest, get caught up in the house, and snuggle in and do some family things in the evening. During the summer it seems that we see so little of each other, and spend even less time actually visiting.

Fall is my favorite time of the year, and Halloween is my favorite holiday because it's so fun and inexpensive.

Tyler, TX(Zone 8a)

I voted for cool weather becouse it is still in the nines here and I am going nuts in the house. I can work in the yard all fall, winter and spring. It is only in summer that we have to stay inside.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Other: lighting candles, fog, home made apple cider, cuddling up to watch a movie or read a good book, making and eating soup, winter squash, and all the birds at the feeders (although the fall colors and crisp air are certainly part of the ambiance).

Narrowing it down to one best thing? I'd have to say making apple cider. It brings back so many memories, as we've done it almost every year I can remember, always with family and friends.

Edited to say: The worst thing? The rain is back for the next nine months. :(

This message was edited Oct 3, 2005 7:06 PM

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Still adjusting to a topsy-turvy garden growing situation for me here in Florida. I have one heirloom tomato producing now and will plant 2 more tomatos soon. Many warm weather vegies that wont produce all summer and will now. Mine get eaten mostly right out of the garden.
I weeded in the cool damp for about 2 hrs today. My how time flys when I'm having fun.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)


I was tempted to vote "Fall doesn't happen here" but I'm in Montreal, zone 5A. We have a saying around here: there are two seasons in Montreal. First, there's winter and then there's "Soon, it will be winter again". It's only the beginning of October and already the perennials are turning brown and hunkering down for winter. It's very depressing when you realize that the days are still warm during the day. The plants know better. To fight that depressing thought, I voted The leaves and the colours.


Rehoboth, MA(Zone 5a)

Ah, nothing like a cool, crisp morning when you know the sun will be still keeping you warm later in the day. It is the very best time of the year in New England

Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

I voted other, because with cold weather comes in a mountain of catalogs, and with those goes out a mountain of money!!!

Piedmont, MO(Zone 6a)

I voted other.
Here in Missouri, we love Fall because the mosquitoes, no-seeums, chiggers, flies, gnats, and other pesky insects finally die off, go dormant, or whatever. Right now they are in full force, though!!! Even Deep Woods Off won't keep them from biting.
I am actually looking forward to frost because of it.

Sacramento, CA

I grew up in zone 5.......hello-o-o-o zone 9!! Woo hoo! Fall? What's that? Hee-hee! *wink-wink*

I do miss the prettiness of fall, though, so I'll send a friendly wave to all the folks in those lovely New England states. Has your ivy turned colors yet? :D

Casselberry, FL(Zone 9b)

We dont really have Fall here in Florida. We have Summer, a little cooler than Summer, and Summer again. The best way I know when fall is here is if the sun rises on the south side of the house. When I notice my front yard in mostly shade during mid day, then I know the season's have technically changed (a little cooler than Summer).

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

"other" - trying to get hubby to plant $1000 worth of perennials we got on sale for far less, planning new beds for the new orders that haven't arrived yet, deciding how 'raised' the new bed has to be, what?! I bought MORE roses?! this is a crazy time of year for us because we never see it coming. Duuuuuuuhhh.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Hey, we get fall color Vermifuge! ;-) Here's my Virginia creeper before the Santa Ana winds blew most of the leaves away. In fact, my VA creeper seems to be a Santa Ana indicator - as soon as it turns, Santa Anas will start any day.

Thumbnail by Kelli
Eureka, CA

Being able to wear warm, baggy, comfortable clothes!

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

The heat has really beat me up this year! It will be nice to be able to get more work done outside as the cooler weather approaches.
We have no fall color here but seeing the migrating birds is good enough.

Emmaus, PA(Zone 6a)

I chose "OTHER" ....... for me its all of the above!
I am thankful i live in an area where i have 4 definite seasons... when im tired of one, its time for the next one.. and each season brings some happiness to me.. :)

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Here in So. Fl. I look forward to Fall although we don't have falling leaves but some of our trees start to bloom and the humidity takes a big drop making the air taste delicious and feel so fresh and cool. The birds seem to change their feathers into beautiful colors and they become more friendly. As a matter of fact everyone becomes more friendly and we all sit out in the evening and enjoy. Our temperature never creates frost so we can garden all year and fall is the time to plant my indeterminate tomatos as they will bear almost till June of the following year. Yes, I guess you can say I love So. Fl. in the Fall.....

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Other - Pumpkins, scarecrows, Halloween, my birthday! , harvest festivals, AND some of the other things mentioned - colorful leaves, crisp clear days, planning for Thanksgiving and Christmas, catalogs, planning next year's garden - I love the fall. It has always been my favorite time of year.


Loveland, CO(Zone 5b)

All of the above + HOCKEY!!! :)


Panama City, FL

We don't have much fall color in Northwest Fl., but the air gets cooler and drier. There aren't as many bugs either. I love this time of the year.

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Other for me too!

Leaves, fall flowers, the birds returning to my feeders, finally not being hot all the time, Halloween!

Iowa has distinct seasons. Nearly Winter, Winter, Still Winter and Road Construction! To tell the truth, I'd rather dodge snowbanks than pylons.


-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

I've always enjoyed watching the world wake up in the spring. It is so exciting and anticipatory! But the older I get :) the more I am enjoying autumn. It gives me a chance to clean up the overgrowth of my summer efforts and begin looking forward to the rest time my yarden needs.

The cool mornings are especially wonderful, and they make me want to retire (from my real job) and work in my yard again, after the hot, hot, hot, three months of summer.

Fall is birthday time for half of my immediate family, six of them have birthdays from early Oct. to early Feb. (There are only 12 of us all together.) So we think Birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, and then it's time to start sowing again!!!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Fall had to "grow" on me. Growing up in Nebraska and Colorado, autumn meant the onset of a long cold spell, often with several bouts of really harsh weather sprinkled in for good measure. Because I've always preferred the warmer months, I associated fall with negative feelings and dread.

But now that I've lived in a warmer climate for over half my life, I've come to appreciate the break from summer heat (Oklahoma in August is like living in a fiery furnace!) that fall brings. And since DH's blood runs Volunteer Orange, fall is definitely HIS favorite time of year - after 20-some years of marriage, the enthusiasm eventually rubs off on you.

And since winters are (usually) mercifully short in the south, I can now say I enjoy just about everything listed above - and don't even mind our little winter - as long as it starts warming up by March *grin*

Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

Summers here are awful and you can't really enjoy yourself outside - so the fall is a welcome break from all that. I love the fall and winter months!

Utica, MI(Zone 6b)

Sarah, I agree..........HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!! hockey is back in HOCKEYTOWN!!! has been a whole season since I have seen the Red Wings play.........watching a preseason game now.........GO WINGS!!!!

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