Hoping For The Best

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

I remember seeing it the first time you posted it. Now what in the world do you feed it, because is has really grown. What ever it is you are doing keep up the good work because it is working. You must have 10 green thumbs.

Clermont County, OH(Zone 6a)

The ones w/ the curly leaves are a hybrid called "Bonnie" spider plants. They get quite beautiful after they grow out. Their plantlets hang above them like antenna. Their plantlets also look different than regular spiders. They are a little more delicate when their young vs. a regular spider also. The one w/ the chaurtuse coloring may be the Hawaiian type. I found some starter "Bonnie's" the other day at Lowe's for a good price. I lost all my plants this past year while I was away visiting my family. The people who were suppose to watch my plants killed everything but a few who hung in there for awhile and then died. It was quite sad to see the spider I had dead.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I didn't feed them, because I repotted with the miracle grow potting mix, that has the slow release fertilized in it. I was afraid if I added fertilizer, it would be too much. I think the reason it looks like its grown so much it has several leave that were about to uncurl, and now they have. I just hope it continues to look nice as the summer aproaches. lol

Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)

I was at the home of a friend of a friend this past weekend. She had a solid green spider plant hanging on her porch that was loaded with offshoots. The soil was dry and literally hard as a rock, and the offshoots were extremely tangled. Without thinking (I have never met the woman before!) I started to untangle the offshoots and let her know it desperately needed water. I've found myself standing in line at restaurants pulling dead leaves off neglected plants!

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I've got busted when I as visiting my sister in Dallas once. We were at her daughter's house, and in the bathroom she has a pothos ivy. I picked all the dead leaves off and put them in the trash can, only to find out later, that it was her covered laundry hamper. lol

Walhalla, SC(Zone 7a)

Hey Guys,
Have you ever seen this hawaiian spider plant, I just bought one from a local nursery. Its such a beautiful spider! It has verigated offshoots/babies. Its so neat. take a look.

Thumbnail by SCShopgirl
Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Beautiful. I saw one at Home Depot, but didn't buy it because I thought that was what my solid green one was going to look like when it grew back. I've been back, but it seems that someone else bought it, and I haven't seen anymore since. That's a gorgeous one you've got there.

Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)


Your plant is beautiful! I think I'll be looking for some new plants!

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

This is my newest one. I've had it since Saturday, but I needed to find a place to put it. My husband and I had never seen one with green tendrals that come down so far and branch off. He liked it so much, and of course I'll never refuse to let him buy me a plant. lol

This message was edited May 25, 2005 6:16 PM

Thumbnail by jdee
Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Here's the view from the front of the house....

Thumbnail by jdee
Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I love that newest one! I need to put a couple of hooks up in our bathroom and hang some spider plants in there (far enough up our plant-chewing cat won't get them and then regurgitate them on the furniture, LOL).

Clermont County, OH(Zone 6a)

Yikes Kim! What a bad little kitty cat you guys have over there. I'm thinking of ordering a couple of the hawiian spiders from a lady on ebay. I ordered a lot of 100 plantlets from her last year for a couple of classes Mom's Day gifts. Of course the 5 hawiian plants were causalities of the bad people who forgot to water my babies. My curly "Bonnie" has several babies that I'm waiting on so I can snag them off. They don't have any little nodes on the bottom yet. I'll have to get pictures of it and post, she's huge and very beautiful. I got her at Wallyworld and she was so sad and droopy. All my spiders are at the front of my apartment which gets morning sun and afternoon partial shade. They seem to be happier and doing wonderfully.

Utica, MI(Zone 6b)

jdee, I love your baskets and have one myself for my geraniums and spikes to live in..... i got mine at Wal-Mart for 6 bucks (empty of course). Does anyone have any babies to trade?? I only have the plain green ones but have many other types of house plants. Angel winged begonia, hen and chicks, aloe, and i have outdoor plants as well.. If anyones interested i would just like anything not plain green..All of your plants are to die for.....wish i had any one of them....Still new at the gardening in and out of doors.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

As a matter of fact, I have just potted up some babies from two of my varigated ones. I have one with green-edged cream colored leaves, and several with the green middle and cream colored edges. Now, they haven't formed root systems yet, so I can either send you the babies adn hope they root, or wait until they root. Email me and let me know what you think.

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