What is your Oldest Houseplant?

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

KB, Here is a pic I just took of the 'bulb' on my old Pony Tail. Note how the bark is cracking, just like old trees. Notice how the ends of the leaves have been cut. That was Sarah's doing, they used to drag on the floor.
You can see why I have to bottom water, LOL
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Wow! Yeah, I see what you mean!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Gorgeous Andy!
How big is that pot?


Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

All of 10 inches.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Nice work!
I'll bet it's closer to 12" now! lol

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

I think next spring 'll do the deed. 20+ years in the same pot is probably long enough.
Andy p

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

My Night blooming Cerus plant " Queen of the Night" Was first from my Great, Great Grandmother and is around 125 years old. My favorite plant :))

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

VT, you'll have to get us a photo of your Queen! Mine is a spider plant that moved to Cali with us from Texas back in 1977. One year, about 16 years ago, my mom left it out and it froze. I asked for the pot it was in, but never got around to taking out the clumps of roots. The following spring, it started sprouting new growth. It's been migrating around my yard ever since. So it's been 'in the family' at least since 1977.

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

I want to report that all six cuttings I took from the philodendron seem to be doing okay. No yellow leaves, no brown leaves, no wilting. Yet! :-)

Hastings, MI

That's easy. My Mother-in-laws Tongue which I got from my sister some 35 years ago. Mine is huge but her's got huger. I also have an unnamed aromatic tiny-pale green fuzzy leaved vining plant which I have retrieved new cutting from her over the years. I like to remain damp in good sunlight. I would like to know if it has a name. I have over 50 houseplants and a vegetable and perenial garden. I live in Michigan and the houseplant season is a lot longer.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I'll bet your aromatic unnamed tiny pal green fuzzy leaved vining plant is a Plectranthus!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

LOL ho ho ho ha ha ha ho ho LOL rotflmao I'd never heard of the 'houseplant season' before!!!!!

xxxx, Carrie

Pasadena, CA

These stories are great hearing about all of these old plants. I am 24 years old and have been gardning for about 15 years. mostly house plants but now am into amorphs and plumeria and such.

My oldest plant is a peice of a hoya that my great grandmother had on her house. She died back in 1984 and my mother took the plant since nobody else cared to take it. There are pictures of her kitchen in the 50s and 60s and the plant is supposidly the same one pictured there. I took a clipping from that plant in 1999 when I moved to California. It is going strong having bloomed for the first time two years ago. My mother still has the original back in North Dakota. I think grandma is smiling down on us knowing that we still ave her prize plant.

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

I just love these stories of plants being handed down from generation to generation.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

See, kbaumle.......ain't that 'kewl'?!
And now you're going to do the same, right?

Which reminds me...how are those philo cuttings doing.....are they 'plants' yet?

berhart....mine's my grandma's hoya too, but my bonus is I actually 'inherited' (eventually!) the original plant...no kidding.

I wish I knew for certain whether hers was bought here, in the US, or brought here by her mother from Germany, or by my grandfather's mother from Ireland!

edited to show K's proper moniker.....(typo...geesh!....sorry 'bout that!)

This message was edited Dec 29, 2005 2:38 PM

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Exactly! The cuttings are still doing okay, but no, not plants yet. I don't see any roots through the cups yet, but the cuttings still look healthy, so I'm thinking they must be slowly but surely forming roots. I won't transplant them to a regular pot until I see roots coming around the outside of the cup (they're clear plastic cups). Even the new leaf that was forming at the end of one of the cuttings hasn't dried up and died. Not sure it will completely form and open up, but it still looks good, so maybe!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Sounds good, so far!

Seems that plants begin their growth spurt early in the year (February) so I'm betting you'll have plants soon!

Just think....one of these days your daughter can post to a thread like this and tell her story!

Hope it works out.....keep me posted!

(sorry about 'demolishing' your name (fixed) up there....guess my fingers got ahead of my brain!)

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

I was just thinking that! She ordered some calla lily bulbs today, and she wants me to help her pot them up and help her with determining when they need to be watered. Since I'm growing my own for the first time in a container inside, we'll hike that road together!

I'll let you know how the philo project is going. Hopefully, I'll have some pictures to go with the progress reports. :-)

No worries about my name. I'm used to it. ;-)

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