Unexpected Hibiscus Bloom!

Ridgeville, IN(Zone 5a)

I was working in my sunroom last night and much to my surprise I found a bright red bloom on my hibiscus tree! What a nice surprise! It's still so cold here in IN. :o( I've had such awful spring fever. Does anyone else grow hibiscus? I've got 3 tropicals......red hibiscus tree, and the other two are just the regular plant type.....peach and pink. I also have 3 hardy hibiscus outside, pink, red, and white.

Last winter I had quite the challenge with my 2 hibiscus. (just got the tree last season) I didn't prune them back when I brought them indoors for the winter. They did real well till about Christmas, then started to go dormant. I finally cut them back in Jan/Feb, and they started growing nicely again. But they didn't bloom all summer. LOL I finally repotted them in Aug/Sept and I got a handful of blooms but that was it. So last fall when I brought them in I pruned them hard. As I did my tree. The tree is ahead of schedule for some reason. I'll have to prune it again so it will bloom for me all summer. My other two hibiscus are starting to leaf out nicely, so I hope they are on a better time schedule this summer versus last. :o)

I've read that hibiscus will bloom indoors year round. Mine don't. The only thing I can come up with is that my sunroom doens't stay quite warm enough for it during the winter months. We have an old farmhouse and we converted an enclosed porch into a sunroom. It's hard to heat in the winter. But it never gets below 50* (on the floor). My orchids like the temp change though, it usually brings them into bloom. ;o)

Thumbnail by jenny_tulip
Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

How beautiful! A bright spot in our dreary weather pattern here in Indiana! I too have spring fever and want to get out and get dirt under my fingernails again. How lucky you are to have a sun room. I have only patio doors on the south side of the house and added a grow lite to help keep my house plants alive thru the winter. They are by a baseboard heater that dries everything up and I can't keep them watered enough. Where is Ridgeville? I'm in Seymour (The Small Town) half way between Indy and Louisville. Drop by if you are ever down here. Lou

Ridgeville, IN(Zone 5a)

Hi Lou. :O) I am very fortunate to have my sunroom. Since I moved all my plants to that area rather than throughout the house, they do sooooo much better. Although I do miss them throughout the house, but I wouldn't trade my room for anything. It has french doors between the sunroom and livingroom......I shut the doors and I'm in my own little garden dream world. LOL Ridgeville is about 2 hours NE of Indy, about 35 min NE of Muncie. Most of the area around me is zone 5b......but there is this little pocket of my county right where I am that is 5a. Go figure.

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