
This message was edited Jul 3, 2005 9:04 AM

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

I don't! Quit last spring...for good. Alleluhia!! I am so happy that I made it. The whole story is quite disgusting actually. I smoked when I was quite young (18) until I was 30. At that point, I had two kids under 5 years of age and a husband that had never smoked. I really don't know how he stood it all those years!! Anyway, I quit....cold turkey! It wasn't that difficult, I remember. No big deal! I went for 15 years without smoking unti I met my second and last husband, who smoked like a steam engine and had done so for 30 years. Oh, it began innocently enough,...started lighting them for him, then had the odd puff, after a couple weeks, one...and then...well. :(

Anyway, I am ashamed to say I smoked for 10 years, again!! I know, I know..I was crazy! Anyway, finally, both of us, quit ( and this time it's forever) last Spring. For my husand, it was a major accomplishment, nearly miracle. His family couldn't believe he could ever quit after 40 years. Neither did he! But he did and so did I. Whoo Hoo!! That's my story.

Thumbnail by OldFlowerGirl

This message was edited Jul 3, 2005 9:05 AM

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)


I know why you started this. To nag me to stay stopped. Right??
I do not want DG to nag and keep me on the straight and narrow the way you do.
Ginny really giggling

Edited to add EVIL INTENT

This message was edited Nov 28, 2004 12:26 PM

I am so innocent. Do you see any mention of you? Did not even mention anyone in the process of quitting.

Of course it's much better to declare yourself a non-smoker to the world. Much harder to slip backwards that way. Plus I know that our DG friends will support you all the way. Just feel I could use some help cheering you on.



Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

And I love you too.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I'm all in favour of folks quitting smoking! :-) I've only tried it once or twice in my life, & detest the stuff. Having heard all the stories out there about how hard it is to quit, I heartily congratulate anyone who's managed it. Way to go you guys!

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Been quit a long time now. Started when I was 13, quit when I was 20. I couldn't have done it if I hadn't been prego and knew the risks. The cravings lasted for years and years. I could still get started again quite easily, even tho I get a headache when first entering a smoky room. I was doing 2 packs a day when I quit so I think I'm one of those easily addicted people. Still say - the extra weight is better than the smoking!!!!! lol

Congrats to all others who've quit and hang in there to those attempting. I do have sympathy for those not quitting - they're not being treated very fairly, me thinks!! And many of those doing the preaching, and law passing, etc., are reformed smokers! I think it's that 'what's good for the goose is good for the gander' syndrome. A chill pill is called for at times.......... lol

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Hang in there Ginny. You can do it! We are all rootin' for you. It's tough, and I know it! But you are stronger than the addiction! Remember that.

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

I'am a smoker as well.......I stopped for 4 yrs cold turkey, and then restarted--totally crazy I know...How I kick myself..Have slowed down but have to get the right mind set to just stop again.
Mind over matter/want that freedom again-

Ingrid, we'll be here for you any time you decide it's the right time again. I loooove cheering on quitters. One time in life when it's great to be a quitter and not considered weak character.

I know Ginny is going to make it.

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Brenda, thanks for the support..I did it once, will do it again-but will NEVER consider it again onced quite..When I look back I had it beat, and there is no excuse except totally stupid..on my part.
The worst part, it is horrible and it does stink and.......Just got to get with it and be released from this bondage!!

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Ingrid, You Go Girl!! Ginny too!

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

I smoked as a teen. I know it may not count for much, but I was a pack a day smoker at 16. I was living in northern BC and probably one of those kids your mothers warned you about. LOL.

Anyway, I quit cold turkey, and haven't cigs smoked since. I haven't smoked anything since I was 19.

I do know though how hard it is to quit something that has a physical and mental hold on you. Smoking is really tough.
I've learned through experience that no one else made me smoke. No one else put the butt in my mouth, it was all up to me. One thing that helped me, was knowing that I didn't have to think about not smoking ever again, but just for right now. I could do anything for one minute. Just don't light up for that one minute, and then the next, and so on.

I know it sounds very simple, but it's really hard. My support goes out to you both for trying to quit. And to those who have quit, way to go!

We have a non smoking house, I'll get an ashtray for you outside if you're still smoking by then...

Linda in Victoria

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Here are my stats: I have quit for 1 Month, 3 Days, 5 hours, 20 minutes and 10 seconds (34 days). I have saved $121.99 by not smoking 684 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Days and 9 hours of my life. My Quit Date: 10/26/2004

I also quit cold turkey after a big medical scare. I won't post my weight gain. LOL!

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Good for you Brugie, and glad you made it through the medical scare.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Thanks. It wasn't hard at all. Just wish I had done it years and years ago.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I have been relatively smoke free since July 5th of this year.....I have smoked an occassional cig, but not more than 10 total since stopping. It's certainly a hard thing to do after 30 years of puffing away.
My hat's off to everyone who is able to do this.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Linda, - the correct Linda lol= your idea of one minute at a time is a good one. I keep breaking down after 2 weeks or so. Something goes wrong. I have a major or mini drama and ..... off to get cigs out of the frezer. Last time I gave the rest of the pack away. AND NO MORE

Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

Been 3 years and not looking back :), part of the money I saved from it went into my plant "fetish" (go figure)
Regarding weight gain: if someone looses it I'll find it without even looking for it LOL.


Ginny, do you remeber your quit date?

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Linda, I totally respect the non smoking home rule..No ashtray outside for me as well.This maybe, another blessing that no one smokes for it doesn't give me that idea as much..Who knows maybe by the time I see you I wll have quit.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

LOL, Milan! :-D

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

I wonder if those of you who have quit more than once, noticed the same thing that I did. That it was far easier to quit when I was 30 after 12 years of smoking, than it was when I was 56 after 10 years. Maybe it was the difference of not having two kids under 5 to chase after when I was(am) 56?

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Holy cow, Brugie ---- Major KUDOS to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is wonderful!!!!! Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Hi Milan,

Quit day was Sept. 30th. Have had at least 3 lapses since then.
Weqk willed Ginny - feeling STRONG today.

Pickering, ON(Zone 5b)

I have stopped smoking twice... but only quit once.......This time for good...

The first time I stopped smoking for 15 years then a major life upset started me again. Now for the past 4 years I have QUIT.....

Oldflowergirl, you are right it was harder the second time around.......


Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

First time around I stopped for 2 years and stupid me started again (my excuse work and personal stress at the time but more accurately I was just weak and thought I could just stop again when I want. Hah the brain lied). This is now the second time around and my mind is set to not have a re-lapse happen again and I will not listen to "brain farts" anymore. IMHO it's easier to stop these days as smoking is banned in most places so one can avoid being hit with "craving Inducing" smoke in the intial "withdrawl" period.


This thread disappeared after a time, and was forgotten by most. Some of you are going to have some 'testy' times over Christmas, if you haven't been quit for too long a time. Some are probably thinking of making a New Years Resolution. If that's what works for you, great. Any day is a good day to quit.

Don't give up on yourself if you tarnish your halo. Just get back at it, and keep away from temptation if you have to. You are still ahead. No Ginny, this isn't aimed at you, cause I know you're going to make it. Just wanted to offer some words of encouragement to any who might need it, in case you don't get some from anyone else.


Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Thank-You for encouraging words...
Blessings, Ingrid

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I am here: I have quit for 1 Month, 3 Weeks, 1 Day, 21 hours, 52 minutes and 52 seconds (53 days). I have saved $192.18 by not smoking 1,078 cigarettes. I have saved 3 Days, 17 hours and 50 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 10/26/2004

This little program (Quit Keeper) helps me too. All I have to do is look at how much I've saved in $$ and days extra that I might live. I've almost saved enough to buy half of the recliner that I want. In a year, I'll have a new couch. LOL!

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Whoo Hoo, Way to go Shirley!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I should have added that I eat like a horse, but every bite tastes a lot better. The other day I followed a fellow into one of our stores and I couldn't believe how bad the cigarette smell was. I know I must have smelled just like that when I smoked and it wasn't pretty. I apologize to everyone that I every offended by my smoking and to those who still smoke and I have to avoid right now, but I just haven't been away from cigarettes long enough to know that I'm strong enough not to pick one up without thinking. I'm addicted to plants in a big way, but cigarettes have to be the worst thing there is to get away from. I'm luckier than many, but had it not been for finding the nodule in my lung, I'd probably still be puffing away and making excuses for why I hadn't quit yet. My husband quit over six years ago and I've been going to quit all that time................well I have now. I hope you all can have as much luck quitting as I have. I try not to say that I've quit just yet. I've stopped.

Good for you Shirley, you are well on your way.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Thanks you guys. I don't post here a lot, but this thread is marked and I've been keeping up.

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Way to go Shirley, keep it up.

Ingrid, you too, keep at it.

Ginny, how is it going for you?

I've been thinking of all of you that are trying to quit, and been sending good thoughts your way these past few weeks.


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3a)

Congratulations to all the Quitters! Brugie, I will congratulate you on your new chair now, I hope you post a pic of it when you bring it home!

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Ginny is finding really hard. Broke down on Dec 14, last Tuesday. now on day 4 ofthis time. Am determinedto do it, just have to. Echoes - Mother Hen helps.

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

You'll make it, Ginny.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Hang in there Ginny. I had smoked for about 40 years so if I can do it, anyone can. Keep that hard candy around. It is cheaper than the gum and patches and will work. I think it is a mind set. When you decide you are done, you will be. You just have to be ready and you have to do it for you, not someone else. I'm not saying you won't need support. I obviously do or I wouldn't be reading this thread, but it helps me, especially to know that I'm not the only one going through this. When an old habit rears its ugly head, like drinking coffee and having a smoke, I just quit drinking coffee. Now, I can drink coffee without thinking about the cigarettes. A couple of good weeks and you will win the battle. You go girl!!

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