These iris on-line websites for 2005 are up

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Wanda, I think you speak for every iris grower in existence!! (big grin)


Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Well, I've spent the past week arranging iris photos in my album and dreaming of a bountiful spring. Such beauty & grace--it's hard to wait.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Cooley's sent me an e-mail to let me know about the website being up. They said that if there was one not listed to call the 800 number and possibly they still had a few and could give you the price if available.

I think the itch is with all of us! I can't wait to see a bloom period! On anything! I'm ready for spring and warmer weather and the wonderful feeling of dirty hands!


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks for the heads up on Cooley's. Willow Bend Farms is open and say that they are adding Iris photos daily.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Garden Eureka's new catalog is out at the end of the month. It is a compendium of growers. The catalog is pricey ($30) and includes Hosta. It also includes a CD of the photos in the catalog. Willow Bend Farm was on their list last year, and I understand that they have their own catalog. You order from each grower separately and you can google up cultivars that you are looking for but they have no photos. I have found that cultivars that I'm looking for very often only turn up on Eureka. Eureka makes no guarantees as to quality and is more interested in providing cultivar information, availability and photographs. Willow Bend Farm was in their catalog last year. Maybe someone has information on Cadd's, Meridian Gardens, or Scott's which are the only others I've come across. Their sites will be open at the end of the month.

This is the Garden Eureka link:

Here is Cadd's:

Here's Meridian's:

Here's Scott's:

None of these websites has pictures and are only listings. Until the end of the month they are last year's list and last year's prices.

Hope this helps.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Here is a letter I received from Nola's Iris Garden. There are discount numbers that you can use to order. A few of the rhizomes I received were slightly smaller than I usually expect but they all did fine and are about a foot tall right now. Even the one I had to fight the squirrel over. :-) They are very nice people. When they made substitutions by accident they told me I could keep them without charge - and it was a significant amount. One of the substitutions they sent is on their website for $35.00 this season. Don't let that scare you. The prices are very good.

One other thing. Iris that they call "historic" aren't necessarily old. They usually have won awards of some type. Just a nomenclature difference.

"Gary Prevost"   View Contact Details


Nola's Iris Garden

Mon, 7 Mar 2005 14:19:17 -0800


Our 2005 season is now open! We hope you will soon enjoy your new
blooming in you garden. We have been enjoying our blooms all year long.
has not been a day when we did not have many of the rebloomers in
bloom. Of
course we did have a very mild winter. We did raise some prices
slightly and
would like to give a discount to you for thanks for ordering from us in
past year. Fill free to pass the coupon numbers to your friends and
We will save in advertising fees and they will receive the discounts.

Coupon # 226482 $5.00 for orders over $30.00
Coupon # 226518 $15.00 for orders over $65.00
Coupon # 230893 $30.00 for orders over $150.00

The coupons are good through May 5 2005.

Remember that our plants are guarantied. If your are unhappy with any
of our
plants, please let me know and we will do whatever it takes to satify
you. We
only want happy customers and we truly believe that no other grower
better quality plants.

If you wish to comment on the quality of your order you can do so at
garden web site . At the bottom of
page is a link to add your rating. In order to do this you will need to
be a
member of Dave's garden. It does not cost anything to get membership.
As you
will see, the last review was very bad and I would like very much to
have a
chance to correct the problem. If you are user 4747, please let me know
was substituted on you order and I will send you the Irises you want
free of
charge. This is true for all my customers. If you are not happy with
Irises, I will replace them. Just send me an email with the details.


Gary Prevost
Gary and Nola Prevost
Prevost Ranch and Gardens
4195 Sierra Road
San Jose Ca, 95132

Nola's Iris Garden

This message was edited Mar 7, 2005 5:15 PM

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I just have a question. I went to The Iris Farm and couldn't find any contact information. Then I emailed them from the DG address. No response for 4 days. Anybody see the contact info on the site?

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I looked but couldn't find it.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks Trunnels. I couldn't quite believe it. No purchases from them I guess. There were only two I wanted anyway. I've found the few others I wanted elsewhere. And maybe those will show up later. You never know. Probably not worth the postage. Certainly not worth trouble.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

At the bottom of the page that comes up from your link there is an email address.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

What a ditz I am! How did I miss that? LOL

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

You are absolutely right! Everything on this website is at the bottom. But pale green letters - well, you have sharper eyes than I have. I could try to get ahold of her from her website link but, like I said, I've found what I wanted elsewhere.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Just got my back orders on the Eureka garden guides. I have a plan. They list each iris and where to get it. Don't buy a copy - and if I can find it in the guide, I'll let you know. We might as well save some money and there aren't as many photos as they said there were.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

All things Iris is open for the season. They grow non-bearded Iris including Pacific Coast, Lousiana, Siberian, Japanese, Spuria and water Iris. Their catalog is downloadable as a pdf file. They have some beautiful things. Can't believe that I was ever considering importing PCI from Australia.

Heads up for you John. They do ship internationally.

This message was edited Mar 10, 2005 10:01 PM

Arden (Asheville), NC(Zone 7a)

There was a question a long ways back about where Vincent Christopherson's Accent Gardens is located. I checked "how to order" and found the address--in Arlington, TX.

So far, my Christopherson irises have come from Argyle.

I did have the impression he wasn't all that far from Argyle Acres, but didn't know the town. Now I do.

Also, someone asked about ordering from Keith Keppel. I have known Keith for a long time and have had a chance to visit with him at some length a couple times. I have yet to visit his plantings in Oregon, but judging from some photos from Kathy Chilton and Robin Shadlow, they look wonderful. He does almost--if not all--the work himself, so the chronic problem with hired help doesn't happen. That's why his irises are true to name--and very well grown.

I've never had a problem with acclimatization of his irises to western North Carolina. Most of them thrive here without a hitch. When I do have a problem, it is usually due to something at my end of the process, not his. My soils are in terrible shape. It will take me a long time to build them up so that they will grow quality irises.

Keith is also super generous.

Neil Mogensen

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

And Neil, Keith Keppel's prices are excellent.

Klamath Falls, OR(Zone 6a)

Does anybody know his website address? I looked and looked and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong cause I just can't find it. Thanks.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Sharvis, he doesn't have a website.

His e-mail address is:

Catalogs are available at: Keith Keppel, P.O. Box 18154, Salem, OR 97305. I believe that they are $3.00.

If you want to find someone again, don't forget to use the garden watchdog tab at the top of the page. There is a direct link to his email from there and, since it doesn't have a web address, you'll know that it's probably not available. Here's a link to the Keppel entry in the watchdog. If you click on the Iris growers name you can read the comments there.

But don't be afraid to ask.

Klamath Falls, OR(Zone 6a)

Okay, thanks a bunch.

Farmington, ME(Zone 4b)

Greenhorn Valley has updated for 2005.

This message was edited Mar 15, 2005 9:04 AM

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Just checked in with Mid-America and they apologize for the delay in putting up their website. They are redesigning it. Their photo catalog is available to order but has not been shipped yet.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Boy or boy, decisions decisions! I have a list a mile long that I want. The problem is I don't think I have that much space left in the yard to put them! My DH and I were just married 3 years ago and when I moved into his house, he only had 1 rose planted! If you want to see what it looks like now, check out the photos forum, 2004 garden pictures. Big, big difference.


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Here's the link to debs photos:

Deb, you have some lovely beds and the combos are great. I love the columbine with 'Edith Woldord'. But you haven't yet begun to fight. All that yummy lawn that can go. ;-) Bigger beds I say!

I'm still cramming plants in and they love it. Here are my photos. There are two threads.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Deb, you have a beautiful yard. You have done a wonderful job with it.

Doss, thanks for the links. I have seen your photos before and am truly amazed at what you have done with your place. It is beautiful.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm just amazed with the job deb has done too. Only three years and all of that beauty. I love the swing too. I'll bet she can't wait for spring to come.

I just didn't want her to think that she had run out of room. :-) I'm still more likely to run out of money. My list is a mile long too.

What are a few at the top of your list, deb?

Coshocton, OH(Zone 6a)

deb, your yard is beautiful. PLEASE no more websites, i have already ordered 76 irises. LOL belinda

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Hey, Belinda, We haven't even mentioned Sutton's. (evil laugh) They open later and later each year and specialize in rebloomers. I'm glad that there is somebody as kooky as I am. I haven't been willing to count how many I've ordered. Denial is bliss. But I do have some at Mid-America that I want.. Such restraint! Don't you think? Speaking of self control.

I guess I'm a closet Iris buyer. (LOL)

Coshocton, OH(Zone 6a)

i know that i am kooky and i have no self control. so i guess it will be alright if order the dwarf irises i want. will have to check out sutton's. lol, belinda

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

You'll have to wait for Sutton's to open. They don't keep their list up and they tend to open in April. You can access their rebloomer list which is a great resource. It lists rebloom reliability in a whole list of Iris including which ones will work in which zones. Good for you in your zone 6a garden. If you like rebloomers, it's a must.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

daylily970--keep up that iris ordering and you'll have to change your name!

Coshocton, OH(Zone 6a)

wanda, i fall in love with the historics irises you posted. margiempv and doss keep posting pictures and websites, just couldn't help myself. i have ordered more daylilies than irises. 3 co-ops, bayberry row, marietta gardens, and patrons. belinda

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Putting more temptation in your way, the Bay View Gardens catalog came today (Ghio)

You can order the catalog from here.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

I'm not looking...I can't hear you.....(eyes shut, fingers in ears) la la la la la la!.......

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I haven't heard that in a long time. It made me crack up. Now, MGH go in the other room. This is not PG rated. :-)

The Ghio catalog has a lot of Blyth Iris from the past few years that you can't get anywhere else. No photos though :-(

Ghio has introduced all of those bubbly ruffled Iris like "Cast of Characters".

And their prices are pretty good on most things. I found them usually less than the big houses.

Are your finger still in your ears and are you still singing? Can you hear me? (Evil snicker). They also have a deal where you can send them a minimum of $35.00 plus shipping and they will send you Iris worth three times as much, Including new Iris not listed. Fun?

I can see the lynch mob coming now. But I'm having a great time.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Yep, still la la la la....have to save money to go to Belgium next la la la......can hardly see to type because of the tears in my eyes from laughing so hard! la la la la la la .......

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Just so you all know, if you really are considering an expensive Iris this year, Bayview Gardens has a lot of them quite a bit less than they are in most other catalogs. If you have questions about it and don't have the catalog, just let me know.

They have lovely deals on Pacificas also. I forgot to add that in my previous message. I was laughing too hard mgh.

Now are you all singing?

This message was edited Mar 23, 2005 10:36 AM

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

la la la la la la la ....

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

It's a 'virtual' chorus!!!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Hallelujah! Hallelujiah! .... Just thought I would add my Easter chorus to the choir...

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Thanks for joining in the chorus ladies! lol

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