March "Firsts"! Birdsters please post your Sightings!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Julie--so happy that your Bird Bath got it's "First" customer--I am still waiting for one to use mine. I was beginning to think bird bathing was all a myth until I read your 'First' post--(and I think Huga finally had a bird use her bath recently, too). Let us know if there is anymore interest. Thanks for posting. t.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Might have been superman! BTW, glad to hear at least one of your birds finally bathed. Which reminds me that I need to do that one of these days. :-)

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Great about the bathing birds, Julie. It is so satisfying to help wild birds. I love watching them do dust baths in our driveway, too! And I love watching my pet finches bathe-actually someone told me I don't have to supply bath water so often but I can't stand missing the show for even a day!! BTW here is a link to the beginning of my post from the Smith College bulb show:

Thumbnail by boojum
Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

My first for March is a first chance to get good photographs of the Ganggang Cockatoos Callocephalon fimbriatum. We had a visit last weekend from an old friend from England. Yesterday we went out to visit the Sale Wetlands to look for birds and soon after setting out, drove down a road that has a large number of hawthorn bushes on either side. As we flashed by at 100km/hour, I spotted one Ganggang Cockatoo on a hawthorn bush. We stopped down the road, found a place to turn and drove slowly back, to find not one but at least six Ganggangs and they were tucking in to the hawthorn berries with gusto. They seemed unconcerned at our presence and just carried on feeding and allowed me to get out of the car to pick the best positions for photos. It was interesting to find that we could hear sharp crackoing sounds and we think that the birds were not eating the flesh of the berries but cracking open the seeds to get the kernels. Hawthorns are of course introduced in Australia, but the Ganggangs know all about the good food to be found on them! Here is a female Ganggang Cockatoo among the hawthorn berries:

This message was edited Mar 7, 2005 1:01 PM

Thumbnail by kennedyh
Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

I didn't get quite such a perfect clear view of any of the males. but this shot nevertheless shows off his brilliant scarlet head as he also tucks into the hawthorn berries.

Thumbnail by kennedyh
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Oh Ken what marvelous shots those are! Your new camera has given us so much eye candy. Ü

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Beautiful photograph of a beautiful bird, Ken!

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Ken what a great experience for your lucky friend!!! Thanks so much for posting! They are so wonderful.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Ken, what absolutely wonderful sharp pictures. So glad you were able to get such great photos for us to enjoy. DonnaS

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Iris, I have lived here over 10 years now. Have been putting nest boxes up ever since. Six years ago had first pair of bluebirds. Then the next three years had two pair each year. I fed them meal worms and before the summer was over, I could bo out early in the morning and call them to come get breakfast and almost immediately they showed up. I put up two mealworm feeder one at the back garden and one near my entry door.

then the next years had only one pair. Last year a male showed up one day, I put meal worms out but never saw him again. And this year sadly none have shown up. Last year for the first time didn't have any wrens either and only 2 pair of tree swallows. I sure don;t know what has caused the problem. DonnaS

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Broots, I always considered all sparrows as being small ( Just a habit through the years I guess) The Scare-crow sprayer has a sensitivity level on it that can be set, It can be so sensitive that a leaf blowing in the wind can set it off, But I set it at a level where an animal will set it off, But a bird won't, It's worked quite well for me!
I havent had time to check my video tapes yet ( I have a lot of tapes and made the mistake of not marking them and the Blubirds are on one of them) But when I get a chance, I'll find the right tape and post some pics, I did have this one photo that was at one of my sites, It's not the greatest picture, But it shows one of the female Bluebird's at her Nest Box. ~
I get the tree swallows to, I just love watching them catch bugs in the air! Once the chicks were hatched though, It was tricky mowing the lawn because they would always be dive-bombing me! LOL! I use to have a lot that nested in a duplex birdhouse that I have, But since I painted the house, I've only had one pair nest!! They seemed so much more attracted when the house was white! So I'm going to repaint it white this year! Do you have a lot of tree swallows that nest at your place?
...Ken, What beautiful birds, And GREAT pictures of them!!!!
....Rutholive, So sorry to hear that none have shown up this year yet, But don't give up hope, Sometimes they arrive late! I think it's so neat that you could call them for breakfast and they would come in! In what way did you call them? I'm interested in putting a mealy worm feeder up also but dont know much about them, Did you make the ones you have or buy them? I feel bad for you that the birds that were nesting in your yard in previous years has dwindled, It can be very up-setting to have this happen! I have read of other people that this has happened to and have had it happen in my yard a couple times also! ~ I don't understand what the problem is and niether does anyone I've talked to about it, There are years that they dwindled from what they were, And years that they have been here in full force, I don't understand why. This year could be totally different for you considering the last few years ( And I hope it is!), I'd really like to know if it does turn out different so please keep me up to date on how it goes this year ok? ~Iris
P.S. ~ I was just thinking, There are times when the Bluebirds have been here so early that I don't see how they could have possibly survived the snow and cold!!! ~ And was wondering if maybe they didn't make it untill the warmer weather came, And maybe thats why they have dwindled some years and it took new scouts to find the nestboxes again! Have you had them there extra early some years and then gotten really bad snow and cold and wondered if they would actually survive till spring????

This message was edited Mar 7, 2005 1:49 AM

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Great 'First Ken'! Your birds are so exotic--it's so much fun to look at your pics! BTW--is that a 'gang of ganggangs', then? lol t.

p.s. your eyesight must be perfect to catch a bird at 100 kmh!

Modi'in, Israel

Ken those are sweet looking birds and LOVELY shots of them too! The male has so much berry juice on his beak that if birds had lips I'd assume the berries were "lip-smacking" good! ;-)


Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Iris, we do have different weather patterns. This year we only had 2 weeks of winter, the first part of Jan. Ever since then it has been warmer and no precipitation. I am going to have to start irrigating. So I don't think cold weather has kept the birds away. Have lots of other birds, 100s and i do mean 100s of quail, I think hundreds of House Finches, lots of House sparrows. A pair of Say's Phoebes, and a Western Meadowlark sits on my one power pole and sings. DonnaS

Cochrane, ON(Zone 2b)

Rutholive, I have been considering the mealworms for a couple of years now, wondering if it would entice the bluebirds to hang around or at least show up to feed. I just don't think I can touch those things. I have no problem picking up worms, caterpillars or bugs, but to me, mealworms are maggots & just totally gross me out. I would have to use a spoon or pair of tongs. Definitely couldn't keep them in my fridge. Always afraid the lid would come off. My DH still doesn't know how to put lids on bowls properly. I could always keep them in his fridge. I hope you get your bluebirds back this year.......Linda

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Iris, I bought my bluebird feeder for meal worms, but you could make one. The top is hinged to drop the meal worms into it, and each end has a 1-1/4" hole for access by the bluebirds. I keep the meal worms in the refrigerator and feed them once a week.

Thumbnail by darius
Cochrane, ON(Zone 2b)

Ken your pix of the Ganggang Cockatoos are just awesome. They sure are a beautiful bird & you captured them in the perfect setting.

Equilibrium, thanks for posting that great bluebird site.

Boojum, what type of finch is that? I don't think I have never seen one of those before. Do you only have one of them?

Cochrane, ON(Zone 2b)

Iris, I just love watching the tree swallows swoop through the air catching bugs. I get up at 6:00am in the summer just so I can watch them from the time they arrive til they leave. Such fun watching them haul nesting material & getting that big white feather in at the end to line the nest. I wouldn't want to be a bird for anything. I only live on a regular town sized lot so I only have one pair of tree swallows that nest here. Other swallows try to take up residence in the other bird house but the first pair won't even let them go inside to check out the house. They have some fierce fights sometimes. My birdhouses have tree bark on the outside of them so they look just like trees, sort of. Two years ago when the tree swallows showed up they were acting really strange. They were throwing themselves against the bedroom window constantly. It is directly across from where the birdhouse is, practically at eye level. I couldn't figure out what was wrong & I was afraid they would either injure or kill themselves. So I opened the bedroom windows. That's all they wanted I guess. They perched on top of the windows every single day until the young left the nest. Every morning I had to get up at 5:15am & open the windows so they could sit there. When the female was on the nest, the male would sit there & just talk & sing to her. You could forget sleeping, because that wasn't possible. The male ended up getting hurt & I think he must have died. One morning he showed up on the window & it looked like his wing was broken as there was a bone sticking out. He was no longer able to get into the birdhouse because of his wing. But he sat there for 2 days. Momma managed to feed the babies all by herself. When I checked the nest after she left, there was only one dead. Do you have any idea what my bedroom windows looked like after they left. Boy, what a job cleaning them.

Darius I love your bluebird feeder for the mealworms. Is it plexiglass on the front or is it open? Do you have a problem with starlings trying to take the mealworms? Great bluebird photo too.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Oh that Bluebird is so sweet. Maybe I should look into the meal worm idea.
My birds (2) are Society or Bengalese finches. Wonderful sweet pets who are not afraid of me but not dependent on me. They sleep in an empty food cup together at night (thus the name).

Thumbnail by boojum
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Broots, the mealworm feeder is plexiglas on the front... so they have to go into the bluebird-sized holes to munch. I don't see starlings here.

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I heard the killdeer again this morning and I stood in my backdoor for a little while trying to find him. Lo and behold, there were 3 of them hanging out in the muddy open area! I noticed the third when he started splashing around taking a bath in a large puddle! How fun is that?!

Tabasco, to answer your question, yes that photo's pretty much what they look like. I think their neck bands are a little broader possibly... very distinct. I'd never have noticed them if it weren't for their weird call.

Speaking of the call, as I had my head out the door, all of the sudden one of the killdeer let out this piercing call that sounded like a car alarm. Then one of the others sounded like it joined in. Every bird in the neighborhood started flying around in a tizzy. I'm not even a bird (as you know - LOL), but it was very clearly an alarm call. All kinds of birds darted all over the place. No kidding, not even 30 seconds later a big ole hawk came gliding over the treetops around the edge of the development. He glidded right over the open area and passed out of sight. Those killdeer things are certainly handy!!! :) The birdies came back within a minute of him leaving. Neat to watch :)

Here's the best pic I've been able to get of the killdeer(s). They're so far away from my house, and the camera's not the best. But, here's the best of the lot :) Thanks for sharing in my excitement!

Hugs :)

Thumbnail by SalmonMe
Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Rutholive, Two weeks of winter in January?! Sure wish we had that here!! I guess thats not the problem with the Bluebirds then, I'll have to ask around and ask the audobon society in my area what they think the problem could be.~ Sounds like your pretty loaded up with birds over your end though!! That must be quite the sight to see! And that Western Meadow Lark must be a pretty sight to see 'and hear' also!

Broots .... "I just don't think I can touch those things. I have no problem picking up worms, caterpillars or bugs, but to me, mealworms are maggots & just totally gross me out. I would have to use a spoon or pair of tongs. Definitely couldn't keep them in my fridge. Always afraid the lid would come off
" ~Too funny!!! LOL!!!! You definately wouldn't be a candidate for Fear Factor! LOL!

...Darius, Thankyou for the info and photo! I do want to try and make one, Could you tell the width and height of the one that you have? Did you put the little wood 'end heights' on the platform ( The one the bluebird is standing on)? BTY, Thats a nice photo! Also, Wanted to let you know that I am still in search of owl pellets for you, I did come across a couple, But they were not in the best of shape, The audobon people said if they come across some they will save it for me, So as soon as I get some I'll let you know, Just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten about you.

....Broots, Thanks for sharing your experiences with the tree swallows, I enjoyed reading it! It's too bad that the male probably died, Part of life, But still sad! It's something that they would throw themselves against the windows, I've heard of that happening before but have never seen it myself, Must have seemed so odd, I would have been worried too that they would injure themslves! Garden Hats off to you for getting up at 5:15 in the morning to open your window for them!!! Sorry to hear there was a casualty when you checked, But at least there was only one! I can just imagine the mess that was at your window and the cleaning that needed to be done! ~But I bet if asked 'Was it worth it?'~You'd say yes! :)

...Boojum, Very pretty finches, And nice photo of them!

....Hugahosta, Sounds like that killdeer is being quite intertaining, And you've had some neat sights to see! Thanks for sharing the story, And the photo also!

Modi'in, Israel

cool story Hugahosta!


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Got a first yesterday. A red winged blackbird. Heard more just now. Off to work and an afternoon and evening snow dump-could get up to 10 inches.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Iris, there are dimensions (I think) for the bluebird feeder I have that was posted last April or so on a thread in this forum about making bluebird houses. I'm 600 miles from home right now so I cannot re-measure it for you. I bought it just as you see it, without the bluebird of course.

Modi'in, Israel

On the way home from the pharmacy this morning I saw 2 goldfinches perched on top of thistle flowers....not 2 1/2 meters from me! They are such pretty birds! Ahhhhhh spring is definitely springing for many of nature's critters and greenery!


Cochrane, ON(Zone 2b)

Iris, here is the only photo I have of my two tree swallows from the above post. The quality is not good at all because I was shooting through the screen & didn't want to scare them off.

Boojum, I was ready to say spring must be heading your way until I read the part about 10" of snow. NOT good. Just please don't send it up our way. I am definitely ready for spring. NOW. I'm sure you are ready too. Hope the snow passes you by.

Julie I hope those 2 goldfinches head on over to your place.

Thumbnail by broots
Modi'in, Israel

That's so cute Broots! I love the story of your birdies perching on your windows....and even better is that you actually get out of bed to appease them :-) You're very sweet!


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Broots, Oh gosh that is so wonderful. They are like pets!! I must be sweet, too, cause I'd definitely get up and open those windows everyday!!

The snow is definitely not passing by! I was working at a school today and they sent us home at 11:30. Roads were fine till I got to mine (slipped a bit). My DBF got home at 4:30 and said the roads were "unpleasant." Which means BAD! The wind is howling the snow is blowing around. YUCK.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Through the screen or whatever, I like that shot!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Great shot Huga--I would love to get one in my yard! Actually a very exotic looking bird, aren't they?!

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8a)

Broots I had a hummingbird attack my window next to a honeysuckle, I finally figured he was fighting off his reflection, I covered the window so he could'nt see his himself, all was well. I have see many birds this March, but I dont know what most of them are, I just like seeing them. I will get my identifacation book out and start indentifing!! I know I've seen finches,,, downy w/p, robins, doves but not a "dole" just one. I really injoy reading all the posts one birds around the world.
Julie, good to hear about your birdbath, I have a pond with a small two level waterfall, the bird line up waiting for a chance to take showers, it is comical to watch them dancing around in the water. Oh yeah I see lots of crows, they come around to pick up the garbage that the neighbors dogs tears out. grrrrrrrrr

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Wonderful read I've enjoyed of your birding ventures at your place Vizz8 !! ...

And, a big ol 'hearty' welcome to DG, to ya too .. Vizz8 !!!

- Magpye

Modi'in, Israel

Thank you Vizz8 and welcome to DG! :-)


Tacoma, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the welcome, I like DG alot. I've already learned so much from ya'll, my mind is working overtime. All the different forums are so informentive, and I feel like I know some of you already just by reading your posts, its just great.. thanks again. ;)


Cochrane, ON(Zone 2b)

Thanks everyone for your great comments on my little tree swallows. Boojum how is the snow today?

Vizz8, wow I have never heard of a hummingbird doing that. I thought about the reflection with the swallows but was under the impression that only males did that & I had a pair. By the time I got the tall ladder & something to cover the windows, I'm sure one of them would have hurt themselves. Sounds like you are getting your share of birds. Would love to see your pond & waterfall. Also welcome to DG. It's a great place.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Welcome, Vizz8. Lots of great people and good conversation at DG!


Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Welcome Vizz8 to the "birders" of Dave's Garden around the world.

Tabasco, am going to a meeting at our Ned Smith Nature center. Speaker there will identify and show photos of the migrating waterfowl which will be coming up the Susquehanna River flyway on thir spring migration. Also have a meeting scheduled at the Susquehanna River for later this weekend. One of the coldest and windiest places around!.

Harrisburg Pa has started up their WebCam of the peregrine falcon that nests in downtown Hbg. It is an informative site of history and habits of the peregrines.

Web site:

I have greatly enjoyed the information you have shared with us, and learned a lot too.
Tried to post the web site again.

This message was edited Mar 9, 2005 1:57 PM

Modi'in, Israel

Today's first wasn't a sighting but a "hearing". I was outside inspecting the garden to see what had transpired there since yesterday. Saw another buzzard circlign overhead and watched him enthralled for several minutes til I got dizzy having my head back like that for so long LOL. Then just as I was headed into the house I heard a very distinctive screetch sound of a falcon or some other similar bird (hey, what's that bird in Mulan that the bad guy Shan Yu keeps as a look out for the good guys? any case, THAT was the sound I heard today. Couldn't spot it, but it sure was loud enough that it had to have been somewhere flying on the other side of my house for example. Now THAT was cool! I heard it twice, then it was gone.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

huga--back to the kildeer--I looked up the kildeer on the Cincinnati Birding site and it wasn't even listed, then I went to the Great Backyard Bird Count site for 2005 and there was only one sighting of it in that is a pretty rare bird for this area and maybe you might want to report it to the Audubon Society---especially if it keeps coming to your neighborhood...

Vizz--welcome to to DG and our 'Firsts' thread...many of us are neophytes at birding and it's fun to learn together and from some of the more experienced on DG...keep posting your 'Firsts' here. We want to know about them!

And Seeds--thanks for your sweet comments about the thread...I like to research (google) and trade info with all of you. It's a good pasttime for me right now--my kids have grown and left the house (more or less!) and we just moved here to Ohio so I like to learn about the wildlife--most of it new to me...I am glad you are going to the Migration Talks--you will be able to report a lot of news to us. I am excited about the birds making their way from the South thru our territory this spring...lots of new sightings I hope.

This message was edited Mar 9, 2005 7:16 PM

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