Hippy Grass/Dancing Grass "Codarilcalyx Motorius"

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Just bought a few seeds- anyone here growing it?

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

I am still waiting for my seeds to come. Got 'em on ebay.

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Mine are up and growing really well. You're gonna be pleased with them. It's a really pretty plant and so far is easy to care for.
I made a mini-greenhouse and now some are about 3 1/2 inches high. They arent growing super fast but they are growing at a steady rate.
These are all in my house.

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

I can't believe you are in Fountain! There is another DG'er there that has dancing gras there! May I give her your username- she's really a hoot!

I will have to start my grass in pots. I am in the process of a move that will take a good 6 months so you telling me pots work, that is very cool.

We are moving to a farm in the Everglades and I plan to supplement my income with legal medicinal plants.

Keep in touch if ya want to talk about it!!!!

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hehehe. She wouldnt be Jocie would she? If so, 'that be me'! :-D
Hey girl- good ta see ya posting!

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

Hey you!!!! So did you get my email? I lost your address.
Be back -gotta call a client.
Did ya get my puppy pic?

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Noo- lemme go check now. BRB.

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Jocie,
I can't sleep. I tried to go to bed (the floor next to the whelping box) about an hour ago, knowing I have to get up at least 10 times during the night.

I just fed the spinning baby. He's fine- has a nipple. I sure hope he comes out of this. I ought to Reikki him, don't know why I haven't thought of that. I'm only 2nd degree but I believe it's the power of love and healing behing it. I said a prayer and put a healing stone in the whelping box.

Your package will defintely go out tomorrow now that I have your addres again. STILL NOT WORKING? i TRIED TO CALL YOU today but got no answer.

I left for an hour today to do a few errands and the dogs didn't kill each other. My hubby still hasn't put a door on ALLEY'S whelping box. Sorry about the caps- I'm a terrible typist. Anyway, I am starting to feel safer running out and not worrying about a dog fight.

So what are you gonna do about your new dog? I wouldnt judge it by 1 altercation altho I bet it scared the ba-jesus out of you. By beating the dog up, you should have set rules. You are the master. I have that situation here too with a very old female cockerpoo that tries to take on the red nose. She hasn't died yet but because she is old she can't seem to learn her place in the pecking order. She has learned respect for Sierra tho and keeps her distance. Dogs establish a pecking order- maybe your new dog just needs time to fit in. When I get a new dog I usually get a new kitten just to cause enough chaos to keep down the "pecking order".

I still didn't get my dancing grass. I was sure it would come today.

Next, if ya remind me, I will send you some good tunes. I am into accoustical jazz, live and die for rock and roll and melt over the blues. It will help make your bad days go better. I know you need Photoshop or I would hold out longer and send them with this package.

Not to dwell on it,butwhere is your grandma? Does she live with you too? If so, you need more than hippy weed. Grandmas ar diferent- they are from a different planet. Mine went nuts (alztimers) and passed her around. I got her then everyone hid from me. She was quite a chore. I was awful- not the fantastic grandma I grew up knowing. She did alot of very "undignifying" things that made my heart break for her. When she was coherrant she cried because she realized she was losing it so 'straight moments' weren't even good.
I am sitting here trying to get a wine buzz so I can sleep for awhile. Not working.About the dog pen at the farm- I was thinking of buidling a heavy duty chicken coup and lettint them stay there during the day. Then I plan on getting the guinea hens from McMurrays in May when then they ay they are available then I can use it for chickens. Thats my thought but haven'tpassed i by the ol man

OK I'm gone again

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hehe I didnt beat him up- I kicked him in the midst of the attack to get him off Baby. He didnt even feel it- I sure did though. I'm hobbling like an old lady. It sprained my ankle from the angle I went in.
Not a single snap today. Baby and Inu are getting along fine. They set their boundries I'm guessing. It's Inu and Shadow I worry about. :-( MY grandmother doesnt like Inu now- so that probably means he has to go, no matter what.
Were probably going to ask my friend Buddy if he wants Inu. He'd love him-has no kids or animals so- would work out perfectly.

That and Inu likes to travel- Buddy goes all over the US all the time. Would be perfect for them both.

I'll be praying for your puppy- and to give you strength.

Most of the time Grams is fine- once a week or so she goes off. I shouldnt let it bother me so much I guess.


Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

Hey Jocie- the Post Office says you'll get your package monday!

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Ohhh this is exciting!
Thankies so much!
If you could see my finger where the dog bit me you'd laugh. It's all bound up and twice it's normal size (the bandages) haha. Typing is fuin. ;-)

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

I finally got my dancing grass seeds yesterday. Hopefully I will get them planted this weekend. How are the plants? Should I put one seed per pot or many?

When you get the package, you might have a few questions about the bamboo. I used the big bamboo (sent plant) seed bag to put some seeds from theworld's largest bamboo in. I wrote the name on the bag but also left the printed label from the previous bamboo seeds so you knew their proper names- and it gives directions for germination too. I also sent some basil seeds. I hope it's the thai basil. When they grow if there is red in the stems and buds, it's thai which is hardier.

Mike left for the farm last night and I was alone with the moms and litters. What a long night! They are in separate rooms and both want me to stay with them so I was back and forth all night.

I didn't know you got bit too! Do you have campho phenique? It will disinfect it better than anything and heal it faster. We used to use a fire extingusher to break up dog fights when I had a kennel. It scares the ba-jesus out of them. My friend uses a little aerosol boat horn. It even scared the hell out of me.

I am soooo screwed with all these pups here in a townhouse! We better really get our act together and make some kind of play area for them. The one pup is the same- still spinning. He nurses tho with help. That one makes my night very long. He spins away from the mom and litter then starts screaming. I try to wedge him in between 2 fatties so he can rest and me too.

I supposedly have a new client starting this week- what a bunch of crap! I don't have time but I sure need the $$$! I came recommended so if I screw up and take too long, I won't get more work from them. I have a web site already to do this week. Sounds like we'll be eating alot of Burger King!

Back to the package, I hope the software is self- explainable. If I made it confusing let me know and I will call ya and we'll install it together. Friday I finally ordered the Macromedia MX 2004. (OEM also). I n
lost my Freehand MX somehow and I really need it. It's a very easy to use and very flexible layout program. It does vector images too. It's great for newsletters which I have a huge addition I must have a draft of this week for my hubby's company. I can't get any work done without the Freehand MX.

I also ordered yesterday, new animation (for gif's) software. I don't like to use Flash unless I have to because of the plug-ins needed on the net.

I'm sitting here stinky and dirty but I haven't cleaned the whelping boxes out this morning so why bother cleaning me up yet. The girls are sleeping now and the pups are quiet so I'll let them be.

I also threw a book in the package that I thought you might like. That author gives me inspiration!

OK, gotta get in gear!

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Yeah- it was Baby (terrier) that bit me thank God. I'd have lost my finger had it been Inu.
Baby got me as I was trying to haul Inu off him. It was so scary- I thought he had gutted Baby right in front of us.

We took Inu back yesterday. I'm still very angry about this whole deal. Trying to see what's the best course of action to take next.

Soak the seeds for 12 hours (maybe even a couple days) before you plant.
So far I have had 100% germination!
I'd plant them into individual pots if you can.
It will save you from having to seperate them later. They seem to appreciate a bit of humidity- so you can bag the pots with plastic ifin` ya want to. Don't let them get soggy though- Might make them rot.
I can't seem to find much information on growing them!
They also like light. I have mine under a lamp with alluminum foil as reflectors. I just fertilized mine very lightly- not sure if it is helping them or not. Will keep ya updated. They have several sets of true leaves. I don't fertilize until the first beany leaves fall off and new growth is strong.

I have even been sniffing them- they are supposed to smell good- but so far havent noticed any particular smell. LOL

I moved one from the 'greenhouse' to a small pot in my kitchen window- so far it's doing fine. Been there a couple days.

Ohh- man I don't know how you do all this. You can't be getting much sleep-If I had a magical get everything done pill I'd send you a bottle full. LOL

That puppy might have a nervous system disorder that wont get better with time. It's also possible he was injured during whelping. I really don't know how to help- maybe just keep doing what you're doing and pray for the best.

What book is it? Who's the arthur? Or is it a surprise, lol. I looove to read! Want me to send it back when I'm done?

I gotta answer some threads and then maybe take a nap- planning on working tomorrow if i can. Been out a few days already. If it aint one thing- it's another.

I'll be praying things look up for you soon.
Blessing and love,

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Oh dear, Jocie!!! What the heck happened?? Are you okay? Was it your own dog that bite you??? How are you doing???? I've got to check out this dancing grass. I wonder if it's what I'm thinking. I'm going to do a google. Are you and Carol both into bamboo?? Do you have any seeds that I can start and than have outside and than take back in?? You get back to me girl!
Hugs, Donna

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)


I got 20 seeds off Ebay a while ago for about 5.00. It's kind of costly- but germination is super great! That's why I am staying away from Ebay lately, LOL. Too easy to spend money you don't have!
As soon as mine puts off seed I will send you some.
I planted most of them and have misplaced what was left. If I find them I can send you 2 seeds. I know it isnt much but I should have more in a few months.

Good luck finding information on them- I had hardly any luck at all!

I owe CaptMicha 3 seeds that leaves me with...I dunno how many- I'll count when I find them, haha.

Better yet- lemme see how these grow and I'll bring you a plant to the swap. That would probably be better than waiting for seeds.
You'll need to keep it as a house plant during cold weather.

I'll save that one in the window for you. (...writing this down, hehe...)

Depending on how many Bamboo seeds I get from Carol I'll set you a couple aside. Or take cuttings when I get mine up.

I plan on trading these plants later this year here on DG. So wanna get alot going here.

I have some 'post willow' I can bring to the swap ifin` ya want. It grows in thickets here so can probably bring you a good sized clump. Don't know if you can keep it indoors though. It looks like a bamboo.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Post willow?? I'll have to look this one up to....lol. You can't bring anything to big for me to bring back. I'm only allowed so much....lol. I still haven't googled yet.
:) Donna

Hey Donna, just for my curiosity, (not that I'll ever see Florida), but how do you bring live plants over and where did you find out?


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

It says on the Canada Customs plant act or something that you're supposed to be allowed to bring back up to 50 plants with you for your own personal use meaning not commerical use. I think the concern is with the soil so I'll make sure that I clean the soil off the plants and wrap the roots in wet paper towel and bag it like I would if I was sending out a trade.
:) Donna

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

I can chop the willow very short and it will bareroot just fine. I can also wrap it around itself to save space if you want larger plants.

What are you hauling back with you? I mean what size vehicle will you be using?

Were (Ginger_H and I) are trying to bareroot as much as possible anyway-only so much room in a jeep!

I plan on trying to make a live braided fence with the post willow. Not a big fence- just a nice divider for my garden. Might be neat.

We can always wait and do the mail thing later in the year ifin` ya wanna do it. I can pack a medium sized priority box full of post willow for pretty cheap I bet.

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

Hey Jocie!
I don't think the spinning pup will make it. She's trying her darndest but going downhill. Now she screams alot. Also today, my bengal grabbed her by the neck and she didn't even cry (the bengal did when I slapped her) so she might not have all of her facilities. I plan to try and work extra hours this weekend so I can afford to take her to the vet monday and do what ever needs to be done. I feel so bad for her. I have helped her get on a ninny and nurse but also have fed her with an eyedropper. She's still failing tho.

My 8 yr old neighbor came over to help so I could get a little work done. Not alot of help but she is really into it. She also fell into the pool earlier and had to go home and warm up. If that tells ya how graceful she is with the pups! At least I got a chance to get a half hour yard work in and some computer time.

PerennialGirl, I am worn out but if Josie will give you the name of the bamboo seed I sent her and you check to see if you can grow it outside, I will send you a few. It's huge, you wouldn't be able to grow it in a house. I got them off ebay from a guy in the UK and he got them from China so they are dear- make sure they will grow for you. I have a cold hardy bamboo started from seed that I would prefer to send you a seedling. It is also a large variety. Josie has the name of that one too.

I hav eto go, girls- I have a pot of chicken boiling for my canine girls. I have them on puppy chow but I have to entice them to eat. They don't want to leave their babies. Actually, I have to feed one with a spoon!

Well Donna, fingers and toes crossed. Practice the wide-eyed innocent look. Never know when it will come in handy.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Jocie....no vehicle for me. Just the plane and my big suitcase/trunk....lol!

Cyber if you have a small baby of your cold hardy bamboo I would luv to try it.

Brenda, I'm going to bring the Canada Customs Plant Act with me so I shouldn't have any problems.

Don't forget about our trade for later.

:) Donna

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

PerennialGirl: The bamboo is named Phyllosstachys pubescens. It only seeds every 100 years according to the guy I got them from. Could you look up on the net and make sure you can grow it? It definitely won't be a potted plant- it's huge.
Each sprout is very dear- please check before I send it.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

cyber what's the name of the cold hardy bamboo? I think the Phyllosstachys pubescens is to precious for me. It is definitely meant for someone in a warmer climate.
:) Donna

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

Hey Donna! I looked on the net and there is a site that even categorizes "extra cold hardy bamboo" and I have one of them just started. Greenstripe Vivax go to http://www.jmbamboo.com/coldhardy.htm
As for just regular "cold hary bamboo", http://www.jmbamboo.com/, I have the moso bamboo sprouts, which is what I sent to Jocie. Buddah belly is also cold hardy, which I just got seeds for AND a DG'er sent me some beautiful pieces.
If ya want to try, I can send the moso (sprout) and a few buddah seeds. Is it too cold to ship a seedling still?

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

cyber if you have a little seedling or seeds of the Greenstripe Vivax or Buddah Belly I would love some when I come down for the swap.

Let me know what I can give you in return.

:) Donna

Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)

must be another slow day at work today

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

As I had mentioned on Friday that I was sick and I had wished it was slow. Today I'm on my lunch break.

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

I kept meaning to reply to this with the names of that bamboo- Sheesh my brain has a short in it, lol. Thanks Carol.

I know what you're talking about PG. Been out several days these past couple months `cause of being sick.

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

Hey I like the PG! I am not a typist that sure makes life easier!!!

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