What do you look like? ( Second Edition )

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

well, since everyone knows what i look like, here i am!

Thumbnail by LazLo
Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

A picture of me from a couple of days ago.

Edited for spelling, oops

This message was edited Nov 24, 2007 12:02 AM

Thumbnail by CoreHHI
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Ok, so now I'm afraid - I'm very afraid. (Be that special dressin' fer the holidays???)

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)


I know all about the meet ups. That's with a few or several people... not the entire world.

I noticed that you enticed others to post their pictures, but you only posted a picture of the back of your head and in a Halloween costume where your face wouldn't be recognized. That's just strange to encourage folks to do things you wouldn't.


Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Donna you are a little paranoia. It is possible to pick up a stalker but the chances are so low. You have a better chance of winning the lottery. From what little info you can get off this site about someone it would be all most impossible to track someone down. In my case I have real people who know where I live and where I go and they might have a real reason to come after me.

Here's a real picture of me and I live in Bluffton SC, come find me.

BTW think I need a bigger horse.

Thumbnail by CoreHHI
belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

There are also a lot of people who put pictures on their profile. (like me.)
i think we all know it can be a big bad world out there, but different people have different comfort levels with these things. Donna, i totally believe that you have good intentions, but honestly your post did read a wee bit like a lecture from Mom. I can understand why you think Sequee's 1st post was rude - it was abrupt, but tone can be hard to convey in plain text.
We all take risks every day - connecting to the internet is a risk - joining an online community can have risks - driving a car is a BIG risk - but you have to decide for yourself, as an adult (presumably) what risks are worth it.
If someone posts pictures on a thread and wants to get rid of them, i believe the administators can do that for you. This subject came up in another forum, though primarily regarding pictures of children and grandchildren, and i think one member was able to have her grandchild's pictures removed.

anyway - that's my completely unsolicited/i've never been on this forum before 2 cents worth.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, I never stated otherwise. But there are people that do not realize exactly what all can happen by putting too much info on the net, especially a photo. And I said a few times that I was not saying that it would happen. But that it could happen.

Paranoid... perhaps it's from a bit of experience. Apparently none of you have been chased down by an internet stalker. Well, I have. It's not fun.

Take it for what it's worth. I did not mean to preach. Just to share information... especially those who don't know the internet that well.

I use to teach computer science at the local college here and sometimes I do come across as a teacher when I don't mean to. Sorry if I did.

I mean, how many people have their names and address in the members directory for all to see. A lot. Match that up with a photo... do a few searches on google. That's it. It is easy to get personal info about a person on this site. Unless you don't consider their home address and full name personal info.

Just information to consider. Not paranoia. I'm sure there's a lot of folks out there that might agree with me.


belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

i think you have to be signed up for the address exchange to view the other people's addresses. personally, i put up my picture, because i like to have an image of the people i am communicating with, and so i imagine other people do too. But, i don't have my address listed, because i don't feel comfortable with that. And only subscribers can see posts and thus photos on most of the forums.
But we are all adults (i think) and able to make our own decisions. i think the paranoia accusations may come from your rather intense out-of-the-blue warning, particularly on a thread ABOUT photos.

i am sorry about your bad experience. i can sympathize with your concern as a result of that. Perhaps talking about how it happened to you would be a more effective cautionary tale than simply telling people they shouldn't post pictures.

i remember having a stalker scare in my early 20s - fortunately nothing really bad happened - but i got mine the old fashioned way - i had met him in person.

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Hey, this is great. I love putting faces with names. Would be neat if Dave could include our pics in the box on the left either just above or below our names and addresses.

Awww, I just checked the preview and the copyright is directly across my face. Oh, well!


Thumbnail by frausnow
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

here is my 2¢ on this thread . . . very neat idea for those who want to participate but quickly getting to be a total bore due to all the chatter from those who do not want to participate. folks, it is like the t.v. set - - you can turn it on or not, but please stay off the uh-oh squad cryin' the blues about all the things that might be or might not be. it really feels like you're taking a leak in my cornflakes and you know what i do with someone who's naughty!   LOL  

i mean this sincerely - - lighten up!

Thumbnail by LazLo
Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I hate when that happens to my corn flakes.

Rockaway, NJ(Zone 6a)

ROFL LazLo - on the topic of your picture - do you know how many fake santa's I caught as a kid because they were NOT wearing wedding rings? I was a terrible kid, I'd point it out right there in front of everyone. Very devoted to the real Santa, I was... *chuckle*

Anyway, here's a random pic of me I've got around. That's a microphone in front of me - I was playing DJ at the time.


Thumbnail by sevidra
Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I wouldn't have thought of the wedding ring. Maybe Santa had an open mariage and was looking for MILF's?

So you live in NJ? I like the picture I'll be by to stalk you later. My Yugo doesn't really like to travel that far without a few repairs so it might take a while to get up to Jersey. Like everyone from NJ I have to ask you what exit you live on? For some reason everyone from Jersey seems to identify with what exit they live on. LOL.

Oh I'm going to start annoying a lot of people at once so I'll be quiet for now.

Rockaway, NJ(Zone 6a)

And the littlest gardener in our household. Baby Farmer!

Thumbnail by sevidra
Rockaway, NJ(Zone 6a)

Lol 28.

That's because Jersey is _riddled_ with highways, and we all seem to live near one. Easiest way to find people is to ask which exit to take off which highway, and the rest is fairly easy. Of course, if you don't know which highway, it can get tough. LOL

I had Santa's explain it as "it'd get caught on the presents", "It was too tight - too many cookies", and even "Wouldja lookit that? Where'd my ring go?"

I fell for the last one. We spent two hours hunting for Santa's ring at the mall that day. Probably the most peaceful day my parents had had in a long time. *laugh*


High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

CoreHHI If your single I think you would make a cute couple, assuming Sevidra is single as well. You both have that young (or in your case CoreHHI, youngish) good looking thing going on.

I would suggest if you are seriously considering this stalking business you get a faster car though. My friend had a Yugo and I am fairly certain a Segway could out run it.

All joking aside... Sevidra stalking is a very serious thing and any man who posts a photo of himself on a carousel is no doubt not only a major threat to you, but a threat to national security as well. For that matter so is your gay, vegetarian cat...

Perhaps you and CoreHHI belong together after all.

And LazLo, I'll never look at a bowl of corn flakes the same way again. :)

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Sevidra, we crossed posts.... Looks like CoreHHI needs to find new stalking material. A gay cat and a baby (with the inevitable poopy diapers) are sure to turn a potential stalker away.

However, you will now receive several private Dmails admonishing you for posting a picture of your baby. I posted a few of my kids here (including one on this thread) and got read the riot act. Well, fact is I live in crazyland and there are tons of whackos here (mostly relatives, but that isn't the point) I am not going to live my life in fear, especially of a bunch of gardeners. Plus I'm one of those overprotective moms who never lets their kids out of their site. Not to mention I live in a fairly rural, very save, (read= crazy gun toting) close knit neighborhood. LOL

Rockaway, NJ(Zone 6a)

*chuckle* Thanks for the compliment about age, but I'm old enough to have my eldest be 12 (and not have been a teenage mom). And I think the riot of my four boys would be enough to scare off ANY stalker. :)

Besides, anyone who had the misfortune of choosing us for kidnappings would have their hands full - we don't victimize well. And the ones who hadn't been would go after the one who had, so there would be a horde of angry people chasing down anyone who thought to take my boys. :D

You live in crazyland?! So THAT's where my Mom came from! Oh wait, no, she was born in NH and lives in VT.

Oh wait. Cow-colored houses (think Jersey, black-and-white cow). My mother lives in Crazyland. You're just in the Land for Nutjobs - the folks who didn't pass the Crazy Tests. (like the Marines are for those who failed the Army tests LOL (my grandpa was a Marine)).


Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

So I'm an old gay guy? How does that happen? Just for that Tom (who is a women) your not getting invited to the Camellia Society or the Rose Growers Society. I have such pretty hybrids this year and you can't have one.

4? Oh, I have 2 that makes 6 and then we would have to have another so at least one of them can call us mommy and daddy. We would have to get going on that since I'm not sure how much longer this Viagra stuff is going to work. Have to buy a small bus to go anywhere. Not sure if your stalking material, LOL. I had two in diapers at the same time and I don't have that happy of memories about that. I do remember when my wife hurdled while changing a diaper. Dogs moving on that mess, one crawling around see what was going, useless wife in the bathroom, a poopy baby, had my hands full. How fast things can get out of hand.

I live near Parris Island so we have an insult on half the county I live in. Nice. You might be right on the army thing but don't tell anyone I said that.

BTW Sevidar you can't stalk the willing so stop D-mailing me with other pictures and what am I going to do with your cell phone number?

Thumbnail by CoreHHI
Greenwich, OH

All veterans,no matter what military branch defends our country and people.
They lay their life down for all of us.Please!respect and honor our troops and veterans.
Comments like this is so immature and degrading to our veterans and troops and all respectable citizens of the US.

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Cute kids!

For the record 'youngish' means just that. 30s give or take, I personally consider myself youngish... LOL

And i believe it is Sevidra's cat living the alternative lifestyle, not you.

I noticed you took no offense to the good looking bit in my comment... By the way Camellias won't grow here, and I suck at roses. :P

Rockaway, NJ(Zone 6a)

Skimper, please. My GRANDPA - who I love deeply and respected all his life - was a Marine. I pointed that out, showing that the intelligence comment was because it was funny, not out of disrespect.

PC is only good when it's in moderation or against things that are real insults - if I got insulted every time folks made blonde jokes, I'd stop enjoying my life and just spend the whole time grouching.

I grew up a long time ago and learned to smile about it. People know I'm not stupid, they know I'm not cheap, they know I'm not a shopaholic (all stereotypes applied to things I am), but I generally don't need to _point that out_ just because someone makes a joke at my expense. Sheesh.

Skin thicker than rice paper is a GOOD thing.

And yeah, Core, tom was talking about my kitty. We tried to feed her meat - she won't even eat wet cat food. She'll steal veggies off our plates, though - and eat my plants, which is probably the thread tom got the info about her from.

We even tried introducing her to a wonderful, gentlemanly, sweet male cat we found, when she was in heat. She beat him up. She went into heat whenever she met the downstairs neighbors' FEMALE cat, though - and another female cat we met later. We eventually got her fixed, figuring it wasn't doing her any good anyway - can't have kittens if her heat is all for females.

She's definitely a threat to national security. *grin*


Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

LOL, oh no. To much info on the cat.

Skimper you were never in the military so be quiet. Every branch of the military has a joke about another, all funny but what you would say is "in bad taste". It's for morale and a sense of belonging to a group. You are overdosing with PC and should go talk to someone who is in the arm forces right now and see what they're saying about different branches. They all have jokes and saying about each other. I know guys around here who went to work for private security companies (?) in Iraq because they were looking for the action. Lot of old special forces guys looking for what they were trained to do but don't like the military restrictions. LOL. In a lot of cases they never saw real action or they miss that type of life style.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Tom in my own mind "I'm to sexy for this thread". LOL. I'm not going to go cry in my closet over what you said.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Why do blondes smile durning a lightning storm?

They think their picture is being taken.

Rockaway, NJ(Zone 6a)

rofl don't get me started telling blonde jokes - I've heard em all. OH! that gives me a wonderful, terrible idea. Oh, this is awful, I'm going to go do something tasteless. *wicked grin*


Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)


Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Sevidra - again??????

Didja hear about the blonde who was doing some weed-whacking in her yard and accidentally took off the cat's tail?

She quickly dropped the weed-whacker, grabbed up the kitty and the tail, and rushed them off to WalMart!

Why WalMart, you ask?

Well, duh! It IS the largets retailer around ya know!

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Darn it, this stalking thing never works. I say I'm going to stalk someone and it never works right. A couple of weeks ago a said I was going to stalk this 35 year old and she got a big grin. Handed me her cell phone number then said she would be a brick oven at 8. What the? Think I'm becoming a member of the ladies "friends club". Just because I have an interest in "landscaping" not "gardening" doesn't mean anything. I needed a hobby that I could do around the house. Someone said my choice in dogs was odd too.

In case anyone was wondering, not much to do work wise today.

Thumbnail by CoreHHI
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Looks like a tough guy to me!!!

I was busy all morning, but now I'm killing time while i wait for a career-defining meeting. (It's play on the computer or puke!) Tough call...

Rockaway, NJ(Zone 6a)


Clydesdale terrier?

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Are you kidding me. That is a Schnauzer straight from the breed book. Here's my other one that, well I have papers but he has a few not so show dog qualities.

Thumbnail by CoreHHI
High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

I love Schnauzers! Big dog attitude in a smallish dog. Your second dog has particularly endearing ears.

Now, Core I mean no disrespect to your dog by calling him smallish. :) :)

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Sequee, Don't puke (unless Core's dog is around, in which case you won't have to clean it up). When is your meeting? Hope it goes well.

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

All right, I'm the crazy morning glory lady sending out all those seeds!

Thumbnail by ByndeweedBeth
Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Oh no we caught her attn. Someone how B posted one night and the next night it had something like 1000 replies. LOL.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Hey, BETH! Soooooooo nice to see you. (And it will be soooooo nice to see your MG's in my garden next years!)

Meeting w/HR and the CEO went well. Now the CEO will meet with the Senior Director of Life Care Services, with whom I will work directly, and the Executive Director. Later this week we will follow up with a full scale meeting. (Mmmmm - more barf!)

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Here is a picture I grabbed off my network camera .. that's why it's so grainy which is a good thing cause I'm really ticked off and I'd rather you not see that disgusted look in my eyes. Some new software mugged my new computer I just built (you can sort of see it to the left of the monitor in the background) and my backup images of the system were corrupted. In English that means I have to start from ground zero with my new computer .. partition & format the hard drive, load the system, get the network up. I'm at the format stage .. takes about an hour to format a 200 gig drive.


Thumbnail by Xeramtheum
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Holy moly - that's some project! Good luck!

Nice to see you!

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

Hey X, are you sure you didn't have that look on your face from reading the MG forum, LOL!

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