iris locater

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Hey Y'all, good to see you daylily970, I don't know why i haven't seen ya in awhile...

brandnewgirl, Welcome to DG in case I haven't told you before... Folks here are great!

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

i got ' Let Feedoom Ring ' from them last year ,
Starr; yes I have one with your name on it .

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Bless Your Heart, Tazzy...

Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)

Lanbr - I ordered from Leota's last year and was tickled pink. Here is syncopation but for anyone the photos at this site as wonderful.
I found "Ghost Story" at but shipping might be a problem.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Some of these sites don't have their 2005 lists up yet so some of these might not be available from these growers then. We can look as they open and see what we can find. And some, like Argyle Acres, don't seem to come up in a google search. And I won't put up all the links, you can get them in the watchdog. I include Nola's here but my experience there wasn't too good last year. The prices were good but the tubers were small and they came a month after they were promised. There were a lot of substitutions.

But: Flying Carpet is at Mid-America
Conjuration is a Leota's
Candy Cane Cuty is at Napa Iris Gardens, Leota's and Mid-America
Boogie Woogie is available at Schreiners and Nola's? (my notes are fuzzy)
Immortality is at Nicholl's
Clarence is at garden eureka - I have seen it other places.
Tennison Ridge is at Nicholl's and Leota's
Rustler is at Argyle, Garden Eureka, and I have seen it other places
Buckwheat is at nicholl's
Syncopation is at Argyle and Leota's
Aquamarine is at Mid-America and garden Eureka
Dusky Challenger is at Schreiner's and garden Eureka
Cycles is at Garden Eureka.
New Leaf is at Mid-America, and I have it in my database from one more company if necessary.
Joyce Terry is at Leota's, garden eureka, and nola's

As I mentioned above, some like Argyle don't pop up with google. Sometimes froogle works too. There are many other really good houses that you might like to go to and do some investigative work. Argyle is on here because I just went through their web site.

Margie has a list of them. Maybe you could beg and plead with her to post it one more time?

Any more???????

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

tazzy, I checked and it doesn't look like Bottled Sunshine would bloom here in my cooler climate.
mhelm said the iris nursery where she got Syncopation went out of business, the owners retired.

Corte Madera, CA

Wow, browsing ARGYLE's site and fell in love with SYNCOPATION. $5 - - - is that a good price? I have my order form already filled out, then I thought, why not learn a little more here first?


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

$5.00 is a fine price for this Iris. It is listed at $8.00 at Impressive Irises and I believe that Argyle has a better reputation.

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

I would go for Argyle too;
there always named right .

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

I kept telling myself I wasn't gonna look....but I went and looked That Sycopation is BEAUTIFUL!!! Gonna have to order me one of those! lol!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

If you love Syncopation, you're gonna love "Pheasant Feathers" from Cooleys. It's the high priced spread, but the price will come down when they open this year.

Thumbnail by doss
Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

That is beautiful, doss...

mgh, y'all feeling better over at your house tonight?

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

I don't know if you all have seen these iris sites yet. (many are closed yet, but you can still see the photos).

The Rock Garden

Snowpeak Iris

Seagate Irises

Red Rock Nursery


Malevile Gardens (I've heard a lot of good things about this one)

The Iris Sister's Farm

Hidden Acres Iris Garden

Hermit Medlars walk

You may want to bookmark them all for future use. Maybe this will help you narrow down your list of irises!! (big grin) Yeah right.


Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Yeah sure, Doss, tempt away! That Pheasant Feathers is beautiful!

Starr, yes we are all feeling much better! Thanks for asking. Yesterday I thought we were gonna least I felt like I wanted too! lol!

Oh Margie, thanks soooo much for that list. It narrows it right down for me.....NOT!!!! LOL!!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm book marking, I'm book marking!!!! I'm setting a new folder up: Margies Iris sites.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

we can hear you panting....

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Love that Pheasant Feathers, Doss .. and ditto that for me... bookmarking all these sites... Thanks, Margie!!! Hello, Woodspirit! Mendy, glad y'all are better... Will there be an Iris co-op?

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

I want everybody of DG to write to the white house and to our PM to get rid of the border. NOW. I want I want I want. Irises of course, and the odd 100 or so lilium.

Let me tell you about Riverview. Mom & Pop operation. Very very good prices, small rhz. but seem to grow well. Don't get cross at them if some iris are incorrectly labels, just go with the flow. YOu have saved tons by buying from them anyway. You may - get your shipment later than you wish. Don't confuse them by adding or changing your order after you have sent it in.

Now, ICG - Iris City Gardens. GO FOR IT. Very professional. The most wonderful La iris from Australia. The ones I posted a couple of weeks ago were australian ones purchased from ICG.
Our Northern Lights Iris Society ordered from them last year. Order was shipped on Monday, arrived here on Thursday, we were notified on Friday and then ....... customs slow down, lost box with fed x etc etc. Took 13 more days before we had them in our hot little hands but that wasn't Gregs fault. Even after being boxed for so long, all the iris were in great condition except for a couple of the tiny rock iris.


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I do sigh over the ICG pacific coast iris. Sadly, even though I live in California, they have the best collection I have seen on the net. But I can't get around the $75AU customs rate and the 11 plant limit - in addition to trying to get them into California. Maybe next season I'll try anyway. I think that it's the California problem more than anything. I'll have to put my back into the bureaucratic red tape of the agricultural customs here. Not pretty to think about.

So much for complaining - I can't even manage to get my order for TBI down to a reasonable size. Although there is always room in the shade for those charming little pacific iris, isn't there?

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Peasants Feathers is beautiful!!

Inanda, I've ordered from Iris City Garden too. The irises are usually smaller but I find they have all been healthy, and correctly named ~ which can mean a lot if you ever wish to trade for named varieties in the future, show them in shows, or sell them.

Doss, The 11 plant limit (actually it was a 12 plant limit for my friend and I when we ordered from Australia) is common for all US states. The current shipping rate of $75.00 changes throughout the year, but I don't know how they calculate that rate and why it changes. One can pay extra to get it through customs faster, that's what my friend Evelyn and I did. We received our order in about 4 days. Otherwise, it could end up weeks to get to you.

Did I tell you about the Pacific Coast Iris seeds that you can buy from Joe Ghio (Bay View Gardens) there in California? They could turn out to be rather unique.........because they are a hybrid cross.

I think it's like 5 seeds for $3.00. His e-mail is on the website, if you want to ask him about it. I believe he sells the plants too in his catalog. Maybe you'll want to ask for his catalog. He too - - sells huge, healthy rhizomes, correctly named, and all kinds of free extras. I order from him every year. Never been disappointed.

I never, ever have gotten my "wish list" to a reasonable size. LOL When I run out of money - - then I know that is my reasonale size. LOL


Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

inanda, where is MB in Canada? I've run through all the provinces in my head and can't come up with it.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Margie - I'm more out of land than money. But I just took out a Japanese black pine - so I'm set for a few more Iris (grin) - and Dahlia's too. And thanks for the link. I'll take a look at his website. It's so silly that there aren't more Pacific Iris growers here.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

What do you mean by Pacific Iris growers? any different from the other iris growers on the west coast?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Well, that is a very good guess. And actually you're partly right. There are only a couple of places that grow them specifically. We do have one near my house and another one is in Australia (is that east?). Pacific Coast Iris are different from other Iris. They grow in semi-shade and they are very short - only about 10 " tall. But It's fun to have something in the darker parts of the garden. Here's a photo of one.

Thumbnail by doss
Coshocton, OH(Zone 6a)

doss, that's is beautiful. where can you get them? they would look great on the edge of my hosta bed, it gets alot of sun. belinda

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

To find the grower with the Pacific Coast Iris see Margie's link to thegardensite above. (it's only about 5 messages up.) Otherwise it's getting them from Australia. Their catalog costs 3 dollars. I don't know how hardy they are. You would have to ask. This photo was from the website at Impressive Irises in Australia.

They only sell them over the winter but they have a couple of beautiful bearded introductions on their site too

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

They're just what I need if they are hardy in my area. And I like the height. They will work in parts of my rock garden, which is partly shady.

Coshocton, OH(Zone 6a)

thanks, i email them. i have been on web and they show zone 7-9. the plantfiles show zone 8 & 9. will have to get small irises. belinda

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Doss, you'd think there would be more Pacific Coast growers wouldn't you? Did you check on "Google"? Or one of the other search engines? You know Doss, I ran out of room to grow irises a long time ago. (big grin). That's why I rent garden space to grow irises at Community Gardens of Tucson. And that's also why I grow so many in pots now too, and why my DH is digging me a new bed on the hill behind my house. I wonder if it'll ever end. LOL


Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

I have a few more links for you to look up irises and their prices. These probably are not updated yet. A couple of them might may need to e-mail them to find out for sure.

Chateau CharMarron Gardens

Fortes Iris Gardens

Bridge in Time Iris Garden - (she * specializes in reblooming * irises)

Hidden Acres

Blue Cloud Iris - (no pictures, lots of irises, so if know what you want, check her prices)

BlueBird haven Iris Gardens - (no pictures, lots of irises, so if know what you want, check prices)
(the above garden doesn't say if it's open or not - might be open for business)

I thought you needed more iris links to bookmark. :)

~ Margie

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Yep Margie, your folder is growing here. I keep trying to cull out Iris to buy and you keep throwing them at me. (LOL) And that picture of Sotto Voce you just posted. Worth Growing!

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Geez Margie, my computer is getting filled with just iris web sites. My DH is groaning as there are more iris gardens to tour!!! LOL

Will be spending days going over all of these.

Wished I had known about the one in or near Boise, as we were near there last fall visiting friends.


Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Tazzy--I might have a Conjurations for you. Check with me when the snow backs off

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Oh Good i went and killed so many this year and
I was Hybridizing with that and some Luminatas.

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Oh Tazzy, which luminatas were you hybridizig with? I love luminatas too.

I also wanted to tell all of you about another couple of iris websites:

It's still closed - but there are photos and prices to be seen, If I remember correctly - - it's a fairly new iris garden.

Rainbow Iris farm
Closed too, but there is lots to see.

Now this link below is a very long page with a huge list of places to get iris catalogs and visit different iris garden links. Just recently updated too, so the information is probably current. There are many on here, that are new to me too.

*Not to mention a bunch of other types of plants and flowers too.


Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

What's a luminata?

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Woodspirit1, a luminata has a wash of color in falls over paler veining with clear unmarked area on hafts around the beard; paler edge on the petals usually with the same color as the hafts and veining.

It's a flower pattern that seems to glow from within, characterized by *absence* of anthyocyanin (colors that contain purple or blue) coloring in the hafts and heart of the flower, with the look of "rays" on the falls coming from the heart.

A more indepth explaination can be found here:

Here is a photo of Mind Reader - - a luminata.

This message was edited Jan 31, 2005 10:00 AM

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Here is another example, this one is named "Entangled".

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

"Moonlit Sea" was one of the first luminatas. (a historic now)

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Here is another luminata. "Shine on Thru".

Thumbnail by Margiempv

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