My Lewisia cotyledon

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Had to buy it a couple of months ago, the blooms were just too cute! Now, I'd like it to thrive again. Had it under a light w/an african violet......did well'ish. Outside in the sedum bed for the last week, took on a rosy glow on leaves, and seems to be doing well'ish there too. I'd like it to be 100% happy.

Indoors? Outdoors? Hope Happenstance sees this post.......she has some beautiful pics in the Plant Files.


Northern California, CA

Mine live in the greenhouse year round and are only noticed when they bloom. :-)

The rest of the year they just sit there with the rest of the succulents, get watered occaisionally, misted by the automatic system when the temps are above 80F. I can't put them in the ground because pocket gophers consider this an appetizer, entree or dessert however the mood strikes them. They get fed with diluted fish emulsion along with the rest of the plants in the greenhouse......supposed to be every two weeks, but sometimes I just don't get to it.

They are a no trouble easy care plant with lovely delicate blooms. Perfect for a rockery or Alpine garden if you don't have critters that like to much on these small delicacies.

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Happenstance, you rock! Thanks for the info.....will give mine some fish emul. straightaway! I moved him out of the sedum bed, and stuck him on the front (south-facing) porch w/the bonsai for morning sun. Will see......

I'm thrilled to get your advice, and look forward to seeing some blooms back on mine!

=) MKJ

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