caring for a Hoya

Musquodoboit Harbour, NS(Zone 6b)

I have a lovely large Hoya which has lots of beautiful waxy leaves. However, it has never flowered. I've had it for about 5 years and is quite large. It has been repotted twice during that time. It's getting lots of light and I water it only when it dries out. I have never used fertilizer on it.

Appreciate any thoughts.

Musquodoboit Harbour, NS(Zone 6b)

I just noticed that there is a Hoya forum ...dah..l
I'll post this question there as well.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Yes...the hoya forum can help you! Lots of good info. on the links.

In a short word...Hoyas do NOT like to be in a lot of soil...they like being really pot bound!!! Also, they like some humidity...a shower once in a while, a spritz!

And...fertilizer would help! Try a 10-60-10 on it...Peters and Shultz make something close!

I never repot my hoyas until the roots start growing out of the top and I can squeeze the pot at all...maybe every 4-5 years for some.

If you want more me...:)


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