Time to mow!

There are a total of 419 votes:

Yes, I've cranked up the mower and done some practice laps
(163 votes, 38%)
Red dot

Not quite yet, but I'll soon bring it out of storage
(7 votes, 1%)
Red dot

The mowing never stops here
(129 votes, 30%)
Red dot

It's almost time to put mine away for the season
(4 votes, 0%)
Red dot

I have someone else do it for me
(69 votes, 16%)
Red dot

(47 votes, 11%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Timberlea, NS(Zone 6a)

It's been time to mow for over a week-- if it would just stop raining! Our lawn is now long and lush and going to seed.

If the weather doesn't clear soon, we'll need to either get a scythe or a goat to mow the lawn. ; )


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

not only practice laps here with all the May showers the lawn is growing fast but I don't complain we have such a short season here it is a treat to get out and mow.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Been mowing since March...I usually service it and put it away in mid Nov....that's almost like it never stops...the yard grows all winter...just refuse to mow from Dec thru Feb!

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

I went with C - I got 6 weeks off this year so C was close.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Mowing since early April! Lawn is like velvet except for some poa anna (sp?). Lots of bags of grass set aside for the six compost files.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

My DH mows. He is obsessed with the lawn. I can't stand it.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Been mowing, edging and weed whacking since March.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

I am mow free now, as I have no grass anymore (except ornamental.) Back yard is all mulched with plants along the perimeters, with a climbing fort/ swings/ monkey bars as the focal point in the center. Front grass gone last year to create a cutting garden.
I'm not sure what is/ was more work: the yearly mulching is breaking my back LOL

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I went with other. We've been mowing here for a month now!

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

I checked "I have someone else mow for me" Stan does it! I told him I'd be glad to mow if he got a new mower, but he says he fixed the old one, so he gets to mow. I have some major issues with the steering. He's mown 3 times, I think, and it is growing like mad.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

The mowing never stops here. Even after the snow, within two weeks the grass was growing again!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

We did our first run this weekend, but had to go around the crocus leaves so they could keep storing nutrients for next year.

We're shopping for a push mower this year...tired of the pollution of gas mowers, and the noise of both gas & electric. It's just too unpleasant on a lovely summer's evening. If anyone has a good push mower that they're happy with & want to recommend, I'd be all ears!

Hope everyone has a good week,

Edited to say, lol, Ivy1! :-) Smooth green lawns are a major cultural obsession up here as well. Your DH may be interested in the discussion of a possible lawn care forum that's going on over in the Dave's Garden forum.


This message was edited May 23, 2005 12:23 PM

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

We had such a mild winter (not that it ever gets bad) that we've mowed the entire year..wait let me not say we...the DH has. I don't mow or edge, it's part of our deal. *G*

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

i don't have any grass to mow :-)

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Shannon. Every time I buy a plant he throws a fit, but he plasters the lawn with every kind of fertilizer, weedkiller known to man. I WILL send him to DG's lawn care and maybe he can find something that works!

Yonkers, NY(Zone 5b)

I fall into the "Other" catrgory.
My patio is totally bricked in.

No grass = No mowing



Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I envy strever and gabagoo!!

We have over 2 ac to mow and I hate it!! If it were up to me, my yard would be total flower beds and just enough grass for a walking path.

Shepherd, TX(Zone 8b)

You mean some people don't have to mow all year?? Wow, that's amazing...*awed*

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Been mowing here since April. DH does it. Loves his new ride'um lawnmower, so it gets done every week. We've had a bunch of rain over the past week and the temps are supposed to shoot up to 30C (87F) by Friday, so it'll start growing fast and furious now.

Modi'in, Israel

I've been mowing since late March too. Stopped in November too. But luckily my grass stays green but growth goes dormant in winter so no need to mow. It would be impossible with the witner rains to mow here anyway. I've been pretending not to notice the tall grass for the past 4 days. I guess I won't be able to put it off til the weekend. Oh well. I hate mowing.....


Griffin, GA(Zone 8a)

We have a young local guy do ours for pretty cheap, because our lawn is so small. We live in an old neighborhood, so much of the "yard" is trees in the front along the driveway - our property is long and narrow. All the homes on our street leave it "natural" - i.e. let the leaves fall along the driveways under the trees and just have a small lawn near the house. This is a good thing, because we live way up on a hill - a pretty steep one too, and mowing would be a risky business if that were all lawn. Our back yard is also small, because I have a small patch of woods back there - maybe 1/3 acre of mine and hubby's as part of the larger "community" woods in everyone's back yard - and because of the trees, it is easier to have shade gardens than grass that doesn't appreciate the lack of sun. My veggie garden also takes up some room

The problem is that even though I generally like to mow, both the back yard and front yard are pretty heavily sloped. I would sometimes have a hard time getting the mower up the hill through the thick grass or from having the mower try to drag me down the hill with it. If the entire hill had been "grass", I would've been a goner by now - hee. So, it is easier to let the local guy mow the grass once each week or two after the season starts (generally in April), and I can concentrate on my gardens. I get enough exercise digging/rototilling this rocky Georgia red clay.

berrygirl - oh my gosh. I can't imagine having to take care of two acres of lawn. My hubby might like it. He seems to love other people's pretty, manicured lawns, but as for me - like you, I could care less. I find lawns boring. Give me flowers and veggie gardens any day complete with butterflies and critters. I like my woods too.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Other .................. I started up the mowers over 3 weeks ago.

Really unusual for this area. We usually start the end of May.

And believe me I am NOT a grass mowing freak, I wait until it looks like I may not get through it.


This message was edited May 23, 2005 3:53 PM

Battle Creek, MI(Zone 5b)

Other- Trying to get rid of all the dang grass so I don't have to mow:)

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

The mowing never stops here. DH takes care of the grass. Lawn seems to be a guy thing. Most of our property is something other than grass, but I don't think DH would want to get rid of all of the grass.

Shannon, we had a push mower for a while. Then it got dull and we couldn't find anyone to sharpen it and my dad says it's very difficult for the average person to do themselves. Now we have an electric mower. It's far from silent, but nowhere nearly as loud as the leaf-blowers everyone else has. (They once tried to outlaw leaf-blowers in Los Angeles but it didn't work out. Professional lawn care guys said it was too much of a hardship.)

Westmoreland, TN(Zone 7a)

we have a lawn service they send a man every week to mow.
DH will cut the grass in the dog kennel so the man wont be eaten alive by my 4 German Shepherds.
Those girls are big, bad and mean and love to bite anyone that isn't living in the house and feeding them.
The Lawn service man started in march and so did DH.
I try and stick to my flower beds I don't get in to mowing at all.

Thumbnail by rh3708
Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm with hellobebe; we got rid of our grass in favor of cottage garden beds on our 1/6 of an acre lot in urban Northern CA. For some strange reason my husband was all in favor of this, maybe because he used to have to weedwhack our multitude of small beds, and now he doesn't have to do anything except some fetching and carrying for me (the only gardener) -- LOL!

I like the look of lush green lawns, but it takes a lot of water during our rainless summer season, and so fewer folks are doing them. The upside is that I can give away flower bouquets seven months a year to five or six people, every week, in addition to filling my house with flowers. So much more satisfying that a swath of green grass that just sits there.

Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

Between here and there the mowing never stops...

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Never stops here - we've been mowing since late March or early April - have to mow twice a week. This will continue until probably mid-September to early October. THEN we get a rest.

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Shannon - We were up in Amish country/Lancanster Co PA last week. There were two girls mowing with a push mower. One was pushing and one was pulling with a rope! Did NOT look fun.

The SO is mowing weekly now. I think he gets all zen like about it with the lines going a certain way. We talked about getting a riding mower but he said he needed the exercise. I think he would be put out if I took it upon myself to mow - maybe.


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I voted that the mowing never stops...that isn't exactly acurate. It stops for about 3 months. DH is mowing up a storm. He mows once per week but it almost needs twice. Our buffalo grass in the back gets so long, it is like a meadow back there. Our St. Augustine in the front is full, green and beautiful and grows like crazy.

(Zone 2b)

Other. We've mowed the lawn a few times already this year. And the cattle are already in the third paddock in our pasture rotation :)

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

The St. Augustine in the front yard goes dormant for maybe a month if we have several freezes. Otherwise my yard man comes every ten days in cooler weather and weekly most of the year. The Homeowners Association has such stringent rules that I am glad to have him do the manicuring. The back and side yards behind the fencing are mine! Such grass as manages to get a foothold gets whacked with the string trimmer when I'm not otherwise working in the veggie/flower beds (which is most of the time.)

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

been moweing here since the first of april.at first lots of rain but it has slacked off some now.now its hot in the high 80 so far

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

been mowing for weeks and 2ce a week at that!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, that someone else would be the man I married and one of my sons loves to sit in his lap while he rides the John Deere. The huge beds are my domain. :)

Susan McCoy

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Been mowing for about a month. 1x a week for the first few weeks, but last week we had to bump it up to 2x. It'll stay at twice a week for the rest of the summer :)

DH is the mower, unless he's working longer hours or travels (which is very rarely). I don't mind doing it, but we're kinda into that whole traditional male/female role business. LOL ;) I'm in the kitchen, he takes out the trash, ya know? LOL :)

Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

BF has cut the front lawn but not the back yet. Hope he gets around to it soon, before I have a jungle.

Oakland, OR(Zone 8a)

Thank goodness, no lawn! Dotti

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Almost time to put away the mower as our dry season approaches. Too hot and dry to make it worth watering the lawn as it will come back in October when the rains return for 6 months.

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