Peas are up!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Flip, I'd love to have some to plant in September! (gives you a long window for sending them out!) I don't know what if anything you're currently looking for, so check my trade list & email me a want list (I have many extras from other traders that aren't on the list)..... or I can send postage.... or we can even things up when I (hopefully) have more tomato & pepper seeds at the end of the summer.

Thanks for offering!

Red, my peas are looking all right, but I don't think they're anywhere near blossoming..... next year, I will try to start them sooner! Yours look great!

Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

critter, I was looking thru my seeds and this is what I have radish wise: Black Spanish, Daikon, Cherry Belle, Easter Egg, Sparkler, White Globe,China Rose and China White. Wanna try any of the others? That way I'll only have to mail once. - Flip

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, cool! I think the others are all regular spring/summer radishes... maybe you could make me a second packet with a mix (just a little pinch) of everything except the daikon? I have Easter Egg planted now, and I love the mix of colors I'm getting from it.... it would be fun to have another mixed packet to sow here & there in the veggie garden, maybe use them to mark a little row of spring onions. I'm in the address exchange. PLMK what I can send you in return!

Just to get back on topic, most of my 'Super Sugar Snap' pea vines are about a foot long now & climbing up their little fence. No blooms yet!

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Here's my Thomas Laxton peas @ 55 days from planting seeds, has a few small pods started. As you can see, they've grown to the top of my 3 foot fence.

Thumbnail by Big_Red
Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Red, them peas are lookin' good. Wish I could grow them down here but it's too hot! Keep them pics a comin' - Flip

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Purtylookin' peas! You'll be a pea picker soon, Red!

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks guys! It won't be long now, we can't wait, just love those fresh-from-the-garden peas!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Yummy...picked our first 7 pounds yesterday! So nice and sweet! Luv 'em!

(Note: white lookin' stuff on pods is condensation. I pulled them outta the cooler just now to take this pic.)

Thumbnail by Horseshoe
Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

Snow peas soon??? wife asked..... I sez, "WRABBITs got 'em all" !!!!!!
dang it!!

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

I am still waiting! They have flowers on there, so it shouldn't be too long! Tom Thumb peas in the front of the planter


Thumbnail by bluekat76
Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Shoe, Yumm! Nice batch of peas! I got pods already, just waiting for them to shell out.

LD, Aww, at least you can have rabbit stew!

Kim, Where did you get the planter with the trellis? Neat!

Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

Kim, I'm also wondering where you got that nifty trellis. :)

Ya'll are making my mouth water with all those lovely pics of pods, both on the vine and in the basket! But that's okay, 'cause my Early Alaska peas had buds this morning which opened up into a few flowers this afternoon. Yay!


Thumbnail by TuttiFrutti
Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Here's my peas at 67 days, really 'taking off' after the recent badly needed rain in this area.

Thumbnail by Big_Red
Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

A closer look at some of the pods that are forming.

Thumbnail by Big_Red
Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

My first planting of Little Marvel Peas put out their first blooms today. Woo Hoo!

I wonder why they didn't bloom until almost two weeks after the Early Alaska Peas, yet have the same harvest time. They're all in the same area... the Early Alaskas are twice as tall by nature... hmmm...

Perhaps it's not to wonder why, but just be happy they did. ;)


P.S. Umm, Red? Feel free to kick me off your thread anytime. I'm just wishing I could fast-forward my peas to match yours. *grin*

This message was edited Jun 10, 2005 9:21 PM

Thumbnail by TuttiFrutti
Victorville, CA

Still battling the rabbits! Peas are only about 18in. at this point cuz the rabbits keep eating the tops of them. I wonder if they will get big enough before the bad heat starts.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

I'm thinkin my beans are going bye bye...narry a bloom and I don't guess I'll get any...

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)


You're more than welcome to hang out on this thread as long as you want! ☺ Hope your peas do well for you.


I hate rabbits! But they do make a good stew..... ;o)


That's strange, I've never had beans not bloom.

I picked these yesterday, just a little shy of 5 lbs.

Thumbnail by Big_Red
Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

:) Thanks Red! I'm trying to think of my current stand of peas as a mere 'flower bed' to help the days pass until I can munch into those sweet morsels myself.

*then checks Mapquest to see how many hours it takes to get to Big_Red's house, and gasses up the truck*


Victorville, CA

I got a blossom on my pea! It seems they have literally taken off. All of a sudden the whole garden has just jumped up or something and everything has seemed to grow magically overnight. We've had some pretty warm days lately but a cooler wind so it's been pleasant. I think that the ground must have warmed up sufficiently and everything is looking good. Does this sound a wee bit obsessive? Hmm. Here's a pic of my corn. You can see some of the cups around some of the smaller stalks and the wind chime that the rabbits think is entertaining music while they munch.

Thumbnail by Juli64
Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6b)

Ate my first peas last night (in the pod still) but givin a couple of days we will actually have some to shell...


Victorville, CA

What kind of shellies did you grow? I think I'd like to try planting some at the end of summer.

Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6b)

I think they were sugarsnap... They are stringless and can be eaten either way...


Victorville, CA

I have one singular pea to pick and we picked two zuccini yesterday. Maybe the end of Aug. I'll try to plant some shellie peas to take me into winter.

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