Mexican Bamboo

St. Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

Have you ever tried to grow this as a houseplant? I know it is a noxious but edible weed in the wild. It does look kind of cook though. And since it is so tenacious I am doing an experiment and I dug a piece in the woods and I am going to see what sort of housesplant it makes. Maybe someone has already tried this?

Have any of you eaten it? The new shoots are supposedly on par with rhubarb for cooking.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

surprised grow up there? winters so cold.. have not had much summer up there... do you have seeds? would trade or postage.?? lmk. thanks.. yankee in okla.. Twyla

St. Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

I just have a small division I pulled from a plant near my mom's house. I don't have any seeds. She lives in zone 3 so yes this plant is pretty tough. Its been growing there since I was a kid because I used to walk by it on my way to school every day which is over 20 years ago.

I'm trying it in the house. If it gets big enough to pull some off I'll let you know and send you some if you are still interested.

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