How much snow this year?

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)
There are a total of 379 votes:

Plenty of snow here
(153 votes, 40%)
Red dot

Only a dusting
(66 votes, 17%)
Red dot

None yet
(5 votes, 1%)
Red dot

It rarely/never snows here
(128 votes, 33%)
Red dot

(27 votes, 7%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

We just got another 4-6 inches yesterday, AARRGGHH. This nice little snow storm happend about 1 week after another one where we got about 4 inches of snow. Im really tired of it now especialy this close to spring. I was already seeing things starting to pop up and was debating on when to fertilize the spring bulbs, sigh, guess I need to wait another couple of weeks. Im sure not going to go around digging everything up from the white stuff, thats a bit of digging.

Come oooooooon spring!!

We're having another storm today. 8 inches so far and still comming down like crazy. The wind is blowing it also and the drifts are forming quite nicely out there. LOL. DH is on his third shoveling so far. They say this will continue through Wednesday! Well this had been typical of this years snowfall, but I sure wish it would end already!

Olympia, WA

As noted earlier, WA state is in trouble due to lack of snow. Water for use in the summer will be in short supply. The Evergreen State may become barely beige!!!!!!!


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

It's snowing right now! They say 20 cm in this storm, by the time it's all over. Here's a radar shot, from a few minutes ago - we're where it says "CYOW".


Edited to say, just for orientation purposes: the body of water in the lower left is Lake Ontario, in the Great Lakes.

This message was edited Mar 1, 2005 12:42 PM

Thumbnail by spklatt
Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

13" for Christmas here in the Gulf - Texas region.
That's plenty! :)

Pittsfield,, MA(Zone 5b)

More than enough. a foot of fresh snow on the ground and it's still falling. No school, etc. etc etc

East Lansing, MI(Zone 5a)

We had plenty of snow cover to protect newly planted perennials. This last batch of snow that has fallen required the most work to clean up.By the time the day is up I will have put in a half days work doing something I most detest!I hate snow shoveling.
Let this be the last snowfall of the season! I am ready for spring.

Danbury, NH(Zone 5b)

Snowed in again.......

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

I live on the Coast of Texas and every 10 to 15 years we get a dusting and life goes on. We always like it and it is nice since it is a rarity around these parts. But I must say this last Chirstmas was an exception to the rule. We recived 13 inches of Snow in Brazoria Texas the most ever recorded since they started keeping records. We were so in surprised by this and it was a blessing at the same time. I don't know of anyone that regretts it now and I sure don't even if it did take out some of my plants. The memorys are just to precious to me and I loved it.

Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Tennille, GA(Zone 8b)

So far...NO SNOW here....only an ice storm!
And after living in the desert for 22 years, that was enough cold weather for me! I am ready for some warm springy weather with blue skies PLEASE!

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

We need to trade weather with somebody who has too much rain or preferably snow. We are in a drought and it is getting serious. Our normal is about 10 inches, we have about 1/3 or 1/4 of that. Maybe we will get a few inches of rain in the spring, that would help crops and fire danger.

Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

We had no snow for the holidays, but in february we had 2 snow storms : one at the begining of the month , it snowed 2 days continously, the other one began this Sunday morning and lasted until Monday night. Yesterday was freezing and today too, but sunny. They say tomorrow is warming up.

East Bridgewater, MA(Zone 5a)

we had snow yesterday and my snowblower brokedown just after i finished total to date over 80" and more to come the snowblower is in the repair shop be back tomorrow

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Last night we could hear the familiar hum of snowblowers throughout the neighbourhood. Kind of like lawnmowers in the summer :-) We don't have a snowblower, but I can sure see how they would come in handy - the snow's very heavy & wet here.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

we had a snowstorm the past couple of days. the nice fluffy kind. more may be due this sunday. so i'll look at the catalogues, and plan my garden and look forward to getting my annual seeds started for may planting.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Snow flurries on Christmas Eve in Cypress, Texas, cool and fun to make small snowballs to throw at each other for about an hour!!!!
It was thick enough to get pictures of snowflakes in the air, definitely so sweet!!!

Thumbnail by rose_petalzz
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I love hearing about everyone else's weather patterns, around the world. So far we've heard from all over North America, and Australia, and Romania... very neat! BTW, if any of you warm-climate people miss your occasional snowflakes, we seem to have some extra ones on hand here! Where shall I send 'em? :-) lol

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Only a White Christmas so far this year.


Thumbnail by eyesoftexas
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

This has been one of our "mild" Winters....only about 1 ft. or so of snow.

Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 5a)

The people here think there has been plenty of snow but after living in Wisconsin for 20+ years it has seemed like a crop in the bucket. I miss the big deep snowbanks but not driving to work in blizzards. Jessamine

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

In my lifetime in NE Fla, I have only seen one snow fall around 1985 that was sufficient to accumulate and remain on the ground for a short time. Otherwise, we never see the stuff except in a very rare light sprinkling that melts before it hits the ground. Fine by me! I recall basically being snowbound in my apartment in NYC when the snow plows would scrape all the snow off the streets onto the sidewalks in piles so high it would block the entrances to the apartment building. I am happy not to tunnel out to my yard in winter! The trade off for living in a subtropical climate (borderline Zone 8b/9a) is that I am not able to grow the tulips, most narcissus, and other spring bulbs that I enjoy so much and miss not having, but then again we can grow many annuals as perennials and keep tropical houseplants outdoors through much of the year.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

We got our first snow in over a hundred years and our first ever in recorded history snow on Christmas day. My gardens are still trying to recover.

Herbstein, Germany(Zone 5a)

We had much snow in February and still have snow together with a strong freeze.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

When I was a kid growing up in PA, I was told that there were places where it never snows, but I didn't believe it. Now that I have lived in So. CA for 18 years, I believe it. What is nice is that if you want to see snow, you can drive about an hour or an hour and a half away and find it, but you don't have to live in it. It is still endlessly fascinating to me to be down in the lowlands where it never snows but be able to look up and see snow on the mountains. I would imagine that they got a lot of snow in the local mountains, since we got a huge amount of rain.

Thumbnail by Kelli
Mercer, PA(Zone 5a)

Yep, snow here!!


Thumbnail by tcfromky
Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Whereas SE England, and Kent in particular, are under the most snow for years - my son says all the schools are closed and a lot of my friends unable to get to work - we've been having dustings in SW France, which don't settle for longer than a few hours, if at all.
It's a different situation a few miles away in the Pyrenees of course. They have very good skiing and the best snow there for some years.

We have more snow forecast for this weekend......

Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Same here, many schools were closed, in the E of Romania, a region we call Moldavia (Moldova in romanian). The snow was very high, about the size of a man, especially on the mountains, the Oriental Carpathians.
We've had also the lowest temperature in the last 20 years, as I heard it was all over the world. I am a little worried about this heading us to another ice era ?

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)


This is what they called Global Warming. It is clear that human actions are causing global warming, a lot of which is caused by emissions from our auto's. It took us years to finally accept the fact that smoking was bad for our lungs, and caused Cancer, and we really need to wake up to the fact that pollution is what's causing Global Warming.

*jumping off my soap box now*


Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

It was the same snow/rain situation here as in most of Pacific Northwest. We are heading for another droughth year. We really had only 2 weeks of winter in early Jan. Feb. seemed warmer than usual but the weatherman says only a degree or two warmer, just very dry. DonnaS

Vero Beach, FL(Zone 9b)

It never snows here! Two years ago I went to Washington D.C. and it snowed - I was over joyed. Other than that I haven't been in snow for 20 years - RATS!

Marion, IN

Snow, rain, ice, flooded basement. we have had it all this year.


Fromberg, MT(Zone 4b)

Although I live in Montana, we don't get a whole bunch of snow here in the southern part of the state. In fact, except for a couple weeks in mid January when we did suffer below zero temps (and I felt very sorry for myself then ;-) ) winter has been pretty pleasant. Wish the mountains had received more snow, though, since that's where we get our summer water from. So far, the Beartooth Mountains have only received about a quarter of the snowpack the normally get, so we're looking at the potential for a critically dry summer.

Brownsville, TX(Zone 9b)

First accumulation of snow since 1895 happened Christmas Eve, 2004. As a transplanted Michiganian I am being blamed and feel quite guilty about bringing snow to the "tropical tip of Texas". Oh well, none so far in 2005.

Good Sledding

Rehoboth, MA(Zone 5a)

am I suppose to work in the garden?

Thumbnail by Maria

Looks like my garden

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)


Oh my, looks like your dog is snowed in .......


Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)


Lappeenranta, Finland(Zone 3a)

Away too much.

Rehoboth, MA(Zone 5a)

here is another one from one of the blizzards a few weeks ago,
how to find my way out of the house

Thumbnail by Maria

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