sunburn on cardboard palm???

North Wales, PA(Zone 6a)


Does anyone know what it looks like? Is it a rust orange on most of the leaf?

Thank you!

Crystal Lake, IL

Hey there Sansman:

Does the orange look like a discoloration in the fleshy tissue of the leaf? Or could it be the reappearance of the natural orange "scurf" you so diligently washed off, before Will Creed told you what it was?

Just checking.


North Wales, PA(Zone 6a)

Not the 'scurf' Karen, it's a discoloring of the leaf tissue. Almost positive it is burn now--am moving it to the shade. Too bad because it was in the perfect spot! (My vanity showing :). BTW, I did some research on the 'scurf' and found out that it is something the plant does to absorb more moisture from the air.

Take care!

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